16 July, 2009

Tibetan Woman from Casa Torfeld I stalking me from Zofingen to Aarau

Here is a good example of how I encountered someone I met in Casa Torfeld I at Buchs AG is engaged in organized stalking. She is (probably - recalling from my memory) a Tibetan and related with the Tibetan "extremist" group in Aarau. She lived in Casa Torfeld I during the beginning of 2008 and moved out around March or April of that year when Abkur Dalow Abshir and others were engaged in more active harassment.

I think you can see her face clearly in my OSAM series around that period. I just don't have time to check all the videos, so I just show one picture I found from quickly skimming the collection. I think you might find the video of her walking on the hallway after opened the door to entrance in one morning. I think that video has better view of her or another one in the kitchen. I just cannot remember the exact date of these videos and I just got the back shot from the evidence of other skit by the woman near me.

Anyway, it happened yesterday. When I took a train from Zofinen, I saw the woman showed up. Since she lived for several months in Casa Torfeld I and I saw her quite often on the street and in the kitchen, I was able to remember her. She has really flat face, so it was easy to remember as a facial characteristic. Like the many perps, she showed up wearing black top and blue bottom. I already mention about perps wearing black/blue clothes and American logo ones for sensitization. She bought the ticket at the machine like I did.

When I left the train to get on another one at Olten, she was on the platform.

Did she moved to Zofingen and taking the train to Aarau on the same time of the same date? How this could be possible? This is what Tibetan extremists are able to do in Switzerland. A good example is the picture I shared about the guy wearing the clothes with US and Tibetan flags. I don't know how much they get for their extremist activities for tracking down a Japanese in Switzerland. I thought they seemed doing something "socially offensive" like stalking me, so I share their information. You know, it's normal for refugees and immigrants to be asked to engage in group militia-like activities by the US. That has been happend and documented. I should have organized their information better so that I would prevent terrorism in foreign countries in future.