28 July, 2009

I moved out from Zofingen

I cannot say where I am because of the security reason, but I am still followed by the people who are doing skits. When I moved to another place, I saw a guy with red T-shirt with the Asahi Karakuchi logo sat in front of me. I had problem with the computer plug problem, and I saw the girl sat with the man was turning on PC and just playing the backgammon with him. That was Acer PC.

I met a couple from Turkey and the man commented about how he saw me with two guys in the city. I guess that was the set up for the rumor or something. Then today, I visited a church famous of the VM, and had an mid-age man with couple of bags. He and I were only the travelers in the bus at the bas station. The bus did not go back to the bus terminal but left us passengers at the taxi station. At that point, I saw a man in the car behind of the bus playing with a camera. It was much like the action of the detective that took picture of people for debunking something. The funny thing was that when we were dropped at the taxi station, I decided to film the situation because of how the bus left us. And I figured out the man in the car next to me was playing with the camera. I would like to share the video.

Now I'm surrounded with the people who seems to be supporting JWB and purposely making rumors about me. I guess the detective-like guy would be the evidence of how I am surrounded by US Army related people. One guy is from Dalas, TX, the girl from Manchester, UK, etc. If they tried to check my blog for their purpose of their gang stalking activity, I would just expose the last few days' record of who has been doing what around me for the skits. Moving to another place with exposure of the people would be the only safe way of getting away from the danger.

I found out the young perps around me seems to have the V2K like the CIA got for the internal communication. Let's see how I can do more investigation on what's going on around the young perps from different countries. Because of my movement, I learned much clear views of how gang stalking and electronic harassment devices would work. The V2K is Microwave one using Satellite. Otherwise, the victim and the CIA cannot use it on board of an airplane. Anyway, if I know the ones who can spread the white propaganda, I think that's an easy way to manage the misinformation.

The ethnographic record would be shared later with my friend TIs only. But my writing is quite interesting as I learned anthropology from the ones who are involved in the government studies.

P.S. I added the small photo of the guy with the camera from the video. I can show the view of the bus in the middle of taxis in the taxi station. So, if someone try to to make the picture taken by him for fake evidence, I can prove what they made up could be just a fake. Perps seem really want to claim me to be the one to be the sexually active so the sexual harassment of Dr. Weiss would be covered up. That's often done by the CIA to claim the victim as something they claim of, and it's funny so many people tried like such thing in my life after I had problem at SJSU.


Anonymous said...

Quien no conoce el gangstalking no puede entender como funciona el mecanismo social que sustenta el terrorismo de Estado en Espana (ETA , Gal,11-M, etc).

Primero hay que saber, como se secuestra a una sociedad y a cada uno de las personas que integran las fuerzas vivas de esta sociedad, corrompiendolas mediante sutiles chantajes y amenazas veladas para convertilas en juguetes rotos, en zombies a disposicion para lo que proceda, incluso un delito grave, hay que saber como se puede manejar como a una marioneta a un director general de la policia, o aun secretario de Estado de Interior,a presidentes del IBEX 35, a editores, abogados, etc ....y hay que saber quien hace este trabajo por encima del Estado legitimo, ultrapasando olimpicamente las instituciones democraticas, infiltrandolas y convirtiendolas en organizaciones delictivas si fuera menester.

Este Sistema se ha ido desarrollando y tiene ya caracter pervasivo. Casi todos los puestos de mando de la sociedad espanola, lo que se llama la casta dirigente, son personas "secuestradas" por asi decirlo, son sumisos y obedientes marionetas que solo se preocupan de su supervivencia, personas que han perdido ya cualquier sentido de la independencia. Y quien no es una marioneta y se niega a plegarse al Sistema, sera expulsado a las tinieblas. Cuando digo las tinieblas digo al ostracismo. Pero mas aun, se puede decir que quien no esta previamente integrado en este Sistema de Obediencia nunca tendra posibilidades de acceder a un puesto de mando institucional.

Cuando digo manejar como a una marioneta, es como a un semi-esclavo, con el microchip en el movil las 24 horas, disponible para lo que haga falta, sea legal o ilegal, ....... a cambio? pues la inmunidad.

? Quien a desarrollado este Sistema de control subversivo, esta ingenieria social de corrupcion masiva en los puestos de mando de las instituciones democraticas, de los poderes legitimos del Estado Espanol ??

La respuesta es el Pentagono/CIA, y el Departamento de Estado de USA.

Hay que exponser al publico que USA utiliza descaradamente desde hace mucho tiempo estrategias de guerra no convencional con los paises aliados Europeos. La llamada Low Intensity Warfare (LIC). Hay que exponer al publico como la OTAN es uno de los principales instrumentos de control socio-politico que utiliza USA en Europa, y que convierte a los ejercitos europeos y sus servicios secretos en marionetas de la administracion militar americana.

Hay que conocer que la National Endowment for Democracy (NED) es el brazo privado para trabajos sucios de la CIA y que esta NED tiene en cada pais Europeo su propia empresa tapadera, generalmente utilizando nombres que hacen referencia a la democracia y a la libertad (vendria bien que en Espana alguien nos dijera cuales son esas empresas en Espana)

Estamos hablando de las red stay behind como forma, no ya como se hacia antiguamente de resistencia subversiva a un supuesto enemigo comunista, sino de control socio-politico a gran escala,instrumentalizando y controlando grupos de obediencia como marsoneria y Opus Dei, etc.
Control socio-politico absoluto de los Estados Europeos, no solo de Espana. Habria que analizar por que el terrorismo solo pervive en Espana. Quiza porque en Belgica , en Italia, en Francia, ... ya fue expuesto todo lo anterior.

Si en Espana alguien dijera claramente quien esta detras de ETA e Islamismo terrorista, se acababa de un plumazo el terrorismo de Estado. El problema es que todos los medios de comunicacion estan tambien secuestrados.