26 May, 2009

Cars with Rosary I saw in August 2007 - from my diary

While I was reviewing my diary of 2007, I found some rosary car information. I wonder seeing car with rosary so many times is usual anywhere in Switzerland or even in Europe. All I can say is my environment was much higher probability to encounter cars with a rosary hanged on the rear view mirror. These are before I started filming perps for the evidences. By the way, my first roommate who was occasionally visiting my room on Wednesday to get the money from the manager, Mr. Kunz, is Christina Sonja from Yugo Slavia. She said she lives with her relative in Olten and never spent a night in my room. She was one of them I observed funny skits. Mr. Kunz removed her name tag on July 20th, 2007. Other information are ready to expose to make more detailed explanation on perps who lived in the refugee residence. It is nice to keep writing diary - the diary is an important item in George Orwell's 1984.

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell
If you know your past and your present situation, you are the one to manage yourself.


SO135258 Jewish cap wearing elderly on passenger seat.

AG30?6356 JEEP


Unknown said...

Here in Spain the CNI (centro nacional de inteligencia) Spanish secret services, is a puppet of the NATO's european Gladio network. Also Spanish police and Guardia Civil. Gladio network in Spain is the most powerful organisation and controls Spanish democracy. No judge, no newspaper, no police dares to confront this criminal organisation.
Here in Spain they hire thousands of manipulated citizens which think they are rending a patriotic task for Spain. High ranking officials from the police, the military and the secret services belong to Spanish Gladio. Also judges, journalist, lawyers, etc.
Gladio in Spain develops gangstalking to train this army of citizens. The security apparathus of the State is also at the dispossal of Gladio Spain.
The 11-M terrorist attacks in March 2004 were executed by its military branch. Its all CIA and MI6 driven to justify the last wars against terrorism.
Spain is kidnapped by this extremely powerful subversive intelligence network. It all works mafia-like style: blackmails, threats, etc.
My estimate of the number of members is about 250.000 people. Including main businessmen and several politicians.
Here in Spain they use a lot the Opus Dei sect. Its easy to manipulate this 50.000 fanatic, religious members. Many of them are told that they work for a sort of Secret Resistance Organisation with the purpose of saving the country from terrorism and communism invasions.

I am waiting for your comments on the Daniele Ganser is Gladio research.

Big kiss from your friend
