25 July, 2010

What really went after WWII?

During the last period of World War II, the US got problem with the Russians because both joined at the very end of the war and the US spent solders in Europe and Asia. So, the US needed the brain and skills from Germany. They brought back Nazis people under the Paperclip Project and giving them offers to avoid the prosecution for their crimes. The US did not allow Nazis to be neutralized on its soil, but the officials made the very flexible reports on the individuals to pass any suspicion. Nazis used three ways to avoid diminishing and that is known as Odessa. One way is to use the wartime connection which is known as ORG. Second way is to escape to other lands through the Rat Line. Third way is to use the Nazi gold to create the front companies. This Nazi gold from Philipine is confirmed by the deceased husband of the webmaster of the LumourMillNews.com. And the people know the jobs and the role of the grandfather of GWB. BND was created with the man who went hand and hand with Dallas who were stationed in the office in Switzerland.

New World Order? Now you know who are behind of the concept and why the US is pushing it. If New World Order is going to succeed for the world domination, that would be the time really Nazis will be back again in the face of human history. It's like how Communism once thought as the enemy of freedom now recognized as a normal government type like in China. Domination by the elites are the same concept for both Nazis and Communism. The ones useless are taken out from the society.

If I think about this much, I am afraid the current history books are really censored for the favor of the elites.


Anonymous said...

Love Parade, Duisburgo massacre, managed with military satellite mind control microwave technology. Crowd management is done with this technology to create chaos among multitudes. Just like the Heysel massacre, 1985, in the soccer European cup final. Also the assassination and torture of 3 year old London child James Bulger in 1993 by another 10years old child, Venables, also done using mind control military satellite technology. All this are ritual assassinations and massacres.
This military technology is controlled by US and UK freemasonry, historically satanic.
Secret services CIA, NSA, Mi6 are controlled by this masonry, also Pentagon and US military and NATO. Terrorism and collective massacres planified and managed with this mind control technology.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
Independent world association to report about crime and terrorism committed with US military satellite mind control microwave technology since 1968.