25 April, 2014

Laki Hotel got ants invasion and now got another room and a suitcase damage with a Muslim couple in the room across mine

I wrote about the ants invasion last night. Well, things were bad this morning. I finished packing and talked with the clerk this afternoon. The clerk said they can give me another room, so I took it.

On the way, somehow my suitcase side grip got damaged. I don't know how this could be damaged like this way. Could you tell me how this happened just in few minutes I was away?

In the video, you can see a Muslim couple walking toward the building where my new room locates and also they entered the room next to mine. I'm sharing this video in order to keep me safe. I already got "one eye" threat sometimes and staying away from potentially dangerous Muslims. The movement is a typical synchronized action for the gang stalking victims. Often the neighbors leave their houses when the TI leaves one's home, etc.