22 August, 2011

Nazis? The new depopulation program via gang stalking

As far as I studied gang stalking around over 10 countries, I learned similarities and some specific characteristics that I haven't mention before.

  • The V2K perps has the ability to create the EH effects while the local perps cannot do that while they are around.
  • The EH might have a problem of setting up the harassment on the individual on the top bed in the bunk bed.
  • The EH symptoms would be less if the area is crowded in a small room. Like the V2K, they cannot increase the volume.
  • The EH symptoms can be easily increased in a concert hall, a cathedral or somewhere that reflects sounds. Also, the hearing problem might happen like the hardness of hearing the echoed speeches.
  • The symptom that turns the victim's mouth to speak up what the V2K perps says can happen after the intake of food or drinks that was not randomly chosen and the effect can start approx. after 3 hours.
  • The sudden sick feeling of vomiting, gas expansion in the intestine, headache can be happen with the ultrasonic device while someone stands right behind of the victim for awhile like in the church. I experienced this while I stood on the back and there was yet someone stood behind the glass wall.
  • Foreign perps often show up together like 2 to 3 people or more large scale.
  • The V2k perps might have the decision making on how
  • The V2K might start in the foreign language of where the victim lives. But it will switch to one's native language later.
  • The V2K teams are the same group of people for many years. Their recruit time would be around May to June in Japanese perps' cases. The number of the V2K perps are the same at their work like 2 to 8 people.
  • When the V2K perps' number increases, they can create more severe EH effects on the target.
  • Some V2K perps are mean, and they can just try to add some EH effects to bully the victim for fun.
  • Local police officers might work with perps. Also, sometimes military officers appear among the perps.
  • Macedonian perps work with Montenegrin perps. They often show up together. They might be the real intelligence team as these countries are relatively small.
  • The local perps know what they are doing, and they just do it together while they have the strong relationship.
  • The V2K perps can send anyone to match their surveillance plan from any people with different nationalities. Sometimes, they can send certain groups who are available at the area.
Where the Nazis went after the members merged into the CIA aka OSS? The ex-Nazis people spread around the world. No one knows what happening to the gang stalking. Most people don't know the word or others say it is the imagination of some delusional people. It's the geopolitics of controlling everything among these ex-Nazis people. They create the strong (extremist-like) connection in the local area. And the targeted people got no ware to go as if they are given the "yellow star badge." Their human rights are ignored and others tried to surround the person and make the one the gone insane from their covert operation or to become aggressive against their never-ending bullying. Once you are on their watch list, you will be harassed till you are locked in the prison or mental hospital where their professional friends can use them for human experiments. Nothing different from Nazis time, isn't it? This time, they are taking down the people based on their favor like easily bullied, politically incorrect, etc. The world got just too much of these ex-Nazis grand children. How about sharing the information of the perps? Their parents or bosses at their work might be working for the Nazis or the secret police.