31 August, 2007

Deutsch als Fremdsprache – kaufen, einkaufen, verkaufen, usw.

It is hard to find my pare time to work on my German study. Right now, I got some works to do; translating gang stalking websites, updating my website, work in TI groups, protesting, and so on. I got couple of TI friends around the world (hoping they are not perps..). Currently, I am working with Japanese victims. I do not have enough time to make anything efficient to improve the situation in Japan, yet I believe small effort for everyday would make a big change in a yearly basis.
I think it is true for studying a foreign language also. I have a big problem in Dativ, Akkusativ, and such grammatic parts. I decided to memorize the verbs and nouns to get some way to understand a whole sentence on Zeitung. If I knew the words, it would be easier to understand the grammar of the articles.