01 November, 2023

Hungarian police's attitude since 2014

Hungarian police hunted blacks in Zambia as their abroad police activities and it was the JSDF Saga's swindle for protecting Jiro Kurei in Hungary for attacking Taro Handa protecting Taro Karino. Hungary lost the justice system later for the easy swindler type. Ukrainian Jews blackmailed and their Mossad entry making by the end of 2015. Jews could monitor anyone and damage them easily by thefts. 

Hungarian refugees

1. Take someone as the fugitive to be the culprits. 

2. Say anything you want near their culprit location. Others like police officers would go to bait the person. Ex-bad person stay check.

3. Group matter of the compensation asking such as Hisaichi Jinnai(Jinnay)'s 4 Dutch ship sales in 2014 and missing Filipino owners' Hokkaido police name users' hiding in west of Budapest as the same group. Do it in the group and others are avoided from the contacts. 

The group owner would be the working residents who are connected to the visiting criminals as the same ethnic group connection. Such residents lot their jobs and wealth for the group connection of compensation asking from other party. 

4. Bring someone back to own fugitive claiming zone for the culprit keeping. Bulgarians in Austria around 2014 for example. Japan did against the abroad workers and they are offended in Japan as the rich individual with abroad connection and working experience.