06 February, 2012

Muslims stalked me today during the lunch time.

When I was walking around the lunch time heading to the restaurants area, I saw two Muslim women walking fast and passed me. Then when I went to a restaurant I often go, I saw them standing outside and one of them talking. They stood outside of the restaurant while I was waiting inside to pick up my meal. When I left, I saw them also leaving and they went back to the street where I walked. I was walking on the other side of the street. I don't know why these 2 Muslim women just hang around outside of a restaurant and went back. It looks really suspicious to me, so I put their pics everywhere. I'm gang stalked by the MUSLIMS!!! Is this because of my view of Muslim extremists?? Well, it's funny how the gang stalking related with the Muslims. I got pictures how they stood outside the restaurant and one of them talking on the phone and later they walked on the street parallel to me.

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