02 November, 2014

Organized Stalkers Around Me - October 31st - Nov 1st, 2014

I took a bus yesterday to Bucharest. At night, I ate at Halite Mall. Later, I bought a bottle of soda at a kiosk nearby. I saw 2 Asians behind of me ordering coffee before I order something.

At the bus station, there was a man sleeping legs wide open and a penny dropped between his legs.

 3 Chinese men at the bus station. Notice that there was a Chinese couple in the bus and 2 Asian men with an Asian woman stood next to the bus before the departure.

One of the Asian man sleeping.

At Ruse, an Asian backpacker rode the bus with an old man. See the video.

At the bus station in Bucharest. The security guy on the left side with the ID asked me where I am heading and took the taxi with me to Gare de Nord. He warned me of the gypsies who are mafia. The travel fare was 161lei, about 36€. One Goggosi would cost 2lei and 1€ is 4lei here. Why it's so expensive? Is this normal in Bucharest fare? That's what I wanna know. Just watch the video for how the driver said so.