13 April, 2022

Proffesor Togawa case in Epping, UK

Who is Professor Togawa in the UK since 2017? I heard him related with the massive same name group murder happened in Serbia around 2016. Anyone with Aoi, Aoki, Aoyama, Aota, etc, of 'ao' family name died in Serbia. The murder and the wealth retrieval was done by the Turkish elites and the Aota University was funded from the same name people deaths. Akai is not accepted in Poland as the same phenomenon since 2015. 'Ten' named people died from Bulgaria to Skopje since 2015 and Tenda died in 2016. I heard that the 'ao' named people murders are related with Togawa who had the name stolen from the Wakayama police club for the double person matter of Malta. Aoki named person's murder stopped in 2018 after Jyunko Aoki related with Scotland Jews and she was searching the missing Japanese Jews from Tokyo in Belgrade. I recovered what happened to her and Marie Shimerz, Houson, etc, on May 30-31st, 2015.

Professor Togawa could be making up the war theories of targeting the victims as the bad person and the invaders to be ready to capture the victim as the crime testing subject. The invaders are not existing in the resident registration records but the registered people hunting purpose of existing for Maltes. There are some Sutomore cases of human hunting in Winter and Professor Togawa could be making the access to the fake seamen list making for targeting anyone registered and living in Montenegro. October 15th to April 16th? Is it the length of people hunted time by the Amamoto strategies from Muo, Montenegro? Police corruption can be explained by the certain location had the human hunting team through the gang laws. Togawa lives at 'eh, pig?' saying spot for his Maltese business hideout near the rivers.
More UK people are hunting people because of the crime making up such as Jews assaulted for no pork eating to be just reviewed as the Muslims from the bystanders. UK corruptions causes only the locally accepted gangs living in the UK after the top elites are replaced by the Maltese Kagawa teams from Scotland since 2014. The UK elites have different fingerprints than their kids time.