07 March, 2011

People asking me same questions

I found out the people asking the same questions these days. They live in the same place or just visiting the area. These questions are:

  • Do you practice Karate/Aikido?
  • Do you like drink/sake?
  • When are you going back to Japan?
The first question can be to make the report that I would be potentially dangerous as I know the martial arts. Because of Dr. English-Lueck's lie, I was ending up to be the victim of the new MKULTRA-like program. I never hurt someone in my life, yet because of her I was worried as potentially hurting myself and then twisted it to be potentially hurting someone else.
The second question is to make the report of me as alcoholic or not. These people often offer me some drinks. Well, I do drink only few occasions like the meal time to avoid the claim of Muslim. The perps seemed to love claiming TI as Muslims because that is easy to warn others.
The third one is probably to know about my intention of going back. I would rather buy the economic citizenship in a South American country. Or I would love receive the one from Vatican.. It would be sweet to stay away from the Christian persecution in Japan by the perps and the cult people in a sanctuary. Too bad that the churches are often under the pressure from the community's demands.

Ah, by the way, I had a strange incident today. I was on the line to a museum. When I stood on the line, two Japanese girls about early 20s came behind me. They started talking about how Japan became difficult to go out when someone has a passport with lots of traveling histories. First they were talking about such and then one of them started to explain that is because of the conspiracy of spy or something. The funny thing is that I turned on my camera to film the street video. It caught their suspicious conversation going behind me. Then they started talking about the difficulty of entrance and another one asked which country and the one talking said that it's the country I stay. How often such conversation happens while waiting on the line to a museum and how often someone get the people from own country stand behind of him or her in another country? They seemed to be in school, but I don't really see the point why they are traveling in this period of time and how such conversation has been going on behind me. It's quite strange to say as a coincidence to me. It was rather I would say as Gaslighting. Last few weeks, I encountered French people. Now German and Japanese.
How do I identify them as perps? Check out the above specific questions... It's not usual conversation topics with a Japanese person, arn't they?