The Christians in the early era in the history got so much persecutions. Since I am an organized COINTELPRO victim (Targeted Individual), I went through so much property damages and harassments. Sometimes, I get harassments on my Christian religious items when I often encounter Muslims or non-Christian people targeting me for their local unofficial patrolling.
I stayed few months in München and lived in a rented room in the city center. The host family was nice, but sometimes I found they are gaslighting on me. Also, I got some strange experiences like every time I did the laundry and found some underwear are taken out from the meshed laundry bag which I put small items like socks and underwear together. It is as if someone opened it and checked inside. It's not like one sock was washed with other clothes but few more items are left like that. It was as if someone tried to check the contents.
First of all, when I was there, the sheets got some holes with a specific shape - like an round hole with triangle one-side strings taken. It often happened to my clothes before, so you can see similar damage on my photos on previous postings. Was it for some specimen taken for the analysis? It happened in many countries.
Another occasion was like I got V2K Japanese people speaking about if I can drink pees. And next day, I found out there was something stinky in my water bottle. I often used the syrup with water, but when I tried to drink it and found it too terrible for the strange taste and threw it up. I have no idea what happened to my bottle, but I kept my water bottle in my room and then in my bag, so there was no occasion that someone else could put anything in the bottle if it was not done at home.
The few days of moving from that apartment on Blutenstrasse 2 was quite terrible. The day before my leaving, I found my L.L. Beans leather bag damaged, so that I cannot use the zipper to close it. When I stayed in 4 U Hostel, my suitcase was damaged, so it seems these secret police like activities often do the damage on the luggages to make it unlockable, so that they can check the contents anytime they want for the surveillance purpose. I was in the München for studying about the Pope and the Churches there. But these gang stalkers often do something like this damage for making up the TIs as if criminals who need to be watched and their properties must be checked by others while they ignore their criminal activities like the property damages.

The day of the move out was much terrible. I had no problem with my suitcase in morning and I was able to pack it. When I moved to another place shortly and unpacked everything to keep there, I found the zipper broken and it made it unable to close this time. I think that happened while I was going to the bathroom as I left my suitcase on the hallway. It's just typical for the gang stalkers to do more damages at the time of the TI leaving the area. In Sarajevo, it was the damage on my fountain pen and my newly bought backpack. When I was there, there was a German staying at Hostel Tito 46, so it might be related with German perps. Or at Srca Sarajevo, I got a Japanese perp from Germany. In Sarajevo, there were often the perps from Germany like the imigrants working there and visiting Sarajevo to find a job or from Brazil. München has many Brazilian and other perps from South America. I think that is part of the trend here.
Also, I lost my rosary case. I know I had it in my luggage and it was somehow gone. It contained the Cross which a Priest gave me before my baptism, a black rosary I bought in Vatican and it comes with the engraving of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, a Titanium ring I made the special order to a Canadian maker while I was in California and it had the Latin proverb inside and was worth 200$, and a 1000CHF paper note. It was the worst damage ever happened in my life from the gang stalkers. The last worst was the baby pigeon killing skits and 640€ damages in Sarajevo. The case was the one I bought at the gift shop in the Pope's Birth place in Marktl. If you don't know what kind of rosary I had, probably the people participating in the rosary prayer at Frauenkirche saw it. I often visited there for the rosary praying at 5pm. I was there often for the Vesper at 4.30pm. Without gang stalking, I would be more happy to learn about Christianity in the city where the Pope worked. There are many non-Christians in the area and these gang stalkers often make up stories for their benefit like "let's pretend..." for the false witness program. I wonder why my rosary and other belonging was stolen. Was it for the money inside or just to harass me as a Catholic? So far, Schöllhammer family did not have a specific respect on the religion, so I don't really know what was the reason of such damages. As far as I know is that they often talked about the relationship with Israel and its politics. Also their relative, Nicolas, somehow had some gaslighting on me. One occasion, he talked about a story of a woman in mid-30s and she has no boy friend but she wears a ring on her right ring finger. He asked me why she does so. It was the time I wore my old Titanium ring, the one I described in the theft above, on my right ring finger to the DID, where I studied German and got entire class with gang stalkers. I would explain the gang stalking experience like the black jacket and blue jeans wearing Michael Fellner who often talked about the corrupted police later with more details. There was a 19-years old Swiss girl, Jennifer Vannay from Lousane and she was engaged in the flirting in the class. It was very funny as she suddenly got jealous when I started talking with other female classmate in the class and others in the room knew something happening between us. Well, I wanted to learn about the flirtation strategies by the perps, so I tried to use the opportunity to learn how far it could go out of the common sense. Well, that part of study is more written in my Twitter at that period. Anyway, because I got flirted very extremely in the classroom so I had the ring on my right finger to make it look not like the class time for some love drama. Well, it was much like a drama in the entire period of about a month and that part would be shared for fun with my analysis. Go back to Nicolas, the German middle age man who worked in India. So, he asked me why she has the ring and he commented that she must be crazy for doing that without a boy friend. I answered him that some people might just have a ring on ring finger for no reason or some religious people have it to keep away from flirtation. And another occasion was like the time when we were drinking together and he commented that often the dark beer is alcohol free.
They sometimes had parties at weekend and often some items in the kitchen were broken. For instance, wine glass was often broken and sometimes chairs. The day before my check out, they had one white chair broken. If they are working for the false witness program for the gang stalkers and needed some items to be broken for the violence claim, it would be it. The first few weeks in the house, Daniel, the 19-year old boy who lived in the room across from mine, often screamed at night in the kitchen or outside. I don't really know why he was doing that, but that part seemed to be something related with the gang stalking. He only did it few times in the first few weeks and it was not his normal behavior.
Now I learned better about why Jesus said don't bring so many stuffs with the apostles. Because if they go around near the sinners, they would steal it or damage it from the envy. The envy is often the motivation for the claim and the theft by the perps. But it's nice to share such information as I'm the victim of so many damages happened in the same style for many places. The München police said that they won't take care such organized crimes if the victim cannot speak perfect German. I got some people who pretend not understand my German, so I think I'm free to express them in English. If the police sees my damages and complaints, I hope they should file the case for me. This is the second time my suitcase got damaged. So far, München was the worst place to get gang stalking as they damage luggages often and love to steal religious Christian items. The V2K perps said that my bank money is stolen when I was living with Schöllhammer family, but so far I know is about strange 1 week vacation the parents made few weeks before my check out, and the 19-years boy and I were the one in their flat. The boy brought his friends for the part in his room almost everyday, so I don't think that was a problem to prove we had anything wrong for the false claims.
This post needs a bit more pictures for the evidences, but due to some problem with the Internet connection here, I cannot do it right now. I got more than 30min for the slow Internet working and so much weight on my computer. And I cannot move around the picture as well now.