16 February, 2014

Burn? on the gum near my left upper teeth.

On the Valentines day, I was sick and slept whole day. I had dizziness, headache, vomiting, and my left side cheek was hurting. Later, I found the burn type wounds in the gum near the left upper teeth. Sounds like Friedman’s case in Napa, CA. On Feb 13th, I ate cold sandwiches for breakfast and lunch and KFC meal for dinner. Chicken was not too hot. How could this happen and why I've got cheek area hurting like itchness on the skin. It was Friday and I was in the new city. Probably, the perps expecting to catch the possible Muslim extremists wanted to keep me at home like this way for the rumor making or false witness by bringing Chinese perps for the "shadow." The V2K perps said that they could be working with the Chinese anyway. Also, they said that they could get 500,000€ in total for catching a Muslim extremist. Well, I'm thinking to head to Bulgaria to join the mosque busting and anti-Islam protesting. There is a rally going on in the city east of Sofia.

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