20 February, 2014

The pictures from the cyst remobal surgery

Here is the pictures from the cyst surgery in Budapest last month. I had it in the hospital and I had no pain like the first time in Zagreb. I was sick on the day before the surgery and was so sleepy and tired. Well, I think I was safe so far.

I'm still in trouble with the Citibank PIN lock. The oversea phone number (+81-45-330-2880) for the CitiBank is undermentenance till Sunday 10pm. It supposes to be 24H available. So, I'm saving money and just using minimum from my credit card. I wanted to make an appointment for the CT or X-ray on some parts if they can keep the digital scans. But I must wait till how I unlock the PIN or get the new PIN code. It's always safe to use the bank card to keep my credit card for the emergency. Not a big fasting now. Just small meals per a day and no museum or work in the cafe.

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