07 March, 2012

Japanese gang stalkers

I don't think the area I live now have many Japanese population. I don't check the news, so I don't know if Japanese are really evacuating from their country due to the radioactive pollution. The trick done by the Japanese government is; they transported the foods from Fukushima and let the people in Fukushima to eat foods from other prefectures. It's like the exchange of the materials to balance out the radioactive intake. You can find the products from Fukushima area to be found in Okinawa. Also, about the half of food products are imported to Japan. Thus, the Japanese don't get too much damages from the cesium intake. But you can see, the people who are helping the propaganda of eating food products from Fukushima get health problems or heart attacks. Only the ignorants and crooks live longer these days.

Well, I have been encountering many Japanese here. Sometimes, I got some Bosnian people - weird but that happens to me as I saw their passport. It's OK to see some people from the neighboring countries though.

Today, I was walking on the street and saw some people with small children. After them was a group of locals walking. Then after the locals were some middle-age Asian women. They were talking in Japanese. That area has no Japanese restaurant or supermarket nearby. So, it's a bit odd to see them. Maybe that was the Soka group doing the gang stalking using the small kids. Since Japanese showed up so often, I got some evidences. I can share the facial pictures of them to double check the Soka Gakkai people in the local area. Or the TEPCO or something specific. Cults often stalks someone and also some Japanese companies with certain interest. I missed to film them as I was not aware how I could encounter the Japanese in such a occasion.

Here is a good example of how it is. One day, I sat in a train. There was a seat available in front and next to an Asian woman. There were some people standing. So, I sat down there and saw the woman holding "Chikyu no arukikata" (the popular traveling guide in Japan). Next day, I visited a shopping center to buy something. I saw the same woman with the same clothes and the same book in her left hand. How many people with a guide book walking around in a shopping center? She was hanging around when I was in the same section. So, I decided to take the picture of her for the future encounter. Well, I did not see her again - she might be hanging around me but I was pretty busy these days so I did not have time to do anything with the perps. You can see the book on her left hand. I could take a better picture if I was not in hurry.