29 May, 2012

So far so good.

I haven't post here for awhile as I was too busy for my life. But I recently learned some interesting strategies of the perps working on the specific techniques. I would share it later after I get away from these perps. What I can tell is that the perps do have some intentions in the small area and they do the job and later they don't bring it outside from the area after the time is up with the TI. It's like they act for the specific time period with the TI and then they leave without sharing any rapport with the TI as if a counselor or actor or someone who only do the trick for the time money was paid.

The basic form of the control process is very similar to how people use the 7 deadly sins, which are attractive to the wicked, and the wicked perps love using such things for encouraging themselves and even the TI to be engaged.

I wish I have time to write more about my result, but I'm too busy for awhile till this weekend.

People who are only thinking others as nice people get treated badly from such sins because they are unaware of how others can be nastier or worse. These people have certain tendencies and love to work in the organized crimes like gang stalking. We might be able to find them and label them as "toxic people" in order to avoid them. Maybe, the victims need "toxic individual" labels on the perps for being aware of their criminal and harassment actions.