15 March, 2011

Mr. Fukushima says the radioactive is worse than Chernovyl

One article says that the writer, Mr Fukushima, says that Japan's situation is worse than the time of Chernovyl in Ukraine. He mentions about the report on Days Japan. Here is the quote from the article showing the report of Mr. Morisue who is a photographer and visited Futaba Town. It says that radiation is higher than the maximum measurable point on the counter. The town became deserted.

いま福島第一原発の町 双葉町(ふたばちょう)の取材から帰ってきました。
双葉町役場や双葉厚生病院 はすさまじい放射線が出ていました。
チェ ルノブイリ事故の現場から二〇〇メートルのところより酷(ひど)い。測定器は振り
切れてしまった。 町はゴーストタウンになっている。
Oh, well. Mr. Fukushima says that people in Japan are waiting to die in their homes. Because of the radiation, they cannot go out nor travel for the evacuation. I wonder what will happens, but the truth will be revealed in next few weeks. If more people died in the nuke plants or among the SDF solders, the government cannot keep the news hidden. The satellites have the capacity of checking the roads at the range of 10cm or less for the highest resolution. If some people moving dead bodies, they can count them or where they moved. Some bodies would be counted as the people drowned from the tsunami. But such bodies cannot be buried as the normal ones because of the active radioactive danger.

Frankly, I really don't know what will happen next. But it's good that oil price reduced and Japanese Yen is strong. That should be some way to help the situation - like the transportation of the aids and the government to buy some aids from foreign countries.

If Japan really ends because of the Earthquake, I don't really know what I would do. Probably, I can ask any country for the humanitarian asylum to become a immigrant. If it really happens, maybe I will ask it first at Vatican Embassy :)