12 November, 2010

Anchoring tactics going on since yesterday

I mentioned about a strange logo wearing man. Today, I only went out to a restaurant because recent FarmVille study killing my time and I need more time for studying. Hopefully, that study would be going mild as I found out a way to keep things going for constant leveling up with less effort per a day. By the way, my aim of that study is for learning the behavioral and emotional changes from addiction. Since I don't have any addiction like alcohol, nicotine, nor even caffeine, I tried to see how addictive net-gaming would work on me. It would be beneficial for me to know how people get addicted on something so that I can compare that states with persuasion through remote hypnosis. If you are interested to see a part of my study, it's available at my page - the crucial parts are not there.

So, about today. I went to a restaurant to grab a meal. I was aware that perps would go there and the place would be cloudy no matter when I go. When I walked close to the restaurant, I saw 4-5 people walking into the restaurant. So, I passed it once. Then I passed a man who was murmuring something and looking at me.
I was thinking to go to another restaurant, but again changed my mind and decided to choose something randomly than thinking a particular meal. When I was close to the restaurant, I saw another 4-5 people walking in. This time, I saw the people I saw when I first passed by the restaurant walked out. I saw a police officer showed up and walked by in front of the restaurant. He seems to be a friend of a young clerk working there.

I ordered something that I utterly try. The 4-5 people seemed to be around and waiting behind of me there.

After I got my meals and left there and started walking on the street, I saw a man wearing "Akihabara" T-shirt just passed me and started walking in front of me. Here is the picture of him as I thought that was quite interesting to see. And mention the man behind him holding a hand of a child. When I tried to take the photo of the T-shirt logo, suddenly some children and adults with children appeared around him. The perps have quite good number in this area.

The T-shirt logo anchoring might be starting from something strange first and then it might drive the target to be aware of other logos. For me, if I did not see the logo of yesterday, I would just think it as a coincidence. If it goes on for at least once a day, it would cause a psychological sensitization against it.

And if a TI does not know how the one gets anchoring again and again, and only takes pictures, the one might be claimed for stalking strangers or their friends, isn't he? I did not follow the man with the logo today nor yesterday, and they showed up around the time when I was walking on that direction and passed me. That is the trick the stalkers use and their cunningness for claiming the TI as stalking them. Random-looking coincidences are just a set up of their tactics.

I think going together to a store or a restaurant is a typical technique to make the place clouded. It happened in a pizza restaurant in Croatia and at that time I did not enter and a man inside showed up and started threatening me because of my T-shirt logo for the rival football team.