31 May, 2007

Jesus v.s. Common Folks

    • As some people already talk about Jesus was an activist and protester against the old religious value of Jews. I just thought about this yesterday night, so I would like to put it on my blog for a reminder. Crucifixion of Jesus was a typical “witch hunting.” He was too strange from the religious people in the temple and they feared about losing their followers. Also they had envy on him because he was too good from them. With the power and great speech, the priests accused Jesus to be killed. They tried to make any accusation they could make for that purpose. Who killed him? Solders. As solders represents the executioners of the laws, they killed Jesus. In some democratic countries, some people are still working for this. Have you ever heard about some one became a scapegoat for a big scandal? i.e. The president of SOMA after the Katalina disaster. If you read “Swift Justice,” you learn how San Jose (CA) citizens treated two kidnappers in their own way about 100 years ago. History repeats, and people learn hardly from human history. Colin Willson might write Jesus as an “outsider.” The case of his crucifixion was: a great intellectual v.s. intellectuals deluded to their power and status & the judicial institution (& military). I read a female preaching in the East Coast of the US was thought as a witch by the church workers. This is a big problem of democracy. If everything is decided by majority and if the majority is bribed or has no sense of morality nor ethics, what will happen to the community? Fascism? Racism? Or new type of ism? (yeah, that is why I want to put philosophy to the core of any study. Science does not make people to respect ethics nor morals but philosophy does. Without philosophy, we cannot keep ourselves to be human and our study to be healthy.)