01 November, 2008

Who would become a Targeted Individual? The possibility is One in Twenty!!!

From my childhood, I admired Colin Wilson's works. He is an English writer and thinker who has broad knowledge in philosophy, criminology, etc. In his books, Wilson often discuss about "outsider" which means someone who is superior and unique from others. He explains "outsider" as someone who struggle to reach the truth while others are easily driven by the environment and influenced from people. To know about the term, please read the book The Outsdier for the detail. When I consider the information about the information written in The Outsider and Beyond Outsider, I think the Targeted Individuals are the ones who has possibilities to be categorized as "outsider." I remembered citing of the book The Outsider in my term paper in Fall 2005. I am not sure if that triggered me to be the target but it seems it could be another conspiracy the SJSU organized stalkers made from my writing. Personally, I like the comparison of "outsider" with Byronic hero characteristics.

If you have read Wilson's discoveries and theories in his 60+ books, you would find similarities of his statements. Studying his writings may give a clue to the current mind control and worldwide population control. Wilson often mentions about cybernetics and other issues. I learned about Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, and other psychologists information from his books.
On of his book Personality Surgeon is about how to change the personality of oneself. For the lab study, the professor uses a camcorder to film the subject and let the subject changes his or her behavior. It is like how to monitor one's behavior by oneself for analysis and decides how to change his or her image. You know such study is what the congressmen and public relation executives go through to look like professional these days. I used the same technique during I was surrounded by the perps in Casa Torfeld I, the refugee residence. I collected the information of the perps behaviors and how I was communicating with them for analysis.
"From Publishers Weekly
During a break at a professional conference, Dr. Charlie Peruzzi, an English general practitioner, stumbles on the truth of the "personality theory" expounded by a Swedish brain specialist. Peruzzi observes for himself that people often have a distorted view of how others perceive them. He is convinced that if individuals could view themselves as others do, their basic personality problems might be solved, and decides to abandon his medical practice and instead conduct psychological research. Eventually, an entrepreneur offers to fund Peruzzi's "personality surgery." The doctor opens a laboratory where he formalizes his studies through the use of sophisticated computer technology. The story ends as he begins to gain recognition for developing what is called "the most exciting theory since Freud." Veteran author Wilson's (The Mind Parasites novel reads like an unembellished scientific log. While the premise may hold interest, the plot lacks drama and character development is nil.
Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc. "

Another interesting finding from Wilson's book is that the ratio of outsider in human population is "One in Twenty." Why outsider is a problem for the society with total control? Check out the citation below.
'Dominance is a subject of enormous interest to biologists and zoologists because the percentage of dominant animals — or human beings — seems to be amazingly constant. Bernard Shaw once asked the explorer H. M. Stanley how many other men could take over leadership of the expedition if Stanley himself fell ill; Stanley replied promptly: ‘One in twenty.’ ‘Is that exact or approximate?’ asked Shaw. ‘Exact.’ And biological studies have confirmed this as a fact. For some odd reason, precisely five percent — one in twenty — of any animal group are dominant — have leadership qualities. During the Korean War, the Chinese made the interesting discovery that if they separated out the dominant five percent of American prisoners of war, and kept them in a separate compound, the remaining ninety-five percent made no attempt to escape.'
— Colin Wilson, from A Criminal History of Mankind (p. 72)
(Quote courtesy of Righteouswarriortemple.org)"

In addition, I found some interesting information from the above website I got quotation. 20-80 Rule would be applicable for other fields. Just imagine how the current harassers are trying to eliminate the possible threat for their job title or their community.

"James O'Neill
08-03-2005, 09:45
Mr. McConnell gave an excellent answer - going so far as to reference the 80-20 rule even! Very well said :bow:

I have heard of the 80 - 20 rule (supposedly, exactly 20% of a given population would be considered to have leadership qualities, aka; Alfas, the remaining 80% being "followers"). I haven't ever heard it called the Pareto equation before though.

Perhaps our Dragon Minded friend would care to shed some light on who Pareto was & why the 80 - 20 rule bears his name?

08-03-2005, 11:08
Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist. He was interested in wealth distribution and noted that 20% of the population controlled 80% of the wealth. He developed a formula for it (log N = log A + m log x). This ratio has been found to hold for a number of other fields as well. The 80-20 Rule is the common name, but I like to give credit to the originator. For more info see http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/pareto.htm"

By the way, It seems Colin Wilson joined the "group" after the failure of his first marriage. But he is an outsider, he did not stop telling the piece of the truth to the world. If someone needs to keep his work continued, I am on my way - as I am another outsider.