27 July, 2012

The New World Order - what it is about and how it effects citizens' life?

After 911, citizens around the world is under the total surveillance for the anti-terrorism propaganda. How many people want to commit a terrorism after 911? And what's for? That part is not even considered by the social scientists. Meanwhile, the Military Industrial Complex is getting more funding and profits from inventing new technologies for the surveillance and tortures such as acoustic and electromagnetic weapons.

If COINTELPRO is to drop certain people from their social status, that would be what happening in the USA and causing so many homeless. When you are a Targeted Individual, you might find having problem at your job as the people working for the intelligence and the local police can report your boss for the layoff. Enron had many foreign intelligence and the CIA workers were well paid till the bankruptcy. Now you know who showed up to your workplace and do the mobbing for the gang stalking. It is the same in schools and the neighborhoods. If the police says no, you cannot do that. That is what it is. Unfortunately, the anti-terrorism propaganda is misused just like the famous speech by George W. Bush Sr. (ex-CIA employee, you know) and mentioning of the new world order.

For the anti-terrorism propaganda, foreign intelligence is united to fight against the unwelcome citizens around the world. That is why the target of COINTELPRO won't find anywhere safe. The information is circulated around and the local police is asked to help taking out the person from the area. They would use the local informants and the extremists for the harassment. Also, they would use the social pressure for nullifying the person. It happens everywhere in the world as the elite cops are trained by the FBI and the CIA, so they know the American style of the harassment. These days, the Chinese style is also applied for the surveillance to make it worse, as their communist style is more effective on the civilian control.

Social status is the key of stability of the citizens. Due to the security clearance and background history of the person is more important for the social status these days, the people who have problem in the security issue would be easily picked for the surveillance and eventually ended up in the bottom of the social rudder. In other words, the lower class employees might have better social recognition in the area while they help the police. On the other hands, the people with free mind to question such totalitarian society or helping the real oppressed might get the label as mentally ill or criminal. If you believe 911 was an insider job, American psychologists might claim you as mentally ill. It's very popular knowledge and some news articles show which psychologists are engaged on that black psychology.

Student informants have power to put the target under surveillance in the mob. They might tailgate your car from the school garage to your home. They can just work with your neighbors who are the perpetrators to gather more information about you. They can show up anywhere for the harassments with their security-related advantage. In my case, I got so many experiences of such things in my life. For example, the Japanese Psychology major female student who I talked at SJSU was working at Santos, the supermarket near my apartment on N.7th St. in San Jose, CA. I met her when I wanted to talk with Dr. Sivertsen for what is going on at school like mobbing and gang stalking phenomenons. She told me that "do you know what you have done?" and I had no idea if that was my whistlebrowing about Sarah Lynn, she know has a different family name as she changed her family name for few times for her intelligence job. Sarah is the coordinator of Project SHINE, the volunteer system originated in Temple University, and she was engaged in the mobbing against me in Dr. Gonzales' class. That was my first memory of the mobbing/gang stalking by the students. In another occasion in different school, I saw a Korean student showed up to the immigration office when I wanted to ask something there. She and I were in the same class, and she was on the waiting line about 10 people before me, and later she communicated with me. Another day I went to there, and this time I saw Japanese students in the hallway. How many students can show up in an immigration office like this? The Japanese students have been showing up in a strange place sometimes. Maybe if the police checks their communication on their mobile phones, we might know how they showed up there for their surveillance jobs. Police often hires students for the surveillance, so if they are actually working for the police, then I win for exposing their COINTELPRO work. If they don't work for the police or the police won't admit their relationship with it, I win as I can prove their gang stalking activity as mafia work. I have been studying quite other things these days, but I think it's time for going back to my work on the social study. I can share quite famous schools on the list for the examples. For my study, I got quite a reliable information from my filming of these student foot solders on the go. So, I can prove their gang stalking activities and how they can manipulate the religion for the harassment as well. Who wants to have a Swiss bible in another country for anchoring? I got information like this for the strange incidents happening to me. It's easy to say the DOD hired civilians after 911 for the surveillance, then what is going on about the people they are tracking down. Also, the foreign embassies have been recruiting the citizens working/studying abroad for the surveillance based on anti-terrorism. We got bunch of intelligence workers cooperating around the world. This is what the new world order is based on, to pick who is OK to stay in the social status and who is not.