14 July, 2021

China Church information

China Church


This is the short note about the China Church building program to debunk where to hide the Chinese churches. It meant all obey to the China and it was the end of the mind training program that is said to debunk the Chinese infiltrators to criticize the church action abroad mainly the US. This note was originally published in Twitter around July 10th, 2021, and each writing sentences are short. So, the explanation and the proper spelling may be needed for the edited longer length version.

The rumor says that this China Church program was misused for the world police organization infiltration of all agreement of the church clan building. And it ended as the police state building from Budva after Yataro's Czech swindling. Any drink? Outa Drink Co. was ready in 2015.

China church making program in Japan or Japanese citizens was operated by Aiko's clan and 4 Japan Red Cross workers gave the initiations in 2017-18. 32 teaching techniques to deny the god(code)/life(laugh) as the first step to speak up of Chinese government as a new god and filmed. Tanigawa installed the Chinese church strategy for the payment for the government as the extra sales from the churches and later the phenomenon was backed up by Saudi Arabia from 2018.

So, anyone trying to enter to the Catholic or Protestant church with the Chinese influence would be targeted as the Chinese church matter. Meanwhile, S.Korean or Tibetan churches are intact among the Asian churches as different military regions.

Chinese Catholic churches are; the USA(1), the UK(2), Canada(3), Norway(4) - Noruki Yamamoto, Sweden(5), Finland(6), Greenland(7), Switzerland/Germany(8), Ukraine(9), Russia(10), Belarus(11), Poland(12), Portugal(13), Isle of Man(14), Spain(15), Morocco(16), Cyprus(17), Greece(18).

France(19), Berlin, Germany(20), Ireland(21), Iceland(22), Cuba(23), French Guinea(24), Ecuador(25), Peru(26), Austria(27), Chile(28), Argentine(29), Falkland(30) - 2 deaths as the result. Scar Croth Chinese church team traveled 49 cities only as their saying.


The Chinese church propaganda makers did not enter; Brazil -SDF's Chinese population, India - different politics to China, Sri Lanka - no Chines name, Vietnam's Indonesia for different politics. over 500 regional check caused China betrayal check only to the China churches.


2. One eye take and another eye poking. Usually the left eye with the nose bone side poking to have no more eye opening feeling. Then another eye to look the upper side while a doctor to poke the eye side cheek bone so harsh for scaring the client - who is a sister or a priest.

During the hair(hares) cutting process, the brain was cut also to be retarded slightly later by the RFID brain beaming and thought reading since 2016. One eye damaged feeling by the eyebrow muscle poking several times for obeying to Chinese/China and nodding as response filmed.


China church making 32 strategies starts as: 1 Code pulling. Kami(god/hair), Life(Lie/Laugh) taking out purpose head nodding composure check. Any left or right head movement kills the person by the brain sphere small cut making as the vertical line for RFID inserting.

1. The code/hair(hares)/life,laugh,lie taking out by making a hole to the brain for RFID installing during the hair cut gesture time and one eye poking feeling giving.

2. Another eye blinding sensation by looking upperside and the doctor pushing the cheek bone so hard. The soundwave gives the brain activity of eye sensor paralyzing for some minutes to scare someone.

3. If someone had the concussion to survive that much, the sister is asked to tell who she meets by now for the help. And the friend is searched also as the most trustworthy person. And the pope's image was given to the sound memory thought induction technology.

4. And her groin was searched at that time while the woman had a sex was the rumor given to her most trustworthy person for the blackmailing technique.

5. Her nipple was taunted / His penis was teased by the medical tool.

6. "Why exciting?" The excitement to the body sensation is taunted by the examiner telling the sex experience before so loud in the disgusting face as the Vatican image. The woman would cry. Only the married experience holders have the right decision of telling the life history.

7. Sex surgery time. A woman would be suggested to have the sex organ surgery for less attractive groin holding. A priest case is the penis crown cut for the sake of the Vatican. It's the depressing figure that the Medugorje has the same surgery since 2017 by S.Koreans' funding.

8. Death. Feeling of death by putting a hot towel onto the face for taunting. The 5th time for the mirror show of the groin zone and the location was wiped out by the doctors. Next was the neck torture. The body up was to be unhealthy for China!

9. The groin surgery is done by a razor mess and it won't take a minute. But the feeling should be soar. So, the hot water was applied to the groin for the read rash causing for the mental penalty giving. Finger nail needle inserting as the Middle Age torture joke.

What is death? It was the way to treat human. It was Vatican! The group taunted the priest/sister that much would be scary too much! So, they wipe out the memory of an easygoing/kind church worker images from their character forever!

10. A different child inviting. A church child is decided by Chinese! In this case, a nearby Chinese officer needed from Nara in 2013 and it was installed that way in Hotel Taipei in China. And it worked as the China shipped the technology all over the world!

11. A new kid is accepted. Now a new priest? It was intern to be added as S.Korean member of the different church, the Unification Church. It was the UN's decision. Thus, a new priest is monitoring the Obey program later in the field as a new church friend.

12. A new family member? It was applied by China! Thus, the China church was built in!!! A woman often riding a Mercedes is the woman!!! The church woman. You can find such a priest/sister difference after the sex surgery. In a sister's case, a church brother group. 18-36yrs old.

The new brother to the sister's house is the butt checking figure. So many Koreans and Chinese of the military origin often hanging out by such reason to the church as the different church group's social interest showing as the each church taunting figure. It's not only Catholics.

13. The church business pasted toward the new family member; the new child and the new pope replacement brother/lover next to the church worker. So, the client's energy was to be given to those two people and the church friends but not the trustworthy person for the rumor fear.

14. How many ices? It's the icenon time. Someone got a hot sensation would get another hotness on the neck for the second touch of the different temperature item. 80C hotness towel and -20C dried ice putting on the same neck region.

And if the client saying "hot!" for the cold medicine as a dry ice sensation reacting? It's the mental disease on the filmed situation. It could be a single retirement information to the Vatican. But the Vatican priests love the sex organ exposure time to the neck false injury.

The group had the same decision of accepting China! before. So, anyone betraying is taking care after the sex video reviewing for the group sake. The group hierarchy has the right decision to keep the religion accordingly to be the silent figure.

Anywhere to recognize the hotness as coldness by looking at the material as a single ice to give the life sensation to the client. It was nothing! The experiment nullification was done! The sex organ exposure time and cutting! Memory loss was eager to be done.


15. But the sex-lover time is real. The man/woman came as an assistant besides two doctors - male and female - for the taunting figure. "What about this?" The short period of sex organ zone ice putting is given as the scar on the body because of the hot razor surgery zone.

The woman gets naked to ride on the priest! And the little inserting was filmed by the male lover to the sister! On the video is what the client as a Guinea Pig to be for the Chinese sensation. The highly stating church workers are like this.


16. Waiting point. There is this injury done by another person as the sex attendant. So, the doctors' care was needed. Any laughing or a friend choice feeling was taunted back in the strict order by the Chinese Communist church groups' operators. They know what is wrong.


17. Who to trust? And there is the mafia going attitude of the Vatican from Hungary after the Morphine accidents on the young sisters. Any sleeping time is dangerous is the attitude for single sleeping sisters. They had the little stab by Wakabayashi in 2017.

The women would be crying as patients but the lover would tell how to get tortured by the same person as the church installed figure. And it meant the man was showing tortured gesture also to give the pessimistic reasoning of a pessimistic pair being.


18. The young man help was the situation telling the lover figure by the group only. Anyone outside sniffing their relationship to be terminated. So, the lover to be the first trustworthy person around in the church as the Vatican figure replacement. It was the sex organ trauma.

The church authorities accepted the sex organ loss and torturing by suggesting the program, that was the last position to go for complaining for wise church workers. And the lover figure was to be installed as the next person to the church as the trust replaced location.


19. Hot. Any hot figure sensation giving. What is hot... A hotel? HOTel for meeting. The sound gives the signal to the client's body. It gives COOled as denying figure. "Nothing cool." The old priests and sisters would start to say for reflecting their training. 

Coldness sensation gives the mental torture to the Chinese priests and China followers. Because of the anus cut? Sex cut? mental image thought induction to be done.



20. Ho.. How is protected. The clients won't ask about "HOW to do it!" "Once again?" It's the thought penalty maker short priest visiting for the initiation to the shortness hell in the church. Any short priest officer knew the time of forgettable time mentor.

It meant the denial of learning skills to the priest installed as Chinese Church because of the brain surgery for the 24/7 Chinese monitoring of the person. The clever person would be chosen to be the safe keep for China. No skill needed while China is monitoring.


21. Kiss. A little kiss time is always the rightness telling by looking other side for the cheek kissing gesture only. Kissing time is dangerous, so tell what you are only during that time to have no writing at home.


22. Hug. It meant the little hugging time and being a baby like figure for the torture! A priest hugging always reflect the meaning of baby like. The lover tried it before. A Chinese priest before - the doctor came out where he came from after the baby like exposure of the client.

The client is powerlessly stripped figure while the OBEY is onto their body! That is the Bible sitcom making for the Soka Gakkai/Unification Church (Mooney Church for the Bankee Moon)/Protestant Amaz in Koln, etc). The body gesture is trained after 3 nights of night call.


23. Puntz.. down. It's the own insult. Punts down! But the call is coming as the BOICE Activity scenario making. It's the sudden dilemma of someone's call hearing. Anyone looks cute is not "cool" for American church identity insulting. And love meant "Punts down" of Metaha group.

Metaha is the helmet wearing robber/raper team of the Vatican. They raped and returned to the empty church @ Sughinami block in 2013 as bicycle mafia. They robbed too much in Nagoya, Chiba Tachibana house, Belgium German border zone(2013), Austria west, S.Africa.

Pants down! It was the teaching of what to do as a male! And priests are taunted for that. "Do you have grease inside?" The sister would feel the shame of hearing the voice by the thought induction.


24. Life sensation. Since any life image of lovely human being is taunted back by the sex by the thought monitors, the client would start to feel fun by reading and no sound giving materials like TVs. TVs are only for the group watch. The clients love local and trend on books.


25. Church matter? The client would forget the church activities to give the deep thoughts and s/he gives no more church interviews to colleagues or to the visitors. So, the Vatican's fame is bad on the self-sacrificed client!


26. Sex? There is a man offering the Deep Sex as the education after 1-6months as the Communist church figure. Anyone speaking up about the 'head choice' was about hair but it meant the real face cutting to the colleague who had it recently or scaring surgery matter in the group.


Because of the group spill by the trustworthy church worker instead of the lover of one's own as the priest for the different church hiding trick, another priest as the real RobotaMars' Vatican monitoring workers' interfering. The talker is taken out by the mosque.

A priest figure to be invited by the WAL of Vatican. It was Walmart choice from Milpitas, CA. It started as the knife sake and hiding the real one in the plastic toy for the Halloween time in the car. A reaper's cloak was used in the shopping experiment for the real cutting.

Wohl(WAL) is from Koshimizu house and a priest was taken as Daleon from Vienna west of the Votiv Churh in 2015 and his ID is used for his blindness. Priest clothes are many from the church alter side room and anyone can take it for mosque camouflages.

Because of the sex mania taunting by the mosque people wearing the priest clothes only as the church people trusting so easily, the client would be expelled from the church by the suggestion of 'what if we are(mosque boys)?' and agreeing for the group sex matter.


27. Bees. Anyone would go sensitive to a little sensation like the bee sting! Bees are computer animal and controlled by the voice command remotely by the technology. Any bee assaulting is un-church like. Thought induction for punishing to keep the person weak.


28. Eight fever. After wining to the bees and insects. There is the narcistic 1 day misfit zone! A man would be dismissed for one day as the thought penalty meter. Will the client goes for the revenge? The church needed the check of the personality and thought inductions severe.

"What if it was only one day?" Someone's voice reflection goes to the mind of the client. This 1 day dismiss happens after a year from the surgery since 2017. "Will it one day or forever?" The thought went wrong as the pessimistic isolation and the group belonging termination.

That is the time when Chinese mafia normally finds the fake priests only thinking about the Chinese community and Communist wealth matter and the one disappears from the enough thought induction and brain taming. Hotel Termini is for such purpose use in Londoners.

And the church returning priest would be monitored further for about 2 years more as the life expectation for the functioning priest being at an active church. This is because of the opposite side monitoring. His new families are opposing to the client's opinions. Why going out?

Any escaping is found for the found fault matter. The baby the client assigned would have some mental check as Sumsung's new material applied figure if it was the UN secret use. The lover would be going out with new people for the flirting and blackmailing infiltrators' work.

Night fever is the new term for the priests but it was changed as 8 weeks' decision making as the term of if the church is suited for him to work as the according place or not. So, 8 nights is the matter of the thought induction fear of how many nights in a day/week confusion.



29. Pay time. The extra priest must pay! He has a lover! A Mercedes? The car sales would be demanded by the heavenly charter! The wrong priest would sell her car accidentally for the church job/affair trouble to pick on the family.

Mostly, such Chinese priests are criticized from the home owners being. A woman would be demanded by the mafia boys to pick on her lover figure who is only there as cute and just interested in the church for having money or staying spot.

The priests are always complained as the cops' example of being taunted accordingly for the embezzlement. Others hated such a figure but the mighty China's blackmailing keeps them working in the local churches. 18 million people had such China church in the US to Canada by 2019.


30. Sex active figure showing was the suggestion of Chinese influential group. Why healthy? Because of the mighty family figure!!! It's the wrong introduction of a healthy family to the long term aiming isolated priest's aim of being more influential in the church as a puppetman.

Who is the sister? Someone asks to the client. Of course, the family member lover as the sister model! And it went wrong as the old porno photo sharing as she was a whore to the church community for the truth taunting figure to disappoint the client.

The new family infant would be a very fat boy or someone who went to the scapegoat by a sex worker job already for the church taunting figure. So, the client's life is ruined this way. For sister clients, older father came for the money sake.


31. Aye.. An eye on you..? This is the sex taunt but for one eye taking figure by the installed and Chinese Communist Party trained lover. They act for the eye punishment once for the church removal confession making client. An eye loss? The client remembers the experience before.

It was the jealousy pretending priest to get the lover pieces his eye for the treatment. It was the joke but the lover says s/he could not handle anymore. The priest may kill the abt from staying reason by this point to protect his own family members and his life.

And an eye loss is the teaching of the Christ community. The Chinese taught it real as the 32 steps of obeying technique ends as the China Communist praising. The clients begged in 2-3 weeks of the torture program and they obey to China only and filmed so! Eye out was planed.


32. The heard decision. "Am I here be?" It's Aiko's noise of the glycerin check. Some had the glycerin massage on the chest like the lover's saliva ownership faking and any hazardous material contact like the Fukushima time aiming the China supporting priests.

Heart or being heard? That was the decision making joke of the priests. The community meant the client protected zone. The infiltrators are ready. They would dispatch to aim for a new client in the field. Since the client is obeying to Aiko's voice only, s/he is at disposal.

2-3 weeks of torture had 18 technologies in it. Putting the denture into the groin and how to hide is asked from 2018. A woman knew how to hide a lipstick for the maleness check for the foreign(fallen) priest by adding her groin essence on it!

The Chinese church program is rather the sex maniac making program. What they teach is viewed from other sides for the different parties' profit making. Being kind only meant the sex-loss as some wrong decision made by the Chinese and Muslim groups around 2015.