17 September, 2012

So, what actually happend in the German schools?

I think the perps would like to claim me as mental disease. It's the easiest way of taking someone out after the mobbing and the group to be able to do the "victim blaming." I sutided a bit of psychology, so I know quite much of how mobbing and gang stalking related with the mental health of the victim. Also, certain psychological problem would occur to the victim as such cases are listed on David Lawson's Cause Stalking. Moreover, the police-backed harassments are often discussed for the COINTELPRO operations. I learned more about the Project Superman, Andy Pero's legendary US Army related new Jubelmenschen project issues. Also, the local child-molester claimers - I got some parents with kids showing up about 20m distance for the surveillance. Are they plain clothes officers? Or the local concerned citizens hired by the gangs/extremists? That's what the München Police should discover. All, I know is that I got some parents with kids showing up in the church and sat near me. They are not the regular visitors as they don't really know what kind of material they use for the mass. Now wonder, Michael Jackson lived here once and owned a flat. I learned more about such issues as a freelance writer. Is there the issue of Eurasian Union going on with the Russian insiders? I don't really know about that, but seeing so many Russian perps and others who are related with Russia like the Korean perps who lived in Russia, so I can tell that might be part of the local perp's interests.

Well, now I need to tell the core concept of how I could not improve my German. First of all, the classroom is full of gang stalkers. They do the anchoring and gaslighting. I got one good picture of Ignacio, the Spanish guy, wearing NYPD logo sweatshirt. The conversation was also wierd. When I talked about my life in Switzerland and such, I got someone else in the classroom who lived there or worked there. And the teacher would start asking about him for the information from Switzerland. For example, there was a Mormon American guy who was often asked to talk about Switzerland as he worked there. But after the Catholic priest, Thomas, from Zürich came, Thomas was the one to answer such questions. I don't know what is the point of asking someone who lived or worked there to ask about Switzerland, while I got some knowledge much of the Swiss government - ah, I cannot tell much of my what I learned in BiH and such or those people from the embassy might be in trouble.  I can freely tell about these suspicious Americans as I got problem with CIA when I asked the political asylum. You can see, there was the strange censorship of what to say or who to ask about what in the classroom. The teacher has a blue Sieg bottle and talking about it as "my Swiss bottle" all the time. I don't know how far the psychiatric injury is caused from such incident. Can anyone from psychology field tell me about the power harassment possibility in the class?
In another scenario,  there were 5 Muslim men in the classroom and the teacher speaks Arabic. There was one Muslim woman with hijab also attended the class for a short time. She did not complete the class though. There were 2 visitors, one Bosnian and one French women. They came to observe the class. I don't know why there were people like that just showed up, while the teacher did not really do the teaching enthuristic. He just gave us some assignments from the textbook, but we watched the news more often. He also talked about Arabic and the Muslim students often talked about their culture. Meanwhile, when I went out to a beer garden for the school event, there was a Bolivian girl mentioning about Islamic culture in Syria and talking about no alcohol or the Ramadan issues. Another case was that Iman from Tunisia sat next to me after two Russian girls moved to another table. It was during the Ramadan time, and she ordered a glass of coke and then started complaining about she cannot eat or drink till the sun set. It was around 7.30pm, and I don't know how long she suspposed to wait till drink that coke later. So, there were people around me mentioning about Muslim culture quite many time. In one occassion, I got Irish girls in Croatia who were talking about Muslims cannot eat pork while I was cooking seafood in the kitchen. There was no Muslim in the building, but they started the conversation like that. I did not like the way how people around me were talking about Islamic culture. What if I try to be friendly and try to respect them? I would be definitely claimed as possible Muslim, right? I'm Catholic and I don't like to be claimed as Muslim or Jew. Jews were sent to the concentraion camp - the first one is in Dashau, near München. Now some Muslims are sent to Gitzmo or other places by the US Army. I don't wanna get my name on FBI's "Islam Index." I'd rather say Mohammad is a sexist and ped, if that make me forever away from Muslim claims. So, what was the reason so many Muslims in the classroom and even the teacher speak Arabic? And there was a Bible given to Paula, who worked as a flight attendant in Italy. That Bible seemed the Swiss Bile with 4 languages, instead of Rhätoromansch, English was added as the fourth. It was the day after I talked about Swiss Churches in the class.

To make my explanation short, I would just write in the bullet style.
  • Censorships of the topic and who to speak
  • Someone else often answered before I answer when I was assigned to speak, so I did not have chance for the speech often.
  • Motivation down by others who could speak about what I know the best, and the teacher often assigned that person for that topic
  • Gaslighting with the NYPD, and other materials in the class
  • Totally submissive lectur - there is less time for individual study and the most time was spent for the talking in the group or watching the video
  • The grammer collection of the students' writings in the entire group, and mentioning partzip 1, 2 and such from the news materials. If someone else is answering the questions, it is hard to concentrate on listening and guessing. Usually, there are few students who are quick to answer those questions and others just listening the answers.
  • V2K and the high-pitched tone on the night before the exam to keep me awake. One time, I noticed that I could hear the air conditioners' noise and some hissing noise around my occipital robe/cellebrum area. I used the ear plug and the outside noise supposed be shut down. Microwave hearing might have some noice noticed on the back of one's skull, so it might be a good example of how my electronic harassment effect is not the natural cause.
  • Submiliminal effect: I always got something else to do and could not often keep my study on my top priority. It could be artificial. For example, I thought of finishing new vocaburary, I found out something like do the laundry first, and I had to postpone my extra study. It's just get the inspiration of something else to do, and so many incidents made me to have less study time. I think this is quite normal phenomenon for the unwelcome students. Also, I often got feeling that my answer is not right and get some wrong answer. It could be of those subliminal effect to delay my learning process as if I'm not over 90% sure, I could get the feeling of another possibility as right.
  • Synchronized health effects: I saw often coughing, sneezing happened around me while I got such problem. Runny nose just occured for a short time while another person in the same room needed to blow one's nose. I don't know what kind of non-lethal weapon is used, but I think that is something to do with the covert weapons. 


Nat-Mau said...

Hi, I'm a target living in the US. I think some of your points are similar to what's being used on me. The one thing that seems to stand out with this harassment is that the government is intellectually lazy. I don't know if that's a hallmark of criminals or sociopaths or both. But they seem to use the same methods/tactics ad nauseum..this is how they leave evidence of whose doing this...same modus operandi pretty much ALL of time, whether it's in the US or Germany or Japan. I use online forums a lot to spread the word about targeting & I see often that other posters will already have basically written statements that mirror my thoughts before I have gotten a chance to write anything..could be a deterrant, a psychological undressing. I think it's part of the behaviorial modification aspect of this. I think for me since V2k (I hear voices 24/7, so consider how annoying that is) hasn't stopped me from speaking out and hasn't cowed me, now I believe physical means are being used--all of the sudden now I have what I believe to be tetanized legs--a result of directed energy weapons. I also have another theory about those of us targeted: I think there are those in the so-called intelligence communities who know what's going on and want to speak out against it, but are fearful and cowardly so they use us as spokespersons. I have yet to come across any target who doesn't seem to be above average in intelligence and who seem to be very articulate. I believe this is intentional. I think we are being used by people without courage and integrity b/c they saw those qualities in us. I've always thought that shills & cowards are employed by the FBI & CIA and those with integrity and courage, are targeted by those agencies. Ironic huh?

Nat-Mau said...

Hi, I'm a target living in the US. I think some of your points are similar to what's being used on me. The one thing that seems to stand out with this harassment is that the government is intellectually lazy. I don't know if that's a hallmark of criminals or sociopaths or both. But they seem to use the same methods/tactics ad nauseum..this is how they leave evidence of whose doing this...same modus operandi pretty much ALL of time, whether it's in the US or Germany or Japan. I use online forums a lot to spread the word about targeting & I see often that other posters will already have basically written statements that mirror my thoughts before I have gotten a chance to write anything..could be a deterrant, a psychological undressing. I think it's part of the behaviorial modification aspect of this. I think for me since V2k (I hear voices 24/7, so consider how annoying that is) hasn't stopped me from speaking out and hasn't cowed me, now I believe physical means are being used--all of the sudden now I have what I believe to be tetanized legs--a result of directed energy weapons. I also have another theory about those of us targeted: I think there are those in the so-called intelligence communities who know what's going on and want to speak out against it, but are fearful and cowardly so they use us as spokespersons. I have yet to come across any target who doesn't seem to be above average in intelligence and who seem to be very articulate. I believe this is intentional. I think we are being used by people without courage and integrity b/c they saw those qualities in us. I've always thought that shills & cowards are employed by the FBI & CIA and those with integrity and courage, are targeted by those agencies. Ironic huh?