It is about 2 weeks since my summer session started. I had almost 2 year blank from academic setting, but going back to school gave me an opportunity to focus on professional and reliable writing lesson. I am not sure how the perps doing at online campus setting, but they might have hard time to do any harassment there because everything must be monitored and logged by the university. Also, virtually no one can harass another without leaving a visible record of abuse.
Good thing is that online campus system has no way to send their students to jail or mental hospital by the university police. I am not sure how many American universities using the similar trick like what SJSU doing, but this indirect communication with others seems safer than attending the classroom physically. When I was studying at DeAnza College, they had a bomb threat by Al Deguzmann. For the online school setting, there is no need to worry about Columbine type masacare would happen. The worst senario would be someone hacking the school server or bombing the building where the server and other material is located. But such dangers would be easily monitored and prevented by less security officers. If it is a real campus situation, we never know who is actually setting up the bombs or letting the masacre happen by having loose security for that particular day. I am not talking about the possible government experiment and propaganda technique here. I am talking about the insider work by the economic hitmen.
Oxford University is probiding some interesting part time classes. And there are other online campus offers available. I am not sure what happened to American universities having problem cutting the budgets under Mr. Bush's "No one left behind" educational opportunity policy. It seems there are bunch of universities having problem for receiving enough budget these days.
The below is the lists I could find on the net. The amount of budget cut seems pretty serious.
Some people are booksmart like me and they actually have some knowledge in certain field before having a degree. The Big Brother's operation on NWO is aiming to increase the graduation of military or intelligence related students. While I was checking the online universities, I found out that some universities have policies of accepting the students working for the DOD and military. If the NSA is taking the local stores under "new management" sign to make them to be their spies, then how about the academic field in future? The tuition has been increasing for the students everywhere. There are more opportunity for the military working students to survive on campus. What can we do as civilian just plain students? Maybe the online campus system is answering the demands of returning students having the part-time or full-time jobs. It seems certain foreign students are allowed to get graduated from American univeristies under the NSA's surveillance and mind control on them.
By the way, I would like to show the worst example of the budget cut and tuition increase. While others suffering, the president of the university raised his wage! What a damn university..
By the way, that happened while I was being stalked by the SJSU students. I am not sure how many perps united in the above action, though. MOBs are just mobs. They need to find a place to express their agression. If the perps are really working for the government, I can understand why Kassing survived to serve on campuse till the last semester. He seemed to get paid from the protesting till that much. By the way, many perps including the homeless ones stay in the MLK Library and some people went missing from the Campus Village which this president was putting so much efforts on. I might have chance to tell the inside story about him and other SJSU top people. The Silicon Valley is the place people are connected in strange ways with the advance of technology, you know..
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