02 December, 2007

I added the entire page from my site in order to help the victims of gang stalking. We have information available and we must protest against the violation of human rights by the secret government and stop fascist like reinforcement backing-up the thought control and population control in our world. We have right to change our society free from any discrimination or authorities keeping minorities under oppression.

Summary of Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Thomas
I added this section in order to help the people who do not have a chance to get the information in the book. The book covers almost everything from the history of the operation against the citizens to the strategies for the TIs. If you have a chance to purchase or borrow the book from someone, please do so. Reading the book is better than reading this page. This is only a summary of the book. The main purpose is to help Japanese victims to get the information in the book. I tried to add English page in order to keep my Japanese translation clear from violating the copyrights of the author. However, it is better to keep the knowledge shared to the victims no matter if it is only a portion of the whole book. Remember, the book comes with full of facts like the exact numbers and the people worked in the operation, so please do not take this page for an alternative of reading the book. You can find the book at http://stores.lulu.com/marsboy683 and other places. There is a DVD also available.
Marshall Thomas' book, “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program,” has seventeen Chapters and includes the section about TI (targeted individuals). The original phoenix program was developed to “neutralize” citizens. It started as a operation for the Vietnam War in 1960s. By calling “neutralize,” Green Beret and Navy SEALs assassinated the Viet Cong allies. From the testimonies in the 80s, it revealed that the target was randomly generated from the Vietnamese identity cards. In other words, such “enemies to be neutralized” were randomly generated from the citizen lists.
As the improvement of silent kill techniques, US agencies has the technologies for manipulating the emotions and remotely “neutralize” the personality of individuals. MKULTRA and other researches enriched the techniques. Thomas writes that the technology could used in the mass for the better civil control.
There are many studies questionable for human rights violation. Thomas covers Eugenics, Human radiation experience project. Many universities and hospitals secretly gave the patients and pregnant woman radioactive for the government research. Prisoners were also the target of the radiation research for small wages.
During the cold war, the Americans had the need of developing better defense technologies. Under the General Doolittle's order, Americans put the security to accept working for dirty tricks. McCarthyism was used to accuse the people who might have synthesis in Communism. It is an never ending investigation to oppress the opponent.
After the WWII, the Nazi scientists migrated to the US under the “operation paperclip.” These scientists were allowed to avoid the Neurenberg Trial and continued to work in their research in the US military institutions.
Project Mockingbird was to suppress the Communism with the power of mass media. CIA got control of the major newspapers and magazines to spread their propaganda. The agency made budget for Europe media also. It was a world-wide level operation.
MKULTRA search was done to against the brainwash and mind control techniques going on in Russia and China. The US put more emphasis on the use of chemical drugs for the mind control.
Greenham Common in UK was a first place where electronic weapon was used to the citizens. The female peace activists camped outside of army base. They experienced sudden sickness which is similar to the symptoms of electromagnetic weapon effects. In the United States, DOD , DOJ, NIMH, and others are involved in non-lethal secret weapon inventions.
In 1977, there was a hearing for the mind control and drug operations on individuals. However, the experiment was not revealed because of the pressure from the congressional scrutiny. US military institutions have been working for the non-lethal weapons. The military technology is shared with the law enforcement.
From “Star Wars in Iraq,” the eye witness talks about the possibility of laser weapon used in Iraqi War by the Americans. The Iraqi medical doctor says that he could not imagine what type of weapon used to chop off the heads and body parts of the passenger in a bus. Another doctor said that a survivor explained to him that there was no explosion nor noise during the attack. There was no bullets in the bus.
CIA has been creating new religious groups since 1966. The founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, had connection with SFPD and Michael Aquino, a NSA officer and was involved with the establishment of the Church of Set. Later, SFPD accused Aquino with satanic retual child molestation at the day care in an army base, yet the charge was dropped by the pressure from the army. The new cults keep their own inner sense of reality, so the followers are easy to get engage with aniti-social activities such as organized stalking. People's Temple was an experiment of CIA, as the founder, Jm Jones, had connection with CIA. Leo Ryan, a statesman, was assassinated before he tried to investigate the cult.
California was a center of civil disorder. The Symbionese Liberation Army's leader was an informant of LAPD. Vacaville Medical Facility had behavior modification techniques like lobotomies and brain implanting. The Mason Family were related with The Foundation, which is involved in human sacrifice and ritualistic abuse.
Sexual blackmail was done for the fundraising for the RNC. Larry King, a pedophile, held a child prostitution network. The wealthy men and women were blackmailed due to their sexual relationships with minors. McMartrin Preschool child abuse scandal made Paul and Shirley Eberle the expert on child abuse by publishing two books about the case. The parents of the child victims hired professionals to discover underground tunnels beneath the building. The founder of the school is a CIA agent.
The Unification Church is related with KCIA as the early leaders were military officers and had credential with KCIA. KCIA has connection with CIA from its creation. The institution owns Washington Times.
The Children of God is a cult in Argentina and has over 300,000 followers in 60 countries. The initiation to the cult is sex related. Some famous figures in the world were blackmailed. The children sang for Barbara Bush and George Bush Sr. in some occasional media appeals. Sicentology is one of the cult that the Cult Awareness Network mentions. In 1980s, several church leaders and the founder's wife were sent to prison because of their surveillance against the government agencies to avoid investigation on their institution.
About Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), Thomas states that “Child victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse are in fact victims of MKULTRA experiments/programming” (Thomas 54). FMSF was established for denying the memories of the mind control and sexual abuse victims. The establisher and his wife were positive about pedophilia by saying that the child sex abuse victims have good memory about the experience.
Remote viewing was an cover operation for the development of pychotronics. Under the project, PSI Tech Corporation, NSA, INSCOM operated for the research. The research included the invention of microwave laser. The remote viewers are physicist in the military. The second project, Grill Frame, was to research further on micromagnetic weapons. The remote viewers were instructed by Ingo Swann, a Sicentologist. When they felt the danger of public exposure, the Grill Frame project was closed. PSI Tech was offering classes for Chatfield Senior High School, which the Columbine shooting occurred later. The name of the operation for the class session was Operation Guiding Light.
Thomas mentions three major figures of civilian control novels, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Marshall McLuhan. Owell invented the Big Brothers and Thought Police. 15 % of the population controles the last 85%. Huxley mentions the use of psychotic drug Soma to control the population. Social hierarchy is set by the technological advance in cloning. McLuhan explains the Internet invention in future around the 50s. Maelstrom is a movement to change the literature into electronic images.
Thomas gives an example of the tragedy of Minos; the fascist whose dictatorship was destroyed by Theseus. He compares the mythology with Adolf Hitler and the birth of the Weimar Republic. The Nazis movement started as the private policing percolate the German army. The holocaust made the dictator to believe himself above the law. Thomas says, “This was the moment of the birth of the Minotaur in the 20th century” (57).
The Eugenics and extreme racism caused the rationality on annihilation and genocide of Jews. Thomas writes that not only Jews but also, “Three million others perished in the camps, gypsies, Slavs, other supposed subhuman races, homosexuals, dissident Catholic priests, POW's, union leaders, political opponents, Germans caught aiding Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other religious sects, and the intellectuals of conquered nations.” Lebensraum (living space) is to descrive how to increase Germanic population above other races.
Textbooks and movies were selected to fit the propaganda. Because of the massive propaganda, “many Jews and other targeted groups were caught up in the excitement and joined the Nazi movement” (Thomas 57).
Totalitarianism occurred in Russia under the Stalin's regime, after the dictator removed half of the parliament congressman. In China, Mao broke out the communist revolution to control the country. “Mao's favorite tactic was to set opposing groups of people against each other to instill fear, eliminate potential rivals, and retain power despite popular discontent” (Thomas 58).
Cointerlpro is shortened form of counter intelligence program. It is developed by FBI to take care the domestic dissidents. Psychological warfare, the use of legal system for harassment, infiltration, extralegal violence like assasination are the characteristics. The targets are often the activists of any kind, opposing political parties, and any progressive groups in the US. Watergate was one of the cases that FBI and CIA's counterpro operation was revealed to the public. However, the Church committee received the reports which were revised by the agencies. And the investigators could not win in the next election. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) made people to access the FBI documents including some cointelpro informations, yet the most important information were never exposed. One of the known victim of cointelpro is Martin Luther King, Jr. The surveillance included the 112th military intelligence unit, and J. Edgar Hoover wrote a blackmail to King suggesting to commit suicide to cover up King's external affairs. With the example of civil right involved actress Jean Seaberg, Thomas writes “The theme of a forced suicide is repeated on others targeted by Cointelpro...” (Thomas 60). Sucide is a perfect condition to cover the crime of the intelligence agencies. The covert operation was often held against minorities, Asian American, Native American, Arab American, and so on. Some targets were falsely charged or murdered. FBI infiltrated KKK and other extreme groups to use their forces to suppress the civil rights activism. “The favorite tactic used in infiltration of activist groups is the 'snitch jacket' where suspicion of being an informant is used against legitimate leaders” (Thomas 60). Then the agents work on propaganda to spread the false rumors and increase the arguments among the members. Nowadays, cointerpro operation comes together with electromagnetic weapons. “These internal dissidents are used as human guinea pigs and experimental subjects in terminal experiments that are designed to force a suicide, incarceration, or premature death due to the effect of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation” (Thomas 61). Due to the invisible attacks and the microwave effect similar to schizophrenia, the target cannot receive help from the psychiatric society.
CIA has been working on destabilization of countries and influence on foreign governments. In Iran, CIA made a report that Shah who regained his regime is a sociopath and power crazy from the trauma of his fathers domination. In Guatemara, CIA supported the United Band to overthrow the government. CIA accused the government as Communist, and genocidal war broke out by the US trained people. In Iraq, Hussein was paid by CIA and started war on Iran with the fear of Iranian revolution. CIA backed up Iraqi government in the war. When Iraq submitted weapon program 11,800 page document to UN Security Council in 2002, Bush administration took the possession of the document and took 8,000 pages out. That part included the precise information of the US and Western weapon and technology sales to Iraq before 1991.
During the WWII, US made contact with Italian mafias to defeat Nazis in the northern Italy. The French Connection, a film, explains how smuggling helped to enrich the markets. Nazis criminals used “rat lines” to escape to the US and South America. Kuomintang (KMT) was a major area for heroin production. The opium production is related with the defeated Chiang Kai Shek who was backed up by the US. Afghanistan is another place where opium is produced. CIA brought weapons to the country for the exchange with heroins. Dead American solders' bodies were used to smuggle the drugs. Because of the drug trafficking related with the agency, the inspection cannot eliminate the drug problem.
CIA had covert operations abroad also. Edwin Wilson, a CIA agent, sold weapons and technologies with the companies like Control Data Corporation to fundraising CIA. The trial against him was dismissed because of the CIA backup for the commerce. In Australia, the Nugan-Hand Bank was built to cover weapon trade. When the Australian Prime Minister Whitlam had intention of investigating CIA's influence on the government affairs, the Governor General John Kerr dismissed the Prime Minister. BCCI, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, is another bank that backed up CIA operations. It aided George W. Bush as well as the terrorist group, al Quaeda. San Jose Mercury news reporter, Gary Webb, debunked the CIA profited SF bay area drug ling related with Crips and Bloods of LA. He writes that the money was used for Nicaraguan guerrilla operation. The journalist was murdered later. From the author's staying in Guatemala, he found out the fear among the Guatemalan citizens that image of Americans were same as kidnappers who sold their children to sex ring and organ donor seekers.
Katherine Griggs learned how the power elites and military personnels are in the secret society from her corrupt marriage with a military officer. She explains her ex-husband story of sexual ritual of the elites and how they encourage the mass killing of innocent people for their advantages. She included the names who are Zionist trying to take over the world, Donald Rumsfeld, George H. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Andy Fine, and others. Later she figured out that her home and her car were burglarized, yet the police and FBI did not do anything. Then she started to experience strange things such as someone “leave twelve screw drivers on my kitchen counter.” Just like Griggs, Strawcutter made tapes called “Sleeping With The Enemy” to describe how The Brotherhood works to create the new world order.
The early 70s, USSR started individual level experiment on microwave weapons and mind control techniques. The US also were working on brain research. Radio frequency weapons and other electromagnetic weapons became a subject for the both countries. Such weapons have the capacity of civil control at the time of riot and revolutionary movement. Acoustic weapon is capable of “create scallops of infra-sound waves in the head, wiping clean all information stored by the brain cells.” In this century, Russians and Americans agreed to share the technologies for the use by the Americans. The patent of the technology is held by Psychotechnologies Corp, which is managed by John B. Alexander, Albert Stubblebine, Michael Aquino.
Moscow signal started on July 4th, 1976. The radio signal is the most strong signal that can hear all over the world. The signal ranges between 3.26 to 17.5 megahertz. The extremely low frequency (ELF) would be used for mind control and behavior change. CIA stated that certain ELF would cause cancer. The US Air Force found that the Russians sending the signals on earth. The purpose is th change the human conciousness. 7.83 Hz is the Schumann Resonance to make the person relax, and 10.8 Hz makes the person aggressive. The wave can cause cancer, so the transmitters were build in several places in the world including Australia to send them back to Russia.
Nikola Tesla was the first scientist mentioned the use of electromagnetics on human being. The earliest study would be go back to the middle of the 1930s. Japanese spent research on “Death Ray,” which could kill humans in 5 to 10 miles distance.
Andre Puharich were working on electronic brain implants and later interested in the radio tooth implant. Dr. Allen Frey was another person who are working on radio frequency. He found that 1310MHz and 2982MHz microwaves with the density avarage of 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 can make the human to hear sounds. The sound seemed to hear from “within or near the back of the head” (Thomas 76). Dr. Ross Adey working at UCLA studied that emotional control on the subject in the eletctromagnetic field. Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey's work is also important on microwave audio transmission. Their work invented the world, “Frey effect” which is synonym of “microwave hearing” or “Artificial Telepathy.” Dr. Karl Pribram of Stanford University discovered the process and storing images of the brain. Dr. Michael Persinger found a way to make the subject to create “UFO abduction or meeting with God” experiences.
The real concept of Star Wars was not to save the US from Soviet nuclear threat. The funding went to building HAARP. “HAARP is the world's largest electro magnetic broadcasting station..” It could change weathers, destroy any flying objects including missiles and air planes, mind control the population. HAARP can project the 1 to 20Hz frequencies, which human brain processes. Patric Flanagan's invention of Neurophone gives another function to HAARP. By using its transmission, it can cover this planet under the wireless neurophone network.
There are many US patents shows the use of the invention would function similar to the testimonies of the electromagnetic weapon victims. Patent number 3951134 is one example. The invention is “Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves.” Other inventions include, #6011991, #6017302, #3773049, #4858612, #4877027, #5123899, #5159703, #5356368. RFID and other invention are used to monitor the subjects including endangered animals.
Psychological warfare is based on disinformation and confusion on the enemies. During the Vietnam War, the US army killed some of the entire village populations and spread the information that it was done by the Vietcong. Thus, the citizens would against Vietcong for the war.
Lockheed-Sanders produces microwave weapons that include sending audio information remotely to the target's brain. According to DOD's announcement in 2006, the military officers would require microchip implant in future. The nonleathal weapons could be used for crowd control to eliminate the function of a country. According to the article on London Sunday Times on July 6, 1975, the US Navy trained assassins and some of them are taken from the military prisons. Some of the government articles suggest the military's intention to use non-lethal weapons to terrorists and criminals. Navy psychologist trained assassins by conditioning them to have no emotional swing for a murder. There are two Navy centers such training has done. One is in San Diego and the other one is in Italy. The assassins are taught to view their future enemies as non-human.
In 1930s, Remote hypnotic study began. Soviet physiology were the first pioneers. Later CIA developed a technology called RHIC-EDOM, Radio Hypnotic Induced Control/Electronic Dissolution of Memory. Using this technique, the subject falls into trance to receive the suggestions and the trace of the hypnosis as erased from the subject's memory. This method includes INTRAMUSCULAR implants, which are able to disturb the functions of certain part of brain for hypnosis. Trigering the suggestion is through the radio. Emotion would transmitted to the subject by radio signals. Some UFO abductees memory loss can be explained by this technique. Rauni Kilde, MD, wrote about the NSA mind control method using satellites to send signals to implants and microchips. Kilde warns that the human brain to computer connection would become a threat to humans.
In the 90s, Janet Morris investigated the Russian mind control technologies and later became the Research Director of the US Global Strategy Council (USGSC). During the 90s, USGSC gained access to majority of national labs, industries, and human resources.
In 1962, the director of the US Bureal of Prisons offered the opportunity of using prisoners for experiments to psychiatrists and social scientists. The British installed “House of Fun,” which is actually a torture chamber in the Special Branch of Dubai.
CIA has three types of companies/organizations. First one is the company owned by the agency yet the appearance is a private company. Second type has side business to support the activity of the agency. Third is established by the ex-officers to help the agency.
John Perkins is the author of the book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (EHM). Perkins writes that EHMs are hired by the corporations yet they were paid by the private sectors. Their jobs are to create a senario to make them in debt from banks while they work for the target company. They meet with the third world country leaders for negotiation. When the leaders refused the proposal, they would get into accidents such as happened in the President of Ecuador. By their works, the developing countries remain under debt. Until 1980, military dictation was the main US foreign policy. Nowadays, the US use economic domination to keep the unions and countries under its control.
Scientific Applications International Corp (SAIC) owns I.P. Address and now cost each address $50 per one year. It used to be free for registration under Network Solutions. SAIC share the profit with the US government agencies such as CIA and DOD. SAIC is connected with Stanford Research Institute and “non-lethal weapon” developments. The military offers the technology for information warfare. “It includes the capability to intercept TV and radio transmissions from hostile countries, synthesize the voice and even the video of a foreign leader addressing in his country, change the content, and re-broadcast it via satellite jamming” (Thomas 108). After 911, the terrorist threat and war against terrorism made SAIC to expand its revenue and power among military complex. SAIC has many military related workers and they established the Iraq Reconstruction and Development Council before the Iraqi war started. During the 70s and the 80s, SAIC made a human radiation experiment on the veterans with the support of the government. In 1988, most veterans have died. SAIC and Bechtel made established radioactive waste dumping site in Yucca Mountain. For reducing the storing wast costs, SAIC introduced the recycling the waste by mixing the radioactive contaminated metals with other metals. Recycled metals were used to produce kitchenwares and other tools. After the danger of the radioactive contamination became noticed, SAIC wrote the safe recycling limit for the regulation.
Other companies with government connection includes DynCorp, Hadron, Schlumberger. The third one, Shlumberger, is the largest oil boring company in the world. Thomas writes, “Oil companies are routinely used as cover for information gathering by US intelligence agencies, particularly because oil is a strategic commodity, and also because employees have an excuse to travel to just about anywhere in the world” (Thomas 112). Thomas mentions anthropologists and journalists as cover for making easy travel around the world.
For other important key terms, Thomas addresses; PNAC, Enron, Peak Oil, Trans National Corporations (TNCs), Think Tanks, Escheron, PROMIS, TIA. PROMIS is a computer program that is capable of reading and mixing different computer programs and data at once. The software can find the assets of the total natural resources of the world from combining the information. Total Information Awareness (TIA) is a technology to combine the information of the individuals. “Under the TIA program created by DARPA the government is now monitoring almost all activity of all Americans, including bank deposits, shopping, web surfing, academic grades, divorce records, spending, phone calls, utility usage, travel, virtually everything” (119). In future, TIA is going to recognize the individual by voice or body odor or device to read the individual's mind.
There seemed the insider trading on many companies around the world when the 911 attack happened. “The levels of options purchased the week of 9/11 were more than six times higher than normal” (120). According to CBS, seven countries had over $100 million net profits from fishy trading. Osama Bin Ladin family have been used Deutsch Bank and the bank has connection with the banks in Middle East which George W. Bush involved. Bush family relates with Carlyle Groups and Alex Brown helped the group when they bought United Defense in 2000. After 911, SEC, NYSE, CBOE, DOJ, FBI, Secret Service, CIA, Treasury, NSA, held an investigation on the insider trading yet none of them revealed information to the media.
Operation Cyclone is to train and work with the freedom fighters. Ladin was training private military during the 80s for their customer. The US declared Ladin as an enemy, so it would make a good excuse to hold a US army base in Saudi Arabia after Kuwait was invaded by Iraq. The Soviet Union supported Afghanistan PDPA government. Taliban took the control of the country in 1996 with the support from the ISI, Unocal, Delta. However, Taliban banned opium cultivation and the world supply lost 80%. “Under the current US sponsored Afghan government led by former Unocal employee Ahmid Karzai, the warlords now control the production of successive record opium harvests” (126).
The US district court in Washington dropped the lawsuit against human testing. The International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons (ICOMW) claims that DOD and the CIA were working on such researches in order to create electromagnetic weapons. The court decision was based on the people who are the victim of the experiment do not belong to the organization, ICOMW. Also the judge commented that it is too broad to support the claim.
It is almost impossible to make the government to admit their violation on human rights, yet some victims succeeded. One of the Canadian MKULTRA victim had a spouse who worked in the parliament. The Olsen family in the US is another case. Olsen worked as a scientist for government research. Many other victims are prisoners, mental patients, and people in the bottom of the social structure. An NSA employee made a productive lawsuit against the government agency.
The John St Clare Akwei vs. NSA case shares important information about the NSA activities using electronic equipments. EMF Brain Stimulation, Remote Neural Monitoring and other techniques for electronic surveillance. They are capable of reading and recording the thought and images in the brain of the subject. Moreover, they can project images while the subject is in REM sleep. “The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to monitor remotely and non-invasively information in the human brain by digitally decording the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emmissions from the brain” (128). The brain responds 3Hz to 50Hz frequencies. NSA can only send signals in that range. In the table, Auditory Cortex is 15Hz and Visual Cortex is 25Hz of Bioelectric Resonance Frequency. The others are; Motor Control Cortex 10Hz, Somatosensory 9Hz, Thought Center 20Hz.
For the current legislation, informed consent can be avoidable for secret research. The mice has more protection from the law because of the Animal Welfare Act.
The LSD has been tested among citizens and the US solders by the government. The US solders cannot sue the government as the claim was rejected by the US Army. However, the Nuremberg Code's first principle is “1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential” (130).
Thomas writes about Targeted Individual (TI). The harrasment against them occurs wherever they move. The store would get crowded by the strangers and their personal items are stolen from their homes. This type of harrassment is very strange for the person who does not know about Cointelpro techniques. Also, the strategy is designed to camouflage the symptoms of mental illness. By mentally and physically attacked including the use of non-lethal weapons, the target have hard time to maintain his health. “The ELF attack records the wave form of their EEG and downloads their 'inner voice' which is broadcast to the harassment groups through the internet and other means” (131). The spontaneous psychological abuse is aimed for the subject's mental break down is “similar to what was done in the lab under MKULTRA” (131). The voice to skull technology cause the target to hear voices. The target would hear voices to drive them to commit crimes. “The effort to cause school shootings is a classical destabilization campaign to raise the level of fear in society that promotes acceptance of repressive measures by the parents but also has led to school children living in fear and seeing armed uniformed men in the school that normalizes their acceptance of living in a police state” (131).
The targeted individual's family members and their pets are also become the target. Forming a group by the TIs are also interrupted. The technology can cause arguments among people. Not all targets have the same attacks. Some may only experience gang stalking while others are suffering from electronic harassment.
“The Weed and Seed program is touted as a method to prevent violent crime and drug trafficking in select neighborhoods using multiple government agencies, Federal, State, and local authorities to mobilize residents in a targeted are to assist law enforcement in identifying and removing violent offenders and drug traffickers from their neighborhoods” (132).
In the Milgram Experiment, the subjects were asked to continue experiment. The “teacher” gives electro shock to the “learner” as a panishment when his answer is not correct. The “teacher” hear the instruction to keep the experiment no matter the “learner” starts to complain about the experiment. Some “teachers” stopped to continue the experiments when the “learner” showed extreme disgust on the experiments and tried to sabotage it. Actually, the “learner” is not receiving the shock but acting to test the change in the “teacher.” Similar experiments were done in many places in the world and the result was almost same. “The percentage of participants who are prepared to inflict fatal voltages remains remarkably constant, between 61% and 66%, regardless of time or location” (133).
Triggering is used to create a psychological trauma. “When South American dissidents were taken into custody and tortured it was common practice to use a coke bottle to sodomize the victim with” (133). This practice gave them the trauma with the coke bottle, so anytime they saw coke bottles in the street, it causes them to have a flash back of the experience. In this case, the coke bottle is used as a “trigger.” Other types of tactics includes Street Theater and electronic harassment. Such psychological abuse has serious effect, and if the target tries to talk with psychiatrists, it would bring out the result of legal imprisonment and claiming the target as mentally ill. This psychological abuse has characteristics which have developped in the army and intelligence.
The past Phoenix program made a revival and now used against the Targeted Individuals. Using Cointelpro program with non-lethal weapon against them. “Just as Eschelon vacuumed up millions of communication signals of phones and faxes, now supercomputers and satellites sift through the spectrum (10-20 Hz) of 6.5 billion brain waves” (139). Targeted Individuals consciousness is monitored and manipulated by the PROMIS AI software in the super computer used by NSA.
“Ultimate goal is some of world wide control along the lines of an Orwellian state where 1% of the population controls 15%, which in turn controls the remaining 84%” (140). In such society, we no longer need firearms or wars because “a one-world government run by the technological elite will shape the mind of the masses for a thousand years” (140). Once the reinforcement is infiltrated, it will form a shape of German society in the past that brought 50 million deaths. Hegelian and Gramtian philosophies are back of this plan as individuals are viewed to have less value. This program has another effect on the society; planned destabilization to cause panic in the mass for further psychological abuse on the mass to take their will.
Work Cited:
Thomas, Marshall. Monarch:The New Phoenix Program. Electronic Text.

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