28 July, 2019

Northern and Southern Cyprus uniting soon!

I finished typing some books but I haven't have enough editing times. Coming is "Mismo Montenegri" and "Velika Serbia" in Serb language. And another one? Cyprus intake story from 2018. Germans got no more money at Paphos and corrupting and Israeli got their IDs lost in the Turkish area before the real taking down. USA won after taking the Northern spot. It was othelo and taking the middle north and middle south of the island meant to be the end of the story for the ownership. It could be Israel owning it. It had 20% successful rate of owning the island. And one time the emergency call from the Northern Cyprus "help, ships!" and the Spanish groups sited the illegal ships for the entire Cyprus occupation from the north after they found the responce, "No, we are not the Greek Government!" And the Spanish Air Force can bomb several times in the middle area for fun and later the large society in airport ship location decided the owner to be Spain. Spanish owners meant no more bombings! Thus, the air port securities are replying, "Not yours!" for the safer bet on French and Russian avoiding.