28 May, 2013

The rewritting the perp investigations to send it to the court

The V2K perps often talk in a group about how to change their investigation and what they are investigating. They seem to have no problem changing what they are investigating. They often talk about "Geisha" and the stereotype of Japanese women who are passive and obedient and they assume that will fit to the Muslim extremist claim due to my travel records to the Islamic countries and my knowledge of Arabic language. It was from Germany when those claim started. Japanese are dangerous because they are suicidal. The Japanese V2K speakers refer Japanese as "火の玉の人(the person of fireball)" and claim them as suicidal people. I don't know who use fireball. It could be the direct translation from Chinese or something. The V2K perps have special terms for their own use. So, the perps got few things mixed up; Japanese women are much like prostitute and can be suicidal. Well, perps are to make up any claim against the individual for the social assassination. Why can't we share what they do? My blog is pretty much like the Diary of Anne Frank, right? Just no one going to be slaughtered except the pigeon babies in Sarajevo and my belongings damaged...

The perps seem to have a way to rewrite their investigation. The V2K perps said that they are planning to make a claim of me as a thief and they want me to be stealing things in order to get money to travel around. Well, it makes me even hard to travel these days with those taking eye threats and such. The issue is that they seem to be the friends of the people I know at the hotel or somewhere I stayed and they ask these people to tell them what they want to write a report. These perps making the report seem to be bringing it to the court for any search order or something. I don't know this part but the V2K perps often notice about "the court" in their verbal threat. For example, they said that they want me to be working as a housekeeper or something in order to make be getting money or short in money. Then I supposed to be stealing things in order to support myself. These perps seem to have a certain reason of doing those damages to the disinformation and make the TI to have no jobs nor get a stability in the community. Well, the TI would be eventually become a homeless.
That seem to be how the society treating people and how people become gypsies. No one really studies this part of the world history for sociology nor social science.

I took a long bus ride from Antakya yesterday and got headache this morning and still my brain works dull. I hope my writing is ok. I slept in the bus for about 4 hours or so. Well, no damage to my eyes and have my belongings not damaged.