05 April, 2010

What is the name of the fobia about fearing the kechup drops on the white clothes?

I know some people fear things like peanut butter sticking on the roof of the mouth (arachibutyrophobia). But how about the fear of ketchup drops on the white clothes the one wears? In hot sunny days in Summer, people prefer to wear white clothes. And fastfoods with ketchup are handy for light meals in beaches and many party places. If you wear a white clothes, do you feel fine eating a food with ketchup on it?

Somehow, I found out psychiatrists can use "Gymnophobia" excuse to "detain" any Muslims to their mental institutions. That should work very good for black psychiatry. There are 2 types of psychiatry exists in the world. Black psychiatry is the one that government agencies and mad doctors practice for their own interest and use the patients as test subject. Its characteristic is the way how they explain things: the psychiatrists and the people around the patients try to make the justification for the patient while the patient's opinion is not counted. Another general psychiatry is to help the patient to get well from own psychological problem. In this case, psychiatrists listen to the patient and the patient is the center of the treatment and payment.


Anonymous said...

We know world gang stalking is done by anglosaxon military intelligence with mind control technology using satellites. The reason why this US and English public military institutions do this horrible collective crime is because they have been historically abducted by a System of corruption, fear and obedience. This system is a social mechanism of corruption similar to the one operating inside secret societies.

Anonymous said...

Social entropy promoted by the 11-M, 7-J, 11-S terrorist bombings.

A measure of the natural decay of the structure or of the disappearance of distinctions within a social system. Much of the energy consumed by a social organization is spent to maintain its structure, counteracting social entropy, e.g., through legal institutions, education, the normative consequences or television. anomie is the maximum state of social entropy. Pasolini warned about the bourguose entropy before he was assassinated.
With the mind control military technology the corrupt anglosaxon masonic power is controlling and manipulating the world. Mind control satellite technology has been operative since some where between 1965 and 1967. Corruption and crime is intertwined with this anglosaxon masonic system. Anglosaxon freemasonry controlling this technology is the worst thing we could think of for humanity. The CIA has been historically controlled by this system of corruption. Truman was a mason as most of the top brass US military after World War II. This virus of corruption has been extended to rest of the European intelligence agencies.
Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda