01 December, 2007

Nihongo deno page.

昨日mixiでマイミクの日記を読んでいたら、問題の企業でネット検索した結果に彼のサイトがそれなりの位置に出ていたらしいです。私の場合は、なぜかこのブログのほうがホームページよりも検索結果では有名みたいで・・・。良く分からないけど、たまには日本語でブログ書いてみます。いったい誰がこのブログを見ているのかは興味ありますが、たぶんアメリカの諜報機関の人の場合は、視覚をモニターできる装置をエル・カミノ病院で埋め込まれたらしいし、ブログを見なくてもエシュロンを通したら私のネット接続状態もわかるわけだし。ただ単に掲示されている単語の数や見た目と難民活動家バリューでの目立ち度から上記に表示されている可能性もあるでしょうし。よく知りませんが、私はこのブログを最初から読み返したことは無いので、どれだけ「gang stalker」という文字が含まれているかも、サンノゼ州立大学の人類学教授の名前がどれだけ復唱されたかも知りません。最近は地元の警官が頑張っているみたいで、警官と「集団ストーカー」の映像人類学的な考察ようのデータ集めに忙しいです。

Men! I do not want to translate them in English for the English viewers!! I do not did so for German writing, so I guess I just left it as it is. Anyway English readers have the most previlage from my web site as I regularly write my blog in English.
My new-room mate moved to another room since she has her sister living in the same heim. This happened yesterday after I got back from the German lesson. She told me that she is a Christian. I saw her having a foreign Bible, which language I do not know. It looks similar to Hebrew but the words are not really Hebrew. I could recognize them as I studied the language a bit. It was not Coptic nor Arabic either. Yeah, if it was written in Cuneiform or Egyptian Hieroglyphs, I could recognize that. She asked me why I do not eat three meals per day. Yeah, because I am a refugee ran away from the US military, I did not had chance to eat regularly. I do not know if Eritorian refugees can eat 3 meals per day when they had conflict with Ethiopians. Their food hevest dropped 68%, according to the CIA fact book. She has a PJ, while I sleep in regular clothes. I only had clothes in my suitcase and were them for about 3 months. I washed them in the Motel rooms with soap. Now, this Japanese refugee seems more like a refugee than someone from Eritoria, doesn't she?