07 July, 2009

Change of my path..

I'm thinking to change my life style. I used to think helping TIs and trying to work on the organized stalking issue is something to do with activism and helping the ones oppressed (including me).

The organized stalkers' intention would be simple - destroy the target in the society.

Now, I learned how much of the mind control in the means of civilian control done by the NSA and the cooperative local authority to support the program causes more trouble as the whole society. People seem to accept it as a necessary evil. I am sure it is certainly against Christianity. Jesus did not oppress others. He could argue with the elders because of the different view of the religion. The Bible says that Jesus was falsely accused. More people were falsely accused in the Bible. Not everyone followed Jesus was praised or admired. The ones now admired are the ones killed because of their faith. John the Baptist is one of them.

In our society, we must compete with each other in order to survive or get better life. I thought helping Zeitgeist movement would reduce such oppressive tension among people. Less competition can make people to have much time and human approach to each other. Think about anthropologists, they tell lies and they make up the research for the benefit of the authorities. They call themselves the master of human culture and human being yet they are under the jungle law for the survival. While they are under the intention of a specific force, they cannot act to view the things as the whole which is much objective and scientific.

Why people are encouraged to work for the military these days? What they do? A solder's faith is in the country not the citizens. He is trained to kill people and work in the operations to destroy the target. The psychological warfare seems to have the same effect. The one who is crashed mentally from the outside force would be considered as weak. Bullying and mobbing could cause the victim to have psychiatric injury. In the military, it would be the situation that the solder defeated by the enermy. The boys don't cry. The old fashioned proverb can fit to the situation. If you are bullied, what you can do is either fight back (to go to jail for the violence) or run away (retreat). The same theory seems to fit perfectly in the organized stalking problem. The cure for gaslighting would be the retreat from the person causing the psychiatric injury. However, the real problem is the one who cause the problem. The victim once complained the problem, the one would be thought as the loser of the game and is able to be the target for the victim blaming. I want to be neither the winner or the loser; I wanna change the game itself.

What I can do? I wanna explain what the victims should know and how to act to reduce the problem. I could continue to write what I think to work for the victim of gang stalking / electronic harassment problems. However, I don't think this is something I wanna do for entire my life. Everyone wants to have their own normal life, so do I.

Ever since I was attracted to Christianity and the life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and other saints, I always wanted to work for them. I don't know what I can do as I would be harassed by the organized stalkers if I go to a church. From the observation, the stalkers seem to be the local police informants. They mimick the target for psychological harassment. I don't really like them harassing me inside of the God's house. So, I quit attending the Sunday Mass since the summer of 2008. If I wanted to attend a Mass, I could find some broadcasting online.

It's nice to talk with sisters who know a lot about Christianity. They might live in a different world and must be working under strict regulations. I thought that's something I can find the role model for my life. I've tried to follow the way of St. Francis, but I wasted so much time and money on things that I might not really need. I could have be aware of the vow of poverty he experienced. There are more things to reflect my life. And I feel myself as a sinner and not yet ready to say anything about him or others who lived one's life for the faith to Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...


I think you have to explain everybody wheter you do live in Casa Torfeld 1 or not. In case you don't, then the manager has lied to me saying there is no records of you staying there. In which case we now know he is cooperating with the perps to keep you isolated.
I don't even want to think on the other possibility: that this blog is faked.

I really don't see how you can't understand that the minute two targets contact, the whole game is over for the perps, because 90% of gangstalking is based on isolating the target from everybody, so he cannot support his claims on any witness.

If this blog is faked, then you should be ashamed for your lack of respect for so many targets' suffering.

If your history is real, then you should know by now that the best way, I'd say the only way, to destroy gangstalking is contacting personally another targets, and breaking the isolation circle

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...

The US Department of Defense has applied for many years Low Intensity Conflict policies, not only in Third World countries like El Salvador, or Angola, but also in Europe.
Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) its all about socio-political domination without leting the population be aware of it.

Low Intensity Warfare is an array of strategic, long term covert psychological,propaganda, political, economical,diplomatic, social actions.
You don't use direct open military actions. Only specific commando operations with the Special Forces (Green Berets). Most of the time you make the home land military and police bodies do the work.
Gangstalking is part of this broader LIC long term US Foreign Affairs strategy.
Its really incredible the US is aplying LIC in Europe. And after so many years I tell you, the US controls totally the European socio-political agenda.

You can argue,it may be ethically acceptable to apply LIC in undeveloped countries with a weak State, to make sure the raw materials and the population control don't fall in the hands of some other superpower rival (Russia). But using low intensity warfare in Europe? Now that the Cold War is over?
Really the american military establishment is never satisfied, they always want more and more control. Since 1945 they've never acepted that World War II was over.
With LIC, there is no risk of US public demonstrating against US army intervention in other countries, as in Vietnam for example. LIC is hidden war

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Unknown said...

Any way Miyoko, your webpage has been the first gangstalking website in Europe in history. Congratulations who ever you are or who ever is behind you.
I will try to continue some of the work you have done.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a gangstalking victim here in Spain since several years ago. You bet this mob is connected with top ranking police, legal courts and secret services all across Europe. From my personal point of view, the american intelligence (Pentagon/CIA) is behind everything, although for each country they use an array of cults or private secret groups like masons, religious integrists (Opus Dei), etc. All these covert groups move a lot of obedient, manipulated and submissive citizens, so they are very useful for the american intelligence's socio-political control policies. The just-in-time 24/7 targets surveillance is done with an internationally integrated military telecom network (Echelon?).....

I tell you one thing, I think I prefer to be a target than one of this puppets perps. They are blackmailed prisioners, semi-slaves, they have to deliver 24 hours availability, they are not free people. Thats even worst than being a target.

Anonymous said...

La inteligencia americana (Pentagono/CIA) utiliza un ramillete de organizaciones civiles privadas de caracter clandestino para llevar a cabo operaciones encubiertas de control social en otros paises, incluida Europa. Estoy hablando fundamentalmente de organizaciones religiosas integristas (Opus Dei) o grupos de obediencia como las logias masonicas. Es todo lo mismo,en cualquiera de estas organizaciones sus miembros, entre los que se encuentran policias, militares, jueces, politicos, miembros de los servicios secretos, etc, tienen una obediencia debida estricta para con la jerarquia interna y con los demas miembros o "hermanos" de la organizacion. No se contempla de ninguna forma que uno de sus miembros pueda ser desleal ya que cada "hermano" ha realizado votos o juramentos cuando se incorporo a la organizacion. Una vez dentro, son individuos con la voluntad anulada, marionetas manipuladas bajo obediencia ciega.

Las ramificaciones de estas organizaciones en los cuerpos de seguridad y la justicia les permiten realizar actividades delictivas con absoluta impunidad. Bajo un manto de filantropia y compromiso moral o religioso, realizan operaciones de corte mafioso para presionar y conseguir cualquiera de sus propositos.

Estas organizaciones han sido clave en el proceso de mordaza transversal que se ha aplicado para encubrir el 11-M. Son redes que tocan todos los ambitos de la sociedad civil. Este poder paralelo, ilegitimo, bien se puede decir que supera y desborda a las instituciones democraticas por su capacidad de influencia inmediata a cualquier nivel.

Por que nuestros servicios secretos no neutralizan las acciones delictivas de estas redes civiles? Por que no se obliga por ley a que los miembros de estas organizaciones esten identificados? Tiene la inteligencia americana Pentagono/CIA un sustancial poder de control sobre el CNI que permite que estas organizaciones delictivas operen con total impunidad en Espana?

Son organizaciones de corte internacional y por tanto este fenomeno no solo se produce en Espana.

Hace pocos dias en Portugal se ha hecho publico las relaciones peligrosas entre masones portugueses implicados en actos delictivos, con la policia y la judicatura. Hasta se han producido amenazas contra los oficiales de la policia judiciaria portuguesa que estaban investigando este caso.

JB said...

I don't live in Casa Torfeld I. I moved out from there in May 2007. My information is kept in the local government office as well as in the BFM.

Did you contact the manager in Casa Torfeld? How dare can you do it? Don't you doing too much for sticking to me? I think that is much like what the "individual" stalkers do.

I don't know what you mean by faking my blog. But you can see I still continue sharing some evidence of local perps with quite funny circumstance like "Kamikaze" logo. If someone wants to fake it, they just shut it down instead. I spread too much information.

You wrote: "If your history is real, then you should know by now that the best way, I'd say the only way, to destroy gangstalking is contacting personally another targets, and breaking the isolation circle"

I am a member of several victim forums and social networks. If you are looking for a particular TI to personally communicate with, you should look for someone else. I got couple of people I know as TIs.

Anonymous said...

You claim to be an activist but you haven't reported having spread gangstalking information through Facebook or Twitter. We need to diseminate gangstalking across the internet population. Create a wave of denounce. Why haven't you done this work already? Why haven't you entered in many Facebook groups and spread information about gangstalking? And ask everyone to re-spread it? I think this is the most effective way. Just in one afternoon you can spread your message in up to 20 groups or so, each one with 100 or 150 members. After a few days of work the information will have reach most of the internet population.

Anonymous said...

Another thing Miyoko:
We have to report about Opus Dei and Freemasonry Obedience cults, wheter religious or not, involved in gangstalking. They are all CIA controlled. Most of the people in freemasonry are not even aware the purposes of these organisations. They became members one day and only after several months they found out that they were caught up as life long prisioners to work as stalkers. There is no way out once you have been lured into those Obedience Caves, you became a puppet for the rest of your life. Many good people entered there with the best intentions,or just by curiosity, disinformed, not knowing the freeky truth of this Domination Orgs, they swore life-long vows, with strong penalties for dissidents and one day they found themselves unslaved and doing ganngstalking to other innocent citizens. There is no choice: either I destroy someone els or the Lodge will destroy me.
CIA prompted decades ago the dynamics that developed and converted this organisations into criminal mafia-like groups. But I doubt right now the CIA has full control over them. Its a Frankenstein out of control growing every day. Not even the most powerful people inside these power organisations, although aware of the social disaster, dare to call for a roll back. No one is held accountable for this and its going to continue growing under its own autonomous developing dynamics. The money collected to big corporations is an important part of this dynamic. Too many people's lifes and interests are dependent of this criminal System

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

JB said...
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