08 November, 2010

Citizens to spy on each other, suggested by Napolitano

Now we have much clear evidence that our world has once become Communist like place. There is no clear explanation on what to be noticed or how to keep human and privacy rights. If someone is worried one's neighbor whose ethnicity is of minorities and has not a good social status, will the person capable to sniff around one's neighbor for one's conspiracy? How about a white neighborhood and one black household? This can be at school or work as well. If there is only one or two students from certain ethnic background or one's hobby is not social, can concerned teachers, students, and even parents keep an eye on the suspicious students? That's communism. And if they started to terminate them, it's Nazism. We need to learn from our history how to change the human abuse.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (Reuters) – Regular citizens around the world need to realize they can play a big role in thwarting terrorist attacks, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Saturday.

"They will be the ones that notice something in the neighborhood, see something on the street," she told a panel at an international forum hosted by the German Marshall Fund public policy group.


My suggestion is that we need to monitor the police and intelligence activities in the neighborhood. That way, we can avoid MKULTRA-type human testing on an individual or a group. Second is the exposure of the bullying and other form of abuse done by the group to an individual. Ms. Napolitano's suggestion can revive witch hunting in 21st Century. If we are more humanist than the time of our grand grand fathers, we should help these individuals in the way they can be accepted in the society rather than ridicule them and taking them out in the name of social justice.

Have you ever thought that the 24/7 surveillance can cause psychiatric injury? How about a suspicion on something that the one does not commit? Police officers and their informants can make up any suspicion on someone as that is their job to get promoted and keep their system working.

In our society, there are people already thought as suspicious as they are on the black list; Terrorist Index, Communist Index, Extremist Index, etc. And the people on the list cannot prove their innocence nor the reason why they are thought as suspicious. FBI would say that they can make anyone in the world suspicious using COINTELPRO techniques.

What I don't understand is that why no body suggests people to prove their innocence rather than causing everyone to be guilty. Ever increasing suspicion only cause the list to be inefficient. We all know that infants and kids are listed on the no-fly list. Ms. Napolitano's suggestion only cause to create more inefficient list. Some innocent individuals might be sent to prison because of the discrimination in the neighborhood by the community watch funded organized false witness system. Prisons are already full. Will you join the public lynching of the suspicious person for trying to avoid tax increase from keeping prisoners?