28 April, 2010

Surviving the time of communist era

When I thought about the way how TIs are oppressed by the gang stalkers, the situation seemed to be much like the people who were oppressed in the totalitarian society like communist or fascist type.

We know FaceBook is contaminated with CIA, FBI and other informants using the users' information for their advantage. Twitters, LinkedIn, and other SSN sites are used by them as well.

Your simple and honest opinion might bring about a conspiracy made up by your "friend" informant. These informants are fed by making up suspicions and reporting the possible crimes. They could make up a story to put you on the Terrorist Index.

As a TI, I can say that my life with the people making false witness sounds much like the victim of those totalitarian society. Then I thought that knowing the history of what happened and how people survived in such society can help citizens to stay away from becoming the gang stalking victim.

Just imagine the society where people cannot have equal rights to be the witness as what police officers and their informants are. Think about the situation when you state you have no intention of suicide yet others like police officers and school faculties believe so and you lose your right even to deny such false claim. Actually, the later is my own experience at SJSU. The problem of total surveillance on the citizens is that the agents are capable of making up suspicions from their own imagination. If someone playing Farmville would be considered as a potential child molester who is looking for underage users for communication. I never played the game, but I heard that is popular among FaceBook users. By what you express and what behavior you take would be turned up to be a claim on yourself. If you traveled to a place where a terrorist incident happened and share your trip information on your blog or SSN, you might be put on surveillance by the informants because of visiting a wrong place at a wrong time. If that happens, you might find some of your valuable items start missing from your home as the result of the "black bag job" by FBI informants. Not all officers and agents respect the citizens and their rights.

I just learned so much because of my experience in Switzerland and learning from what sounds like to be in a communist society from my trip to post-Yugoslavia countries and Hungary. Now I know how to be careful with communist-type harassments.

I was thinking to switch my website to be XML based, but I am too busy for doing that. But after the update - probably delayed till summer - I would be able to create a handbook for people to stay away from getting picked as suspicious people - and eventually ending up to be another TI.


Anonymous said...


I have yet found another link between gang stalking and NATO terrorism.
Every time ETA terrorists are deteined, they appear in the media, newspapers and television, smiling perversely to the camera, just the same type of smile we target individuals see every day when subjected to street theater perps.
This is a living proof there is a direct link between ETA terrorism and gang stalking and proves that behind this ETA terrorism there is also a long term NATO military strategy of psychological warfare against European population.
This shows how mainstream media cooperates with this psychological warfare by publishing these photos in order to infuriate and deceive population

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Independent association to report existing military mind control technology used daily to create terrorism, organised crime and gang stalking)

Unknown said...

Dear Miyoko as JB.
After a long time since last spring on Youtube Messages.
I'm who introduced myself as K at that time in my memory and Japanese.

By the way ,did you know this Topics?

If could you examines it closely,please teach me your opinion.

My best regards.
For your information,
I'm managing the following contents now.
It is glad to you referring.

Anonymous said...


I told already about my experiences in 1978, when suddenly my own friend started to behave in an anti social way. One of them, Enrique, one day suddenly took a stone from the sidewalk and threw it against the glasses of a building. We had to run scaping from the man in charge of the building's private security. I was then 13 years old, I was confused, I couldnt understand why my friend suddenly was behaving that way.
So we know this technology can make any individual pick a stone and throw it against anything, and this is just what the Paris 68 students did. Probably this military satellite mind control technology was already available in 1968 and everything was staged by anglosaxon intelligence using Echelon satellite network. Hopefully historians one day will tell us the truth about Paris 68. Its always the same, corrupted anglosaxon military intelligence is behind every remarkable event for the last 50 years

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Association to report historical corruption in the US/UK military apparatus)

Anonymous said...

There are big similitarities between the Jack the Ripper murders and Diana's assassination. In both cases the victim was deemed as "inconvinient" by Britain's Establisment. Reading Stephen Knight's books " The brotherhood" and " Jack the Ripper, the final solution", we learn that England has been historically pervaded by a masonic shadow power, infiltrating police, legal system, aristochracy, Mi6, military, etc. It is an anonimous and amoral system of corruption and obedience, a corrupt social mechanism which expanded centuries ago also to the US society.
Diana was assassinated using mind control satellite top of the line military technology. Staging a car accident is very easy with this technology. They are doing it every day with thousands of innocent victims. As a gang stalking target individual during most of my life, in 1985 I was also a victim of one of this prefabricated car accidents. Many times while driving my car, as happens to many target individuals, I have been subjected to dangerous maneouvers by nearby trucks and cars. This is done beaming these vehicles' drivers with mind control microwaves in order to make them maneouver dangerously beside the target.
We dont know what percentage of European traffic accidents stats are really fabricated with mind control technology against gang stalking targets

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Association to report about criminal use of military mind control technology to stage accidents)

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt recommend in any way Kate Midleton to marry or get pregnant from prince William, its too risky. She has to count with the odds that at a given time this marriage may fail. Should this happen, she would be in a difficult position. Historically we have seen how being the ex-wife of the heirs to the thrown of England is more or less a death sentence. The british establishment, connected with the military and the terrible weapons industry, would deem her as "inconvenient" and she might then be targeted with covert harassment (gang stalking) in order to discredit her, not to say the least, she might also get assassinated just as Diana. If I were a relative of Kate, I would advise her to totally avoid entering into any type of formal relationship with prince William.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Association to report about military mind control technology used for terrorism and organised crime)

Anonymous said...

Are the Royal European families subject to on going criminal military satellite mind control manipulations by the US/UK military/masonic mafias?

Was Diana Spencer assassinated staging a car accident with Echelon war satellite mind control technology?
After prince Felipe Borbon's inconvinient marriage with journalist Leticia Ortiz, has Jaime de Marichalar and Elena Borbon's marriage been targeted with mind control manipulation in order to provoke divorce and thus sink any future possibility for Elena to claim the Thrown of Spain?

Have the relationships of the daughters of the King of Sweden been manipulated with mind control military technology?

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Association to report criminal and terrorist covert use of military mind control satellite technology)

Anonymous said...

Manipulation of European royal families by the mind control military mafias

Anonymous said...


Another color revolution orquestrated in Thailand, Bangkog with mind control satellite military technology. With this technology Crowd Managment is easily done. Hundreds of individuals called the Red Shirts are mind controlled to converge in the city centre and perform all type of protests. These individuals are military satellite mind controlled zombies so they will not show the minimum doubt or fear in their acts.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Independent Association to report about on going satellite military mind control to stage terrorism, crime and socio-political riots)

Anonymous said...


Sometimes is good to dream about happiness. I don't know whats the solution to this huge problem for humanity about this system of control managed with satellite mind control technology is. This technology had the potential to enslave the whole world population, and apparently thats what has happened. This system has no reverse gear, there is no way the world can stop using massive mind control criminal technology for terrorism, all types of crimes, suicides, plane and car accidents, population crisis, sexual abuse, etc. The system is run by a fear piramid, but there is nobody at the top of this piramid, so there is no way anyone can stop this perverse social mechanism that is autoperpetuating itself decade after decade. And all world secret services, police and military are subdued to it.
Just think of how much happiness, understanding, welfare and justice could be spread around the world population if this mind control technology was used for good and not for bad, as it is being used now.
The only one good thing about this technology is that we can dream one day it will be handled by free,decent men; and when that happens, most of the world problems will disappear.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
( Independent association to report about criminal and terrorist use of satellite mind control military technology)

Anonymous said...

Finantial crisis in Greece and Athens riots also conducted by US satellite mind control technology military mafias, linked to historical processes of corruption within US military administration and intelligence agencies (CIA, DIA, NSA,). These US military mafias control the finantial markets, finantial sovereign debt markets, world stock markets, etc

Staged anti-capitalist crowd riots in the centre of Athenas are also being conducted by the same US military satellite mind control mafias. It is the same Crowd Managment mind control system being used for Color Revolutions around the world. Right now one in Thailand being staged.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Independent assciation to report on going US military satellite mind control terrorism)

Anonymous said...

Miyoko :

I went years ago to Cuba and gangstalking is also present there, I mean cuban people are also satellite mind controlled. The only conclusion we can draw is that the 50 year history of Cuban revolution is a huge scam designed by US military mafias to create a rogue artificial communist threaten and thus manipulate USA population. No that Fidel is too old, they have found a replacement in Venezuela with Hugo Chavez. The issue is that they always need a rogue communist state to secure capitalism status quo. Because the complex of interests that control the american military and intelligence apparatus is all about money and insider profits. They need to continually manipulate world population.
How come Castro was not killed like all other prisioners after the failed assault to Forte Moncada in 1953?
Why Castro left prision only 2 years after?
Who financed his political movement: Movimiento revolucionario 26 noviembre? The CIA?
How come Castro and his men could organise and train in Mexico without the mexican police being aware?
Who financed Castro and his men in Mexico? The CIA?
How come Batista police didnt know anything about Castro arriving to Cuba in the boat Gramma?
We know at a given time, around 1953, the CIA chose Castro as his manchurian candidate (maybe not so manchurian) to create insurgency in Cuba. And afterwards the CIA covertly promoted Castro's guerrilla in Sierra Maestra.
The CIA covertly controlled Batista's police and military. Thats why Castro was not defeated in Sierra Maestra. Batista was forced to resign and leave Cuba because he didnt control Cuban police and military.

So we are in front of a huge 50 year scam. The Cuban population has been condemned during all these decades to famine and suffering just because the US military strategists decided they need a rogue communist puppet state to smear against.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Independent association to denounce US military corrupted apparatus)

Anonymous said...

Dear Miyoko:

I have been in Italy a few days. Italian people always say Mafia is the Eye that sees everything. This sounds very funy to us gang stalking individuals. Because we know italian mafia, camorra and all italian organised crime and terrorism are all controlled with the same satellite military system that harasses us TIs.
So Roberto Saviano's book "Sodoma and Gomorra" is total disinformation.
All members of italian mafias are US military satellite mind control puppets.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...


Probably several individuals of Castro's guerrilla in Sierra Maestra were CIA infiltrated agents.
I am not saying Castro was a CIA agent in charge of insurgency in Cuba during Batista's time. But after so many years, probably he is now aware that he has somehow been useful for the US corrupted establisment.
Its very sad how the Cuban population has been caught in the middle of this international faked politics

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...


Sharon Tate was assassinated by Mansons group in August 1969. Do you think mind control technology was available then? I think yes, because in the film The Brotherhood of the Bell, filmed in 1970, you can clearly see how Glen Ford is surrounded by mind controlled zombies. So mind control technology must be at least as old as 1968/1969. This rises the question wether Manson and his group were mind controlled zombies conducted by the masonic US military intelligence and CIA.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
Association to report criminal use of mind control technology since the 60s

Anonymous said...


Manson was in prison during the time that the CIA was known to be using inmates at Vacaville prison in the MKULTRA experiments, a fact that leaves one to speculate that perhaps Manson was some sort of mind-controlled guru created by the CIA and set loose against the "subversive" left-wing elements in order to discredit them

Anonymous said...


I am trying to buy this book:

The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism the Global Hegemony of Masonic Intelligence.

Author: Christopher Story.

But it is very hard to get. Not available in most places and price is outrageous, around 700 dollars.
Do you know where to find it?

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...


With time we have been able to identify the System's patterns of disinformation. So now we can use all this disinformation as valuable reliable information. We know LSD drugs, mescaline and hipnosys are NOT efficient ways to mind control an individual and that the system is precisely using LSD, torture and hypnosis as cover up to the fact that since 1966 all mind control is done with satellite electromagnetic microwave.
Internet is controlled by the System and most if not all of the information about MK-ULTRA and gang stalking is exposed for deception.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Association to report satellite military mind control terrorism and crime)

Anonymous said...

Springmeier Fritz & Cisco Wheeler report is just another disinformation.
These report: " The Iluminati formula to create a totally undetectable mind control slave" tries to deceive population and cover up the truth about mind control technology. They try to deceive us by saying LSD, drugs, torture and hipnosis are effective ways to mind control a human being.
What they are trying to cover up is the fact that mind control microwave technolgy is operative since the 60s, using war satellites.
All the scandal about MK-ULTRA LSD and torture experiments is just a cover up to divert the public's attention from satellite driven microwave mind control.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
( Independent association to report about terrorism and organised crime being conducted since the 60s with military mind control satellite technology)

Anonymous said...

In 1968 the US/UK military intelligence had already available the Echelon satellite microwave mind control technology, capable of inducing any human being to commit anti social acts, assassinations or slaughters.
What a coincidence, thats when all the European terrorism started, IRA, ETA, Brigate Rossi, German Terrorism, etc.... also several ritual assassinations as Sharon Tate's, also unexplained social revolutions bursted, like Paris 68, Praga 69, etc

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Association to report massive gang stalking in Europe with mind control satellite military technology)

Anonymous said...

We don't know if the spanish royal family has been targeted by the anglosaxon System of control. This system may have selected Letizia Ortiz as prince Felipe's wife in order to somehow degrade the bloodline of the Spanish royal familiy. This anglosaxon system of control has in turn respected the English royal family's bloodline quality, because Diana Spencer was a) a virgin b) Spencer is nobility family.

Lets not forget this system of control has strong linked to british and american military intelligence, with access to Echelon military satellite network mind control matrix and they can make any two individuals in the world, fall in love and marry

Anonymous said...

Terrorist Report:

Flight Spanair JK 5022 Madrid-Palma terrorist staged accident. Listening to the black boxes you can infer the pilots were being subject to gang stalking.
US/UK military satellite mind control technology being used to stage plane accidents. USA and UK military intelligence and intelligence agencies, CIA, NSA, Mi6, etc under the control of a System of Obedience that regularly stages ritual sacrificies (plane crashes, terrorist bombings, assassinations, etc). Spanish secret services, Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, are not reporting these silent war against population.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
(Independent association to report terrorist military mind control technology used to stage accidents)