26 December, 2013

How to make the perps to shut down my blog?

The V2K perps say that they want to shut down my blog. Well, I have the original here and another one in Thunblr. I would make the backups of the blog files in ZIP file sometimes. Maybe it's time to make the file to share for this year.

The V2K perps said that their usual way of shutting down the victim website/blog is that the victim wrote down the name of the perps and he could not get a job. I guess that is too much to speak as there are bunch of people with the same name around in the world. What's a Chinese name goes? And how many people with the same pronunciation and different Chinese characters? 1/5 of the world population is Chinese... And the different Chinese character goes to Japanese names as well.

Well, I don't think I have a perp name from very rural area like Cyprus or somewhere. I have some people's name in the PDF format and available to download for the TI readers. It does not hart anyone, I think.