18 July, 2007

When no lawywer wants to take the case...

When no lawyer wants to take the case, the victim has no way to receive the benefit of laws.
This is what gang starkers are able to do. And the censorship on mass media will take the victims' voices down.
In some countries, they have a common sense that the person opressed is responsibility for the discrimination. This can be applied to the people started the harassment for taking advantage of replacign the person or something for their own profits.
In some countries, they have a common sense that people speaking up loud has much better chance to be accepted in the society. In this circumstance, the wise won't speak up for his or her widsdom, but the blinds talking about their desires. Let's kill the Christ ancient Jews said, right? The mass is often blinded to think about what the "big brothers" want to make them believe and wants. If the mass media stop addvertising things, who will buy the stuffs comes with simple logo to add extra ten or some more bucks value to the clothes and goods?
We want extra value, because that is what the manufactureres want the customers to pay for and blieve as "extra value."

So far, I have done what I can done for these days.
Now I am able to work in this country, but I am expecting mobbing at work as I am the victim of the gang stalking. Studying and finishing my webpage are my main goal now, as I still have my savings enough to get several diplomas on line. I don't know it is a good thing to get one for my CV, but language skill is a "must" for me now.