The CIA and FBI guys have the famous slogan, "black is white and white is black." This is the system of the NWO. When someone says "black is white," like the 911 attack with some strange incidents like 3 buildings collapsing in the free-fall motion and some one speaking "pull down" before the collapse. If I know New York became a symbol of the new propaganda for the total control of the world population with the fake terrorism attacks done by the informants, I would be able to stay away from these "criminal/terrorists searching" mafias who are the actual gang stalkers. The FBI agents get points and promotion through adding the suspicious individuals on the certain indexes like "Communist Index" and "Muslim Index." While they are making up the false witness and getting recruited into the criminal ring for creating the false criminals and mental patients, more innocent citizens are disparaging from the society. In a long run, we just have the informants owning everything while their non-friends ending up in hospitals and prisons. Look at what happened in the US and why there are so many homeless population while no one notice. Basically, the gang stalking mechanism can take the targeted person from the society while the society is owned by the local elites and controlled by the police informants. What kind of social system is it? We used to have democracy, but now we lost the "citizen" population and this part was replaced by the "informants."
The history of mental hygine is well written in this article.
So, what is the process of "black is white and white is black"? It's really simple. These people turn everything what they say as what their victim did. Also, they claim what they did as what the victim did. This way, they don't get any feeling of the remorse and only get the anger from the fact what happened and put the anger toward the victim. Pretty crazy to think about, but that is what PSYCHOPATH can do. And often the people around the victim are welcomed by these SOCIOPATH who became the norm for the people around the victim. So, the people around the victim would get the rumors from them and also engage in the mobbing toward the victim. If you don't believe it, check out what happened in Meininger Hostel in my recent video. All employees are making some kind of mistakes for the gaslighting. How often one guest gets such a treatment like nearly evacuated from the bed at 2.30am by being asked to show the evidence of the room stay while the hostel made the mistake for assigned the person in a different room and Chinese people occupied the room claiming about stranger in the room, then next day the bed is cleaned and the belongings on the bed was taken away, and the new room number with the wrong date is added on the paper.
By the way, these sociopath are the product of Superhuman.
What is the new Superhuman project? I'll explain a bit with the young adult perps.The juveniles and the sex-abuse victims are often asked to work for them for the propaganda of taking out the child abusers. That is why many young perps are the sluckers like high school dropouts and hanging around in a group. The single parents with small kids are also engaged in the gang stalking as they can get small money from the mafia group. These people are also the victim of what they are as they are formed in the groups and the peer pressures and the norm that the target must be destroyed by the any means. Because of these suddenly showed up many single/couple parents with kids around the victim, the victim is often claimed as pedophilie when the one does not like to go out with their members for the hypersexual claim and prostitute claims. From this reason, I think some Catholic victims should get a help for others who are capable to film the situation like sudden increase of parents with kids. I currently got this children encountering, but I got less chance to get the parents' face pictured for the gang stalker list. But I think it would be more interesting to show the ratio in the area with large kids appearance. These people learn how to be the slave of the society to keep the social system. When the elites say who to be taken out, they will help to take the one out without any ethical reasoning. Job must be done - the same goes for the business intelligence. There is no need of remorse as the result and the achievement is all. Manipulation is the best tool for cheating the fair play game. In the group, they manipulate someone, and the result is the train of false witness done like the witch hunting. The result only shows their victim is a which, the unwelcome person. Police control the world and thus COINTELPRO still continues.
I'm crazy as I believe the black supposed to be black and white supposed to mean white. Also, I have certain remorse and ethical feeling. These makes me to feel like human rather than a machine for the society. If entire population is manipulated, no one will be sane in the society. Thus people will start saying like two air plane crashes on the side of the building can cause three buildings to go down and the physicists cannot really prove the mechanism at all as scientific formulas cannot make a plus sign to be a negative without particular reason.
The history of mental hygine is well written in this article.
Zusammenfassung meiner Botschaften: Die Mental-Hygiene verschmolz 1968 mit der Sex-Revolution der talmudistischen Frankfurter Schule zu einem giftigen Cocktail, das innerhalb von ein paar Jahrzenten die Jahrtausende alte Europäische Kultur, Religion, Moral fast auslöschte. Sie hatte 1948 die UN-NRO, die “World Federation for Mental Hygiene” (WFMH) gestiftet- mit Brigadier-General und Militär-Psychiater John Rawlings Rees als dem ersten gewählten Präsidenten. Rees hatte die Tavistock Clinic gegründet – ab 1947 das Tavistock Institute – nach eingehenden Studien über den Zusammenbruchspunkt des Menschen, und wie man den zur Massenkontrolle nutzen kann. Dafür bekam er Hilfe von Sigmund Freud.In Germany and many part of the Europe got local Firefighter/Ambulance/Police and the local informants team working together for taking out the Targeted Individuals. They often do the orchestra of frequent siren and appearing on the street where TI is nearby. If you don't believe that, please check out the TI's blogs and the locations where they live. You should be able to hear the sirens and frequent appearance of the certain special vehicles as well as some other cars with their head lights on. These people are the informants and they can do any nasty things in order to full fill the order of "taking out the unwelcome person" from the society. They often try to drive the one away from the society to make the one go back to their original place, where the local members are responsible for harassment. The target are always unwelcome anywhere, though.
Rawlings Rees besuchte fleissig die Nazi-Prominenz, Rudolf Hess, in der englischen Gefangenschaft. Heute unterzieht das Tavistock System die angelsächsischen Führer einer globalistischen Gehirnwäsche. Ein anderer Begründer der WFMH war sein Freund, General und Psychiater Brock Chisholm, der erste Generaldirektor der WFMH-Schwester bei der UN, der WHO. Brock Chisholm wollte jegliche Erinnerung an die alte Erziehung zur Sündenbewusstheit entfernen – mit Gewalt, sogar, wenn nötig. Ausserdem verband Chisholm Mental-Hygiene mit Weltbürgerschaft und gründete die “Mentale Gesundheit und Weltbürgerschaft”.
So, what is the process of "black is white and white is black"? It's really simple. These people turn everything what they say as what their victim did. Also, they claim what they did as what the victim did. This way, they don't get any feeling of the remorse and only get the anger from the fact what happened and put the anger toward the victim. Pretty crazy to think about, but that is what PSYCHOPATH can do. And often the people around the victim are welcomed by these SOCIOPATH who became the norm for the people around the victim. So, the people around the victim would get the rumors from them and also engage in the mobbing toward the victim. If you don't believe it, check out what happened in Meininger Hostel in my recent video. All employees are making some kind of mistakes for the gaslighting. How often one guest gets such a treatment like nearly evacuated from the bed at 2.30am by being asked to show the evidence of the room stay while the hostel made the mistake for assigned the person in a different room and Chinese people occupied the room claiming about stranger in the room, then next day the bed is cleaned and the belongings on the bed was taken away, and the new room number with the wrong date is added on the paper.
By the way, these sociopath are the product of Superhuman.
What is the new Superhuman project? I'll explain a bit with the young adult perps.The juveniles and the sex-abuse victims are often asked to work for them for the propaganda of taking out the child abusers. That is why many young perps are the sluckers like high school dropouts and hanging around in a group. The single parents with small kids are also engaged in the gang stalking as they can get small money from the mafia group. These people are also the victim of what they are as they are formed in the groups and the peer pressures and the norm that the target must be destroyed by the any means. Because of these suddenly showed up many single/couple parents with kids around the victim, the victim is often claimed as pedophilie when the one does not like to go out with their members for the hypersexual claim and prostitute claims. From this reason, I think some Catholic victims should get a help for others who are capable to film the situation like sudden increase of parents with kids. I currently got this children encountering, but I got less chance to get the parents' face pictured for the gang stalker list. But I think it would be more interesting to show the ratio in the area with large kids appearance. These people learn how to be the slave of the society to keep the social system. When the elites say who to be taken out, they will help to take the one out without any ethical reasoning. Job must be done - the same goes for the business intelligence. There is no need of remorse as the result and the achievement is all. Manipulation is the best tool for cheating the fair play game. In the group, they manipulate someone, and the result is the train of false witness done like the witch hunting. The result only shows their victim is a which, the unwelcome person. Police control the world and thus COINTELPRO still continues.
I'm crazy as I believe the black supposed to be black and white supposed to mean white. Also, I have certain remorse and ethical feeling. These makes me to feel like human rather than a machine for the society. If entire population is manipulated, no one will be sane in the society. Thus people will start saying like two air plane crashes on the side of the building can cause three buildings to go down and the physicists cannot really prove the mechanism at all as scientific formulas cannot make a plus sign to be a negative without particular reason.
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