14 July, 2021

China Church information

China Church


This is the short note about the China Church building program to debunk where to hide the Chinese churches. It meant all obey to the China and it was the end of the mind training program that is said to debunk the Chinese infiltrators to criticize the church action abroad mainly the US. This note was originally published in Twitter around July 10th, 2021, and each writing sentences are short. So, the explanation and the proper spelling may be needed for the edited longer length version.

The rumor says that this China Church program was misused for the world police organization infiltration of all agreement of the church clan building. And it ended as the police state building from Budva after Yataro's Czech swindling. Any drink? Outa Drink Co. was ready in 2015.

China church making program in Japan or Japanese citizens was operated by Aiko's clan and 4 Japan Red Cross workers gave the initiations in 2017-18. 32 teaching techniques to deny the god(code)/life(laugh) as the first step to speak up of Chinese government as a new god and filmed. Tanigawa installed the Chinese church strategy for the payment for the government as the extra sales from the churches and later the phenomenon was backed up by Saudi Arabia from 2018.

So, anyone trying to enter to the Catholic or Protestant church with the Chinese influence would be targeted as the Chinese church matter. Meanwhile, S.Korean or Tibetan churches are intact among the Asian churches as different military regions.

Chinese Catholic churches are; the USA(1), the UK(2), Canada(3), Norway(4) - Noruki Yamamoto, Sweden(5), Finland(6), Greenland(7), Switzerland/Germany(8), Ukraine(9), Russia(10), Belarus(11), Poland(12), Portugal(13), Isle of Man(14), Spain(15), Morocco(16), Cyprus(17), Greece(18).

France(19), Berlin, Germany(20), Ireland(21), Iceland(22), Cuba(23), French Guinea(24), Ecuador(25), Peru(26), Austria(27), Chile(28), Argentine(29), Falkland(30) - 2 deaths as the result. Scar Croth Chinese church team traveled 49 cities only as their saying.


The Chinese church propaganda makers did not enter; Brazil -SDF's Chinese population, India - different politics to China, Sri Lanka - no Chines name, Vietnam's Indonesia for different politics. over 500 regional check caused China betrayal check only to the China churches.


2. One eye take and another eye poking. Usually the left eye with the nose bone side poking to have no more eye opening feeling. Then another eye to look the upper side while a doctor to poke the eye side cheek bone so harsh for scaring the client - who is a sister or a priest.

During the hair(hares) cutting process, the brain was cut also to be retarded slightly later by the RFID brain beaming and thought reading since 2016. One eye damaged feeling by the eyebrow muscle poking several times for obeying to Chinese/China and nodding as response filmed.


China church making 32 strategies starts as: 1 Code pulling. Kami(god/hair), Life(Lie/Laugh) taking out purpose head nodding composure check. Any left or right head movement kills the person by the brain sphere small cut making as the vertical line for RFID inserting.

1. The code/hair(hares)/life,laugh,lie taking out by making a hole to the brain for RFID installing during the hair cut gesture time and one eye poking feeling giving.

2. Another eye blinding sensation by looking upperside and the doctor pushing the cheek bone so hard. The soundwave gives the brain activity of eye sensor paralyzing for some minutes to scare someone.

3. If someone had the concussion to survive that much, the sister is asked to tell who she meets by now for the help. And the friend is searched also as the most trustworthy person. And the pope's image was given to the sound memory thought induction technology.

4. And her groin was searched at that time while the woman had a sex was the rumor given to her most trustworthy person for the blackmailing technique.

5. Her nipple was taunted / His penis was teased by the medical tool.

6. "Why exciting?" The excitement to the body sensation is taunted by the examiner telling the sex experience before so loud in the disgusting face as the Vatican image. The woman would cry. Only the married experience holders have the right decision of telling the life history.

7. Sex surgery time. A woman would be suggested to have the sex organ surgery for less attractive groin holding. A priest case is the penis crown cut for the sake of the Vatican. It's the depressing figure that the Medugorje has the same surgery since 2017 by S.Koreans' funding.

8. Death. Feeling of death by putting a hot towel onto the face for taunting. The 5th time for the mirror show of the groin zone and the location was wiped out by the doctors. Next was the neck torture. The body up was to be unhealthy for China!

9. The groin surgery is done by a razor mess and it won't take a minute. But the feeling should be soar. So, the hot water was applied to the groin for the read rash causing for the mental penalty giving. Finger nail needle inserting as the Middle Age torture joke.

What is death? It was the way to treat human. It was Vatican! The group taunted the priest/sister that much would be scary too much! So, they wipe out the memory of an easygoing/kind church worker images from their character forever!

10. A different child inviting. A church child is decided by Chinese! In this case, a nearby Chinese officer needed from Nara in 2013 and it was installed that way in Hotel Taipei in China. And it worked as the China shipped the technology all over the world!

11. A new kid is accepted. Now a new priest? It was intern to be added as S.Korean member of the different church, the Unification Church. It was the UN's decision. Thus, a new priest is monitoring the Obey program later in the field as a new church friend.

12. A new family member? It was applied by China! Thus, the China church was built in!!! A woman often riding a Mercedes is the woman!!! The church woman. You can find such a priest/sister difference after the sex surgery. In a sister's case, a church brother group. 18-36yrs old.

The new brother to the sister's house is the butt checking figure. So many Koreans and Chinese of the military origin often hanging out by such reason to the church as the different church group's social interest showing as the each church taunting figure. It's not only Catholics.

13. The church business pasted toward the new family member; the new child and the new pope replacement brother/lover next to the church worker. So, the client's energy was to be given to those two people and the church friends but not the trustworthy person for the rumor fear.

14. How many ices? It's the icenon time. Someone got a hot sensation would get another hotness on the neck for the second touch of the different temperature item. 80C hotness towel and -20C dried ice putting on the same neck region.

And if the client saying "hot!" for the cold medicine as a dry ice sensation reacting? It's the mental disease on the filmed situation. It could be a single retirement information to the Vatican. But the Vatican priests love the sex organ exposure time to the neck false injury.

The group had the same decision of accepting China! before. So, anyone betraying is taking care after the sex video reviewing for the group sake. The group hierarchy has the right decision to keep the religion accordingly to be the silent figure.

Anywhere to recognize the hotness as coldness by looking at the material as a single ice to give the life sensation to the client. It was nothing! The experiment nullification was done! The sex organ exposure time and cutting! Memory loss was eager to be done.


15. But the sex-lover time is real. The man/woman came as an assistant besides two doctors - male and female - for the taunting figure. "What about this?" The short period of sex organ zone ice putting is given as the scar on the body because of the hot razor surgery zone.

The woman gets naked to ride on the priest! And the little inserting was filmed by the male lover to the sister! On the video is what the client as a Guinea Pig to be for the Chinese sensation. The highly stating church workers are like this.


16. Waiting point. There is this injury done by another person as the sex attendant. So, the doctors' care was needed. Any laughing or a friend choice feeling was taunted back in the strict order by the Chinese Communist church groups' operators. They know what is wrong.


17. Who to trust? And there is the mafia going attitude of the Vatican from Hungary after the Morphine accidents on the young sisters. Any sleeping time is dangerous is the attitude for single sleeping sisters. They had the little stab by Wakabayashi in 2017.

The women would be crying as patients but the lover would tell how to get tortured by the same person as the church installed figure. And it meant the man was showing tortured gesture also to give the pessimistic reasoning of a pessimistic pair being.


18. The young man help was the situation telling the lover figure by the group only. Anyone outside sniffing their relationship to be terminated. So, the lover to be the first trustworthy person around in the church as the Vatican figure replacement. It was the sex organ trauma.

The church authorities accepted the sex organ loss and torturing by suggesting the program, that was the last position to go for complaining for wise church workers. And the lover figure was to be installed as the next person to the church as the trust replaced location.


19. Hot. Any hot figure sensation giving. What is hot... A hotel? HOTel for meeting. The sound gives the signal to the client's body. It gives COOled as denying figure. "Nothing cool." The old priests and sisters would start to say for reflecting their training. 

Coldness sensation gives the mental torture to the Chinese priests and China followers. Because of the anus cut? Sex cut? mental image thought induction to be done.



20. Ho.. How is protected. The clients won't ask about "HOW to do it!" "Once again?" It's the thought penalty maker short priest visiting for the initiation to the shortness hell in the church. Any short priest officer knew the time of forgettable time mentor.

It meant the denial of learning skills to the priest installed as Chinese Church because of the brain surgery for the 24/7 Chinese monitoring of the person. The clever person would be chosen to be the safe keep for China. No skill needed while China is monitoring.


21. Kiss. A little kiss time is always the rightness telling by looking other side for the cheek kissing gesture only. Kissing time is dangerous, so tell what you are only during that time to have no writing at home.


22. Hug. It meant the little hugging time and being a baby like figure for the torture! A priest hugging always reflect the meaning of baby like. The lover tried it before. A Chinese priest before - the doctor came out where he came from after the baby like exposure of the client.

The client is powerlessly stripped figure while the OBEY is onto their body! That is the Bible sitcom making for the Soka Gakkai/Unification Church (Mooney Church for the Bankee Moon)/Protestant Amaz in Koln, etc). The body gesture is trained after 3 nights of night call.


23. Puntz.. down. It's the own insult. Punts down! But the call is coming as the BOICE Activity scenario making. It's the sudden dilemma of someone's call hearing. Anyone looks cute is not "cool" for American church identity insulting. And love meant "Punts down" of Metaha group.

Metaha is the helmet wearing robber/raper team of the Vatican. They raped and returned to the empty church @ Sughinami block in 2013 as bicycle mafia. They robbed too much in Nagoya, Chiba Tachibana house, Belgium German border zone(2013), Austria west, S.Africa.

Pants down! It was the teaching of what to do as a male! And priests are taunted for that. "Do you have grease inside?" The sister would feel the shame of hearing the voice by the thought induction.


24. Life sensation. Since any life image of lovely human being is taunted back by the sex by the thought monitors, the client would start to feel fun by reading and no sound giving materials like TVs. TVs are only for the group watch. The clients love local and trend on books.


25. Church matter? The client would forget the church activities to give the deep thoughts and s/he gives no more church interviews to colleagues or to the visitors. So, the Vatican's fame is bad on the self-sacrificed client!


26. Sex? There is a man offering the Deep Sex as the education after 1-6months as the Communist church figure. Anyone speaking up about the 'head choice' was about hair but it meant the real face cutting to the colleague who had it recently or scaring surgery matter in the group.


Because of the group spill by the trustworthy church worker instead of the lover of one's own as the priest for the different church hiding trick, another priest as the real RobotaMars' Vatican monitoring workers' interfering. The talker is taken out by the mosque.

A priest figure to be invited by the WAL of Vatican. It was Walmart choice from Milpitas, CA. It started as the knife sake and hiding the real one in the plastic toy for the Halloween time in the car. A reaper's cloak was used in the shopping experiment for the real cutting.

Wohl(WAL) is from Koshimizu house and a priest was taken as Daleon from Vienna west of the Votiv Churh in 2015 and his ID is used for his blindness. Priest clothes are many from the church alter side room and anyone can take it for mosque camouflages.

Because of the sex mania taunting by the mosque people wearing the priest clothes only as the church people trusting so easily, the client would be expelled from the church by the suggestion of 'what if we are(mosque boys)?' and agreeing for the group sex matter.


27. Bees. Anyone would go sensitive to a little sensation like the bee sting! Bees are computer animal and controlled by the voice command remotely by the technology. Any bee assaulting is un-church like. Thought induction for punishing to keep the person weak.


28. Eight fever. After wining to the bees and insects. There is the narcistic 1 day misfit zone! A man would be dismissed for one day as the thought penalty meter. Will the client goes for the revenge? The church needed the check of the personality and thought inductions severe.

"What if it was only one day?" Someone's voice reflection goes to the mind of the client. This 1 day dismiss happens after a year from the surgery since 2017. "Will it one day or forever?" The thought went wrong as the pessimistic isolation and the group belonging termination.

That is the time when Chinese mafia normally finds the fake priests only thinking about the Chinese community and Communist wealth matter and the one disappears from the enough thought induction and brain taming. Hotel Termini is for such purpose use in Londoners.

And the church returning priest would be monitored further for about 2 years more as the life expectation for the functioning priest being at an active church. This is because of the opposite side monitoring. His new families are opposing to the client's opinions. Why going out?

Any escaping is found for the found fault matter. The baby the client assigned would have some mental check as Sumsung's new material applied figure if it was the UN secret use. The lover would be going out with new people for the flirting and blackmailing infiltrators' work.

Night fever is the new term for the priests but it was changed as 8 weeks' decision making as the term of if the church is suited for him to work as the according place or not. So, 8 nights is the matter of the thought induction fear of how many nights in a day/week confusion.



29. Pay time. The extra priest must pay! He has a lover! A Mercedes? The car sales would be demanded by the heavenly charter! The wrong priest would sell her car accidentally for the church job/affair trouble to pick on the family.

Mostly, such Chinese priests are criticized from the home owners being. A woman would be demanded by the mafia boys to pick on her lover figure who is only there as cute and just interested in the church for having money or staying spot.

The priests are always complained as the cops' example of being taunted accordingly for the embezzlement. Others hated such a figure but the mighty China's blackmailing keeps them working in the local churches. 18 million people had such China church in the US to Canada by 2019.


30. Sex active figure showing was the suggestion of Chinese influential group. Why healthy? Because of the mighty family figure!!! It's the wrong introduction of a healthy family to the long term aiming isolated priest's aim of being more influential in the church as a puppetman.

Who is the sister? Someone asks to the client. Of course, the family member lover as the sister model! And it went wrong as the old porno photo sharing as she was a whore to the church community for the truth taunting figure to disappoint the client.

The new family infant would be a very fat boy or someone who went to the scapegoat by a sex worker job already for the church taunting figure. So, the client's life is ruined this way. For sister clients, older father came for the money sake.


31. Aye.. An eye on you..? This is the sex taunt but for one eye taking figure by the installed and Chinese Communist Party trained lover. They act for the eye punishment once for the church removal confession making client. An eye loss? The client remembers the experience before.

It was the jealousy pretending priest to get the lover pieces his eye for the treatment. It was the joke but the lover says s/he could not handle anymore. The priest may kill the abt from staying reason by this point to protect his own family members and his life.

And an eye loss is the teaching of the Christ community. The Chinese taught it real as the 32 steps of obeying technique ends as the China Communist praising. The clients begged in 2-3 weeks of the torture program and they obey to China only and filmed so! Eye out was planed.


32. The heard decision. "Am I here be?" It's Aiko's noise of the glycerin check. Some had the glycerin massage on the chest like the lover's saliva ownership faking and any hazardous material contact like the Fukushima time aiming the China supporting priests.

Heart or being heard? That was the decision making joke of the priests. The community meant the client protected zone. The infiltrators are ready. They would dispatch to aim for a new client in the field. Since the client is obeying to Aiko's voice only, s/he is at disposal.

2-3 weeks of torture had 18 technologies in it. Putting the denture into the groin and how to hide is asked from 2018. A woman knew how to hide a lipstick for the maleness check for the foreign(fallen) priest by adding her groin essence on it!

The Chinese church program is rather the sex maniac making program. What they teach is viewed from other sides for the different parties' profit making. Being kind only meant the sex-loss as some wrong decision made by the Chinese and Muslim groups around 2015.

































Tetuya Koike chapter from the Crime Defender Techniques vol.11

How many people fully understand the crime replacement phenomenon since 2013? There are crime booms and the lower class practiced what works for making money for the survival. For example, a Mercedes dealership 500€ logo at the shop payment to the official company dealer became a boom in Macedonia around 2015 to 2017. And the car thieves had the assistants for the stolen car sales. Only a logo was the cost of the car store establishment. And the thieves had no initial payment for car purchase. It started as Komatu's rented car theft and sales from Italy and his team helped the car thefts in Montenegro. And it became a big boom in the Balkans around 2016.

In the same way, there was Koike's leaflet swindling happened in Japan. Koike was not having a proper job and he only used someone else's printer and also the dead people's bank accounts for getting money for swindling. What Koike did was the "Introduction to:" leaflet service of telling what the people heading to aboard could do. For example, Koike's leaflet had the French speaking Terror service and it was the joke of Nutella contact suggesting like an official promotion TV program installed. It meant something you could get was the French TV programs in France. It's the common sense that French watch TV programs in France and that was the service they could get for taking the trip. He added the actual tourist agency reservation as another phone number for the real travel making while the middle man figure to install the already provided feature at the tourist spot. So, there are suggestions given as the choice of the location to go or place to visit for the next payment site but he stated as if the price included as what the initial payment was for the choice matter at the tourist destination as the paid program to pick. At least, Koike made money as a teenager rich enough to travel to Vienna. 

Okayama's Shizutani School swindler Komatu's story would be shared here for the book promotion of another volume of the Crime Defender Techniques series. 30 already dead criminals very popular are listed in each volume. 


14. Koike, Takuya(DHS Nara)

He was from the elite industry of the transportation logistics for the Japanese department industry in Nara, and he was good at Shimizu city replacing toward Vienna by one by one car dropping toward the Shachihoko club in both Slovakia and Austria side for the car transceiver taking for the police jobs. The simple philosophy holding Slovakian police boys soon died out by 2018 and their jail house became the rice cultivator aiming Schliley groups holders. Anyone aiming to the cultivation spot toilet use was banned. It was the blinded men who used to be in the police works kept in the jails for the Chinese company aiming toward Czech after the INTE assassination school creation in Brussels to their AINTE as the APE theory telling spot in the Bratislava zone. Shimizu city students were banned to the elite school entry in Tokyo. And they received an invitation letter from the Deutsch Academy in France enlisted place as the Marunouchi City Hall for the Fundays Saviz making. It was a joke software but so many students applied for the jobs from north of Shimizu city as Yuki Koyanaghi’s original location. Some poor kids might apply for the such obvious letters included France as the location of their stay! It was known as the mailing business in Kyoto. Someone failed to apply to the Tokyo University by the easy guess of let him in for the no lecture sake. Anyone entering to the university and dying meant only wasting the time of someone who was asked to stay home, and he asked this clever telling of one more person applied for the day time commute faking jobs at the university as a double matter to the dying really assigned student who might die before the graduation. And his thought was punished and he soon died a a childish figure. But his thought was clever and others thought of the double matter applying. The Chinese government took the situation as the double entry to Japan by thinking such a double person job applying person to the replaced by Chinese children later.

Koike helped the job of moving children up to 4 years old age only for the textbook passing jobs. He illegally copied the German A1 textbooks in someone else’s house for the ship business. No one knew how much would cost for 20 pages size leaflet making everyday and Koike pretended only 1 page printing out. Koike was poor because of the car problem after the radioactive rain continued in Kyoto. And he saw the copy machine owner died from the heart attack accident and he used up the free copying money and shared their house for the neighbors’ use and he moved himself to Saitama city to join Do-Aho club. Do anything silly for the survival was what the club meant. Koike lost his own father after March 21st of 2013 and he pretended that was 2016 to rethink if it was several years already to rethink how much time had spent from the day of the funeral as the short term long rethinking experiment making. The sudden death right after is the panic but rethinking this way helped the relatives and close friends to calm down from the death scene rebuilding. It was several years ago? Some people started to think wisely of how to use money and such. Koike’s case was the loan repaying. Someone lost had the extra car that no one would use. Someone in the loan trouble would repay using the extra car for the payment to be free from the national law zone. Thus, the loaned person would go free to travel abroad for the longer life challenging. Koike made some small business from the old plates collecting and washing for the S.Korean family houses. Each dish was sold for 6yen or something of 2  Euro cent value for still surviving figure making. Then, he found the applying business for the false leaflet making and swindling with the old people’s bank account for the usage. At least Koike’s case made 16 million yen for the total textbook sales from 2014 to 2016 when Koike married to a Filipino woman in Vienna. Koike asked about the sports board business school in Vienna for the yacht harbor use staying. The leaflet was asking the certain price after the arrival in the Vienna city as the advice only! 80,000yen was collected often about the agriculture watching business in the farmland north or near Vienna! It was Aiko’s order of giving up wealth in Japan as much as possible to live longer in Vienna as the assignment. There were people with leaflet coming like the movie Nebraska! And the complaining group was accepted the entry from the airport. Koike made more money by only having 30,000€ each from Takuya Miyake’s shop business in Saitama city. He asked others’ take as their own income matter for the parents’ asking. So, only Okuyama as Onjyouji made over 1.2 million yen from the study room as the bathtub area making. Studying in a spa created a better environment for some people because of the refreshed reading time. But the bad people came and crashed the group resort in Fukuyama as a part of Daikanyama graveyard zones. Anyone entering retired from the earthly jobs as the earth to be the penalty maker. So, a ticket purchase of 26,000yen for a safe bathtub included housing rent turned out to be the whole family loss. It was the shipping. Any died person was dumped from the side of the hallway window to the backyard garbage container aiming drop. It created 16 people deaths for the car sales and the houses. It was only one night stay for each person yet the group payment was 1.2 million value after leaving their keys!

Because of Koike, Aiko caught up with Ikegaki’s plan of the occult house purchase. Ikegaki doll house club made the aim of Aiko doll to be kept in the shopping mall in Kagren in Vienna. It was known also as Ginza house for aiming APE as Poh region to match up the children’s bear book. Only Winner would be Poh like a simple figure! That was the image of Vienna’s staci program. Aiko asked the city sales to Mama-Myoji as Aiko’s treasure tool. It was Gaihan Boshi program of Kyoto and it was from Brussels’ Masahiko Kondo club. Any outsider is eliminated and only the mother and sons would be protected by Kyoto gossipers. Koike gave the leaflets of how he swindled to bring people into Vienna for the easy job search in Kagren area.

Koike instead was wise and he contacted the extremely poor church worker type at the Mariahilfe Church. It was Wong’s prediction of 4 people married in Vienna for Aiko’s clan while one more eliminated and it was Ichijyou-temple of Yoshiki clan. Koike married to a Filipino woman after making some phone calls and everyone around him thought him as 22 years old like the city heights group. Only 22 or older was asked for the entry to the Tohato group’s entry jobs for robbing from Hiroshima, the Zasai vegetable soup killing by the Turkey origin Hiroshima group. They were in Bratislava for the car theft business for the drive school type Kyoto group in Vienna. The Kyoto group had the help from Hungary residing Tohato cops.

Koike said he was only 18 years old and pretended to look gorgeous at the porno industry age. But Kyoto clothes store group hated the idea of selling body and he was rather invited for the female sales. His own Filipino girl was asked to be in the sex ring near the Vienna main train station. Aiko demanded his ownership was only for women and not the monkey type as denouncing the Filipino group. Koike met Akiko Fukuhara and it was not her type as the river died person later. Aiko wanted more of such mixed marriages by her own clan and it went wrong. Koike aimed for Aiko and Aiko was assaulted by Tigers. Yokohama Tigers lost for being silly and only asking for the tempura cooking service in the south of Vienna. Yokosuga Tigers established in Vienna after some Fukukawa and Furuta type names. Anything old was preferred by Koike. Anything older sounded and looked silly in the trend searching Aiko’s club. So, Furukawa made a fame of going together with Choi-Chong(Wong)’s old Asian man figure as a normal circle holding. Choi-Chong cut off the ties of the Tomo- named villages in Japan and China. Anywhere with a ‘friend’ letter in the location name was targeted.

Koike made the fame of the old Viennese man taunting figure while Yoshiki cut off the social ties of the French army retired old men by stripping their clothes off in Nice to Switzerland. Koike often made the mate program joke of a lovely kiss pretender for a small kissing to the street walking old man for their key aiming. So, a man died while Koike was in his apartment by Koike’s fake police phone call. A forgetful man was punished for the hospitalization. And his house was soon sold to the Mori(arty) army in Vienna because he needed a house not far from the Japanese Embassy for the Edu-Caution education. Any education from Japan or China must have a doubt before handling. But Mori(arty) was in trouble of the local police for the simple killing of the man who complained about his home ownership trouble outside of the building. If Morii as the Japanese ex-Prime Minister club made the scandal in Europe, it would taunt the UN Nations motivator Miko as Aiko to be reviewed by the Kyoto Vatican club and it was the Never church in France. At that time, Morii pretended that he caught the wrong policeman instead on the street for the crime charity making. The inmate was killed by Setuko Fukuhara’s mineral water passing as Aiko’s serving. Because the culprit was dead, the Viennese police was silent. And it went well at the Swedenplatz police office intake by one or two saying to make the culprit making for the Honjyo group as Aiko’s clan. Anyone complained to the local police in Vienna was targeted by the Tohato boys. The Tohato boys are from the robbery clan and their policy was the robbing from the Japanese citizens. So, no one could complain about the theft by their on group’s personal use was what Aiko’s clan decided as the secret code with Tokiko’s World for the New World Government order from Tochio House. It was Koći house before till 2014 and it changed the name of the Jewish funding for Toy’s’ares, Toys’ Alles, Toy’s R US type taunting manner. Any toy but a pumpkin toy is forbidden in the Toy’s’us storage in Tel Aviv for the world taunting introduction. So, Koike made a smooth education of the police boys, and his fame went to Mochee house for Mochu taunting. Mochee was from Niigata and he was an NHK producer. Mochu spoke 32 languages and normal in Japan as Yutaka Koizumi’s Yukata team. Koike restored his electron matter around to the Jew region in Vienna for a house purchase. He pretended to be in one of the top floor room for the crime observer being of his own killing. He was wearing a black hat and complained to Koizumi group as Koitu as his nickname of the culprit. He killed over 1300 people in Japan for 2014 only as his expectation of his own cause. And he killed 300 people already after he moved into Vienna. He aimed especially toward the baby holding Croat and Slovakia Scandinavia teams near his car sales zone. They came as kids holder to be safe and their babies were thrown for the textbook problem of Taishu Ouwada group. The Kasuga group as the Muslim supporter helping the contract of the Japanese WOR clan holding from Brazil north as the real China/Korea Navy group originated from Kyoto. Gowa was the company that took 20 million yen after the Croat navy ships purchase from Makoto Kondo’s Rijeka. Makoto Kondo was in the Storic family member for messing up type. And the Croat army men helped to be the military subordinate from Vienna around 2013. 2016 was Houjyo temple clan from Fukushima using the same role of the different partner search mating program assist to be doe non APE association for the female monitoring system of Fukuoka group in Vienna. Fukuoka had any healthy Muslims as women counting and it was just the word game of everyone added for the assist program if they were found as shitting in the bathroom like what the monkeys would do or public bath taunting Muslim person figure. The searchers were powerless on the false fugitives and their falsified reports were only for the marginal time matter. So,anyone counted at the end of their death would give up more to the officers. Anyone so stupid is ignored often. And it was the Do-Aho club origin in Tokyo around 2013.

Koike had the famous something as the brand name seller and he did the Tohato cheese factory for Aiko foods in Zurich north damaged. Aiko wanted to add as much of their group products for denouncing the Viennese customers. And panko sales came as Hyoujyou person sales from Shakotan Miyake club in Hondo known as the Pritovac lake south in Croatia. Some people needed money and they occupied the long parking lot or play ground for their own living matter. So, the cheese sales went as the loan to the poverty people and Koike stated to Aikos as his sake of making his own better cheese by himself as the reason of the regional contractor from Zurich killed in Vienna. Koike kicked out so many times and his phrase of “Go, Come’on!” or “Deteike(go away)!” became so popular in Vienna around 2016. He was holding the public opinion manner of sales. His listed homes were still occupied in one of the Croat winery killer’s real estate store. She was from Pula as one of 28 people together for the Tomomaru’s Tomoz team. She visited Mura-chazuru’s winery region in the middle to northeast of Germany for ‘E! Ustez!” real estate real street purchase. The women were replaced to be of Viennese while the men did not care! It happened around 2015. At least, 40 wineries died in Germany for the Fukushima sake. Anyone heading to the enlisted occupied home as a wealthy purchase was taunted by both occupants and also the real estate swindler’s friends at the site. It started from Ishikawa prefecture of the train stopping and train purchase by the Kyoto club.

His name was community itself for his real name hiding person. But he wanted once to be famous Mr. Koike figure. He went to Miyake club in France north as the Paris-Dakar figure. It was the serial killer movie The natural born killers retake by the Honba announcers. And he was robbed. He lost his air vehicle riding license by assigned person not meeting! And it was the loss for the Matukiyo’s time. Some other security club messed around with the riding ticket and Koike lost. He was not proper Aiko’s supporter. Koike was removed from the air vehicle riding member. Koike hid himself in the NHK cars for the airport pickup purpose only and his car could not pass the border to Belgium. And he was somehow picked up by Kouga team’s Air Styler for the sales. He knew the airport knowledge and the pick up technique of 50 meters run. So, he was dangerous for the Whou House in Czech. So, he was instead to aim for Kosovo where Mineghishi club hid around 2016. Because of the aim was so strong in the opponent hitting environment and he was caught by Tadashi Yokoyama club from Hikosuke’s Macedonia. And he received the permanent hair service for telling his real name and his connection to Aikos at Hotel Bushi which was Toshiba Shiba clan since 2016. And he received a cheek slap by Aichi cop using someone else’s name always as a mysterious woman. Because of her image of the serial killer was suited for hunting down the weak man like Koike who had 2 hours of body search for the pornography making at the hotel, and he was killed not far from the Skopje train station by the woman. But his body had so many fish-helmet marks like someone form the holy origin telling as Aiko’s joke. So, his body was dragged into the morning train to be shipped to “Chile No Hara” region about 4 hours from Skopje passing Kosovo region s the penalty of not knowing where to get a Kosovo train nor schedule by bypassing Aiko’s storage house in Binta’s place north of Macedonia. Koike died from a brutal death by a woman and his business back in Vienna was taken by Katunori Otomo’s fan, Brak. 

The first 4000 words of my new book "Wakabayashi Chronology"

 I wanted to know what Gakkai Wakabayasih, Genba Wakabayashi, Honba Wakabayashi and those Wakabayashi related locations and how Wakabayashi as someone who moved to Budapest as a killer who swindled the women around for the longer stay making there as the fake police team from Japan and succeeded to migrate to Colorado later with so many US Army sales in Skopje to Albania. St. Kitz received the extra funding for the Kida or Kiguchi team in Skopje to be Torneko team. Torneko team's case is the crime replacement of someone lived in Switzerland and known as Tuneo. St. Kitz money sender case was the US Army funding from Haiti to be swindled as the 10 million and failed groups to be handled by the Greek embassy for Mine's 4 million take as the original opinion. Mine wanted more moneyand the American shipping became the whole swindling since 2017. The Haiti millionaire died in 2018 next year...

After 2011, so many people migrated abroad from Japan as criminals and swindlers. The Turkish envoy is the turn from the Turkish Yakuza guys and they settled in Macedonia not yet North Macedonia back then for the 500€ Mercedes dealer name for the car theft and purchase boom in the country. 

I heard what Wakabayashi was and his relationship with the Japanese police team. I heard Wakabayashi had the Medugorje staying for the S.Koreans' discrimination toward any Japanese or S.Korean hating Chinese Christians while S.Koreans are engaged in the sex porno industry such as the Oinc "Buta no Inanaki" photos of the Zagreb visitors. Yasushi Yokoyama as the root beer matter of Swindling from Saraje-Po Sarajevo police station in Herceg Pina region in 2015 to 2016 for the migration in the area between Mostar to Medugorje. It was Yoshiki replacement for someone to stay in the location and Yasushi was chosen as the similar name person for bamboo shoot cultivation for the sales and living. Meanwhile Inoki from Pula came and did the crime wipe of eliminating the nearby residents from 2017. 

There was the history of the police replacement in Zagreb by Toshiyuki Takahashi group or Mikio Nagasawa's Soka boy team for the pub making and late night missing people. 

And what was the 4 died Tosa cops in Nagano prefecture when Wakabayashi was living with them around 2013 and his trip to Dubrovnik and a neighbor's death there? There were so many people died especially from 2015 and more people got wild later for targeting foreigners. There are history to understand if we still have the chronological time telling by the historical records and the location kept evidences.


Excerpt of Wakabayashi Chronology book

Wakabayashi Chronology by Miyoko Goto

Table of Contents


Taniguchi Construction ownership

Criminality and Handy

Lawyership matter

Swiss visit

Count contact Veles

Wakaba to Takanohana - Takanou crash

Genba Wakabayashi (6 types in 824 locations)

Honba Wakabayashi (4 zones - Munich, Yusuke Kondo house, INTE Ninja club, Souda city)

Soudan Wakabayashi (Ninte in Malta)

Denba Wakabayashi (University of Denver)

Konban-Wakabayashi! (Budapest for Ring taking)

Gakkai Wakabayashi (Vienna, New York)

Tokuma Publisher establishment

King ON

Muire (Office Moor)

Indian check


Parking Mania!




He was at the green park in Okayama and he wanted to first retire as a search believer to do on some people’s find fault of others abroad and their family members in Japan for contact. It was 2012 and the refugee rush was many toward west of Japan, especially from Osaka to west. Takeshi Wakabayashi  was a poor guy who had no money and only had his old mother at his home. He decided to crash the location across the large bridge in Okayama city south, and he was noted as the villager who took an old woman’s purse across the bridge and he was a running away figure. Because not so many people were looking for prays. Okayama was a rich city. Museum people noted him as one of the textbook style city damaging part of Okayama population. He was born in 1981 and he was rich in education up to high school. Because of the second chance of hitting on a young woman’s purse by stalking from the behind, he was caught by the local police group second time. And he was charged for 400,000yen payment by the city hall law. He had 3 days of attendance and his father in law protected his wealth by telling that Fukushima people were killed out and Wakabayashi had some trouble in his legs for the running ability check after he lost his car license exam not passed last year. So, he was not able to go faraway for the trip making alone. And the woman died soon! Wakabayashi made the food at the victim’s house by purchasing an expensive S.Korea origin food for the food safety matter telling and even flirted her because she was 24 years old and he pretended to be Hiromitu of 27 years old his brother. And the food killed the victim woman! And Wakabayashi only paid 300,000yen as the penalty of his own. He spent 3 weeks in the police communication program to get steady in the local people to be nice. He visited many different regions for the police double check on the women who could know the crime committed type man like him. Kouji Tuyuno was the security officer in he talked about others who were not suited about Fukushima talking abroad and Tuyuno asked about the certain people returning as the Nikkei police’s want list from the US. The regional police workers were monitoring. Some were actively communicating with abroad cultures to criticize Fukushima. It was like the

Yoshioka was one culprit he made up as the foreign visitor check needed abroad working women searching. And he met the family of several listed foreign living citizens’ list for Al-Qaeda making. Kayano was suggesting one such family about the scary use of the family money abroad. And one woman’s home had no money to spare for the investigation free by the military suggestion of the next time meet up for telling how to teach English or Japanese newspaper reading by Japanese style for lynching. Wakabayashi wanted to have some time of reading newspapers as if toward someone listed on the governmental list for taunting. It was the jail education of what to be good against the culprit type mentality holding people. It was rather the moral taking. But it was rather the newspaper saying is what is real against the groups. If someone is written as guilty, that was it! Tuyuno’s case was taken as a culprit matter on the news in 2013. He was pulled by a young Tanigawa group member and his groin was teased by the razor weapon created from Kyoto for no Sagojyo or Kojirou catching by the law violation matter in Shikoku island. It was Chinese matter and Tuyuno retired from the active S.American visiting site taunting in Shiga prefecture area. Tuyuno became Genkichi, original crazy person being. Saitama had such funny namings of Fukushima culture telling. Genkichi as the original crazy person counted for a crime. Renkichi is for the crazy person engaged in the crimes by being crazy in multiple sites, etc.

A family member was asked about the English writing abroad of her relative, and she suggested of meeting Yoshioka for the English language matter of reading. Wakabayashi came for the money asking to the culprit image  people on the black list. Because of the thought traffic, Wakabayashi visited the new home for the bonding making to accuse the black list person. It worked as his way of thinking was wrong as the group suggestion. Something written in another language had nothing to do with the Japanese culture of nowadays. Some people might be stripped off for the sex matter, but it could be forced. It was the matter of Tuyuno’s information of the Kenyari Kenchanayo cop of the sex libido couple training went wrong as the woman’s topless exposed while Kendo Ninomiya was exposed as the old figure which was listed in the Takamura collection house in southeast Germany during the culprit making time of 2006 to 2010. Jyuntaro Mikimoto took a Owari Nagoya cop’s suggestion of someone like a seeker to be a Tobi seagull figure. His name changed based on the culprit list to be on his brother Keyan or his father Kimihiko because of the age difference. He took Leon as the image of the young assailant figure or the cigar holding assassin character from the group movie view. Leon as his name and he tried to add his image on it. He became Leon Stork by 2008. Because of his age, he was erased from the young criminal list.

Jyuntaro was visiting a kindergarden across a small stream but he pushed a bicycle riding woman to grab her money on the way in 2008.The woman screamed and a nearby house had the police watcher for the contact. When the police came, the white dress wearing woman, Madam Peralle, was dead. Leon had the dead woman’s bicycle and his father was cynical. His father was cold about the woman’s death at the site like a cold blooded criminal! At that time, his family was asked to return to his Jinpei officer’s friend house at a kindergarten. But Jyuntaro’s fingerprints were left on the dead person’s bicycle as a robbery situation. If the boy pushed the bicycle slightly when it hit, why was his fingerprint on the back wheel top rack. It sounded as the boy squeezed the moving woman’s vehicle for asking for the ride and the woman dropped to the stream accidentally by taking the wrong side for stopping! And the suggestion worked. The boy was asked to stop thinking to visit the kindergarten for the home family faculty to stay there. He was rather in Ikoi in Chinese/Japanese nickname of JA-Bach near the Redlingerplatz park in Munich region hotel which people must pay 20€ a day for the Nakamoto house or their body to be sold since 2016. Leon’s time was only 2008 to 2009 and he faked the graduation by Nagoya origin woman’s hotel purchase in Kamoi region in middle of Japan around Niigata prefecture with some extra citizens’ IDs used as the personality for giving up their records including the high school scores. So, Leon gave up £500 to Osaka’s Nomura for the hotel purchase payment to receive his high school education record falsely created by Nagoya woman in Germany as the record created new status figure. Mikimoto house was wealthy before the theft from a new woman to his father.The woman complained but it was a suggested love complaint to the father and son relationship with Mikiya as the family relative’s love check on the marriage partner. Cyle was upset and she stated normal at that time in the Fuji blogger’s commercial area assistance of showing how the German woman would show their jealousy toward Japanese husbands for the education. And they divorced once after the Norio Ibiki’s pink industry contact with her husband. Cyle as his mother had a divorce in 2008 but the attempt was ready in 2013 after the school failure of Miyoshino group debunking about Leon. Cyle Mikimoto lives in northwest Germany with Reile and some other offspring and remarried in 2016. Mikiya Mikimoto has a friend in Kouji Nakano officer group in Germany as the hardcore search group figure family name person.

Leon bought a Japanese room renter woman’s money theft hiding purpose her personal items from Japan. Leon was one of the friend of the room renting person in Munich and he accused the middle age reaching young woman for the money sending asking purpose with Chinese Chin Lee ladies living in Munich. Hiroshima Technical University originated from Takamatu region provided the death models of Hiroshima origin women including Takamatu city and Okayama prefectures since 2016. It was way after Leon’s bicycle theft and JA-bach time. Leon tried to evict a certain age woman from Japan as an easy figure expecting a heart attack coming in next few years. But the trouble happened. The renter family was accused based on the review; the woman was a Catholic and she had a bad score only in the Goethe Institute where some people were evicted by their Japanese nationality or the citizenship holding matter. Miyoshino group case was like that. Any Mexican woman was eliminated by young Chinese in Okayama region by the help  of wild Osaka cops. Some expensive items holding was the accusation reason for foreigners in Okayama region by the young cops. Leon’s sex video during the search program was ready as the accusation on Leon’s side and the host family paid more for their life protection! It was in 2014! The young kids protectors were more sympathetic to the German residents who were trapped to the security guard monitoring failure. The accused were non-Germany anyway!!!

So, Leon asked over £400 for the security fee of the woman’s house purchase in Japan, but her family was rich as well. She spent 6 months of the Goethe Institute visiting. That was Nakamura’s saying and it sounded more as Leon’s failure to keep the situation quiet. The woman was blogger and Leon was panicked of the situation of Souja-city in 2013. Souja city heights had the communication watch to kill somebody and it was the woman’s family relative, Yoshiko! About 1,800yen(15€) purchase would be fatal for the life. Leon family tried to contact Mikiya Yoshimoto clan in Tokyo for the sex situation telling for punishing the woman who was Catholic but a raped figure. After Fukushima, so many women were raped to be swindled and their own cavity of the feeling would be marrying matter after their names and images were denounced. The woman’s case was none. She was not at home! And it was rather her type only typed up the figures of the drag dealer matter of Thomas Shollhammer family home with the recorded contact during Leon’s friend’s cannabis sales at the family dinner party.  So, Thomas was upset and he died in the cupboard accident. But unlike the normal people, his family was cloned back for the Sapphire program for the future residential community making purpose like INTE. Some people predicted the future zones. And the second time was her handbag theft time for Leon’s club!

First, Leon contacted Osaka cops in Japan after the JA-bach failure for Leon’s self exposure of the sex video porno making during the woman search in the room invasion in Munich in April 2012. Leon made the mate program failure in Belgium in Fall of the same year for the new person moving into ‘the Assist Program’ region call zone. The Tokyo Naniwa cops assisted the female deaths. It started from Fukushima as the official unit since 2014, but the people entering to the ocean were left dead for whatever they do from the fear on the sudden heart attacks and the life long cancer risk social damages to be mobbed and isolated. And he retrieved some personal items like a small toy stamp and some socks for the personal item taking from her home address in Japan. She used such items when she was young. Wakabayashi took the job of taking those items for his own Okishinden home safety around 2013. Now, the location has a Swiss person called Michihashi or Michibata as the family name since 2016. It was only 30yen or so for bringing the items to Souja city ownership heights making mosque in Saidaiji city. Because there was only one mosque in Okayama zone and Kogoro Oukuma needed asocial heights building. Wakabayashi was asked to contact with the mosque owner for the mosque royal heights building for the Builders Burgers. Because of the same region of the social contact was done in Poland northwest, Burgers as Chihii Kaminari contacted for communication lock of the foreigners. They built up the society suited for one call, Muslim! And the woman’s family member was cooperative and the mother survived with a Bible. And it was the trouble of the old male figures contacting in Japan. Since her family members are religious in the church materials, it was hard for the criminalization making. Because the woman was abroad still and not got married nor settled down for the work at one spot, the woman was let as undecided by Inoki’s case adding. Because Inoki killed Denenchoufu officers of 12 houses and he was a guilty figure to be shipped to Switzerland for a new war figure for the Caucasian aiming. An empty housing was what Nara team wanted in the most expensive area for swindling. A room rent? An offer and a hit and run was what the Inoki’s case was about. Anyone entering to Denenchoufu could be taking the sudden death risk, and why could not make the houses to be his own? So, he stayed till his caught time. Because some people were available as culprit cases, the room renter woman was added for such suspicion despite of her Christianity religion. Leon was handsome and his young colleagues were much more social for the criminal detector type contacting. Because they were wild before, their aim was to gather up the woman’s information and catch up to the criminal figure by their thought of the woman to be the criminal from their imagination.

Wakabayashi worked as the mosque helping figure to support Kazutono Ito. He wore the white gown for awhile for the mosque supporting figure to get a crime getaway region search and it was his mosque! Wakabayashi used the abroad woman’s name so often to confuse the regional calls toward her! So, Wakabayashi was asked to leave by 2014. At that time, Wakabayashi invaded his target woman’s home for obtaining the young age photos. Diamaru Higa had his era of such photos and searches in Kouga region as Nagashino mask militant. Wakabayashi took someone’s scooter from anger and rejected by the church workers who were hating to have any pervert gestures from his group in Okayama and Franciscans’ French and Polish people living Hiroshima. Wakabayashi visited Hiroshima city for Mr. Ebihara search after the Kourakuen became a city hosing for the socially evicted people. So, Wakabayashi feared of his own freelance being in Osaka cops’ Okayama for the homeless increasing situation. After stealing 360,000yen from the scooter, Wakabayashi headed to Kume city for the socal contact from Saitama cops and it was  Kitagata cop’s housing in Nagano city. So, Wakabayashi stayed over 14 weeks there as Nahako to be someone dropped off from the returning airplane figure and the group tried the family members of the woman for fooling as if Wakabayashi’s real name as Nichirou or Michirou as a fake figure but to be so real by only hearing so many times from others to accept the truth that Wakabayashi group members to be the woman they missed in Japan! So many times the woman returning joke and gestures were given and the family members would go crazy! And the last memory of the missing woman to be frenzy because of the incorrect memory with so many gesturing strangers. Luckily, the woman’s family members denied the homesick (Holmes Sic) parents wanting new manager’s coming as the missing person. There are strayed people around from near Fukushima since May 2011. Because of the so sudden need of extra money for the new clothes and other items for the quick renewal from the unknown nuclear radioactive spread environment.

In Nagano city residence where Wakabayashi belonged, 4 Tosa cops died and they evicted themselves to heaven, Croatia! In November 2014, Wakabayashi as Koufuku no Kaji, the Happy Science religion fire seaters, moved to Dubrovnik via Geneva from Tokyo. Kawamata group moved into Slovenia around December 15th, 2014. They came together for the Tosa Shimamura group search after Shimano was evicted to the same region where Shimano expansion company division moved in the Balkans! Same name and the different danger levels. Some people agitated in Japan followed the abroad living bloggers and home care takers. Once those people’s abroad address or the phone numbers were reachable, the groups gathered for the hunting of such abroad living healthy individuals for the wealth hunting. And any individual abroad was targeted for the name hunting. Because the inland living Japanese needed money and also jobs! Any different name and address holders could be healthy abroad as the wealth target.

Wakabayahi arrived to the French speaking region Dubrovnik. Wakabayashi’s shoes were dangerous because it had enough radioactive smell. He stayed in the hillside around Gornji Kono street zone as 13 people of the Happy Science origin from Sado island for the Tea Party maker. They pretended to be the Japanese tea ceremony expert with small tea goods holding. His group image was not bad as the pathetic drink makers. The only matter was the heart check by the foot touch. A Croat man near their accommodation had his face kicked by Wakabayashi and he died shortly from the heart attack. Wakabayashi expected at least of 14 days of some health examination but it was the simple joke of the female kid’s lost item in Fukushima applied to the dead man’s head was the crime intention search and it was owned by Kaya from Nagasaki as the clothes store wanted in Medugorje to west as the French migrated figure in 2013. Kaya applied a job as a technician in the night time job as a pipe line maker in Paris and she graduated from a private high school by 2016. Wakabayashi group did not own the radioactive item that was found on the dead man, and it created the reasoning of searching the woman who was missing from Wakabayashi’s region in Japan! Wakabayashi made his joke of visiting the woman’s house and it was a simple living. When they entered as the SDF team for searching the abroad living women, they were allowed the entry as a group of over 10 people. It included the Minamino and Minami type ‘nami’ sounding ‘Mummy’ club who migrated later to Malta. Those days, speaking of either police or the military worked for the foreign entry. The home owner in Herceg Novi saw their shouts while the woman was ‘confused’ as Wakabayashi team’s research technique using Haruki Murakami’s law evading group plan of raping women using the SWIFT drugs meaning unofficial research chemicals. At that time, they only raped the woman’s hair by applying the testicles of the invaders’ for the group topic making toward Turkey. Turkey Generals loved the story of Turkish visa holding for the Murmons. Because of the Wakabayashi team’s rape videos, the woman was counted guilty by the Hotel Poinsettia club goers in Munich as the new Turkey division making. Because so many people observed the raping a woman, the hotel confirmed the situation as the victim’s fault. But the group failed to exit from Croatia and they exceeded the stay for extra 16 days from the a month only for no police contact for a free staying time. The group had the filthy image in Dubrovnik.

Because of Wakabayashi clan tracking her, she moved to Medugorje. And she stayed in one apartment alone! At that time, it was Leon’s tern. She was raped again by the Wakabayashi team who invaded from the window! There were Mossad people staying on the top floor and she had the wrong journey as the hotel notice. Wakabayashi team concluded that they were aiming for Al-Quada and job search making people around Moscow, a joke from New Jersey Japanese related with the Happy Science religion as the religion comparison. It was one person against others and others supporters were so many! Over 130 people supported in Medugorje. Wakabayashi acted as militant figures by gesturing like how the police worked in Japan! Because the Wakabayashi team suggested of the naked photo of the woman peeping as the joke on Al-Quada visit and the locals saw it as the matter of the wrongdoing of the woman’s sake to support Wakabayashi team. And the photos were created by the same team recently at Medugorje. Someone raped in Medugorje sounded so bad as the fate and it was the church hospital figure for letting her in for the moving out order asking figure! Because of such a holy site and an evicted model was wanted by the Wakashishi(Young Lion) club in New York, Wakabayashi succeeded to have the supportive team from S.Korea. Generals were rebuilding Medugorje zone in 2015 and no money for 2014. But Wakabayashi team was so strong of asking and demanding money from Haga’s Saga region. There was Kenji Haga’s support on Michiko for the young features in Hungary north for the Hokkaido rebuilding reading block making with Franciscan churches. Because Franciscan churches had no money but locations, some people needed only the money and staying was accepted as the agricultural field working and higher education aiming evacuated student groups from Japan. Because of the future predictions, Bensons disagreed for the local help but to aim for Aiko’s wealth building only. So, Haga was taken as a culprit of the new home states making Japanese royal family clan and Haga lost his grouping in Hungary by a hospital accident in 2015 next year.

In the Medugorje case, Bankee Moon visited as the office state figure. He had his royal army working in the Mostar airport. And they were educated as the wild figure by stating no one opposing to mosque or something like the Fishing Island naming matter between S.Korea and Japan. S.Korea had another name based on the Korean language. And S.Koreans applied the same woman taunting figure as the political opponent after Wakabayashi’s cop cruise making. S.Koreans helped the door fixing after Wakabayashi team’s invasion. It was rather the way how to take care the political opponents in Medugorje creating. Because of S.Koreans, the woman won’t to be going any higher in the church jobs. Because of the church office type taunting, Wakabayashi was included for the job at Tohato cops later. They stayed more in Medugorje often and removed Serb government personnel visiting Medugorje asking about the Croatia aspect from the church workers. Wakabayashi later traveled to a stole car from the church area to Tohato cop’s Plam Bon as the location search to mimic Fukushima’s Japanese royal family house for the image relocation. And this relocation matter was applied to East Africa for Aiko’s own family membership seeking.