14 November, 2022

Maltese Captain Howk's gang stalking case (Feb 14, 2017 bag theft case in Lisbon solved)

I did not know about Captain Howk till recently of Captain Pork trouble happened around 2014 in Kotor, Montenegro. There was Captain Howk who was a trouble for Roswell in New Mexico and he survived the persecution there for the mass murder case. He moved to Falkland in 2019 after he made his own bank in Vienna after my trouble in Lisbon after my bag was stolen on February 14th, 2017. I heard Captain Howk's clan had the connection to Cimej Mossad group in Strassberg and Cimej's group tried to stalk me from Strassberg to Valentia for asking other Mossads for the robbery in Fatima to Lisbon. Thus, I had the money loss in Hotel Regina in Fatima and also the bag theft in Lisbon to have the trouble of no wallet situation for a week and I had enough money to return to the Balkans for retrieving my credit cards, etc. I was lucky at that time for having enough money for saving my life. Captain Howk swindled the Romanian dancers in Vienna on March 31st, 2017, for making a bank of his own as the joke of his own bank account making from the ill business example and he became famous as the criminal figure returning to South America as the Pope's family supporting business maker to Vienna from Spain. 

Captain Howk's trouble was of Roswell and Rosslare moving for different people catching. Ichiro Kumano from the Kume office of Malta was to be caught in Roswell instead and Captain Howk was to be searching any fishing customers from Japan there for the fugitive training and his clan was filed in New Mexico for the murder cases. He survived the persecution and migrated to Argentine as a strange criminal success model.