I changed the title because of what happened at the MediaFire.com links. It was originally about TIs
Anyone wondered why TIs do not have a proper connection list ready for themselves while some of us gathered information for group e-mail protesting?
Here is a new group activism suggestion. We combine all the TI information into one "Whitepage" to help each other. It helps TIs to find the victims in their town or country. Otherwise, a TI has to spend lots of time for looking for someone near them. The TIs might know famous veteran TIs like the one who are active in Fedame or other TI forums.
The TI Yellowpage is to help the TIs to know where to find what kind of information and who they can contact. This must be quite useful for new victims because they might not know who to communicate to get right help.
The below is the prototype of information gathering sheet. If you are a TI and wants to make your own personal list for your help, please use them. Also, these Whitepage and Yellowpage projects are planned to be developed in Monika's Ning network. Fedame seems to take more time for recovery - Monika said she paid for the site, but she cannot recover it. Knowing where to communicate is important for TIs. I thought I could make the TI ring for sharing activity updates, but it could go the same way Fedame went; once it shuts down for whatever reason, no one can get access to the information. So, I thought Whitebook and Yellowpage shared by the TIs would be a better idea.
After combined the lists gathered from the networks, then it will be published in PDF format with the publication date. The publication date is the key that shows the latest version. Also, the database would be posted for the gathering process at Ning group.
It will take few weeks for me to spend time for that. But I hope the contact lists will be useful for the TIs. If you check the columns, you can see that it can check the person's activity. The "missing" check mark will tell who has been missing and who is doing fine. So, the list can help TIs to know well-beings of others as well.
TI Whitepage form
TI Yellowpage form
Well, when I was trying to copy the download links from Mediafire.com, the files in the folder suddenly disappeared. The above TI Whitepage form link is just I copied... I don't even clicked the delete button at all. It just happened when I clicked the tag for Mediafire page to check the link for another file, then the page just returned to the view of the folder and all 3 files I just uploaded has gone. How this happen? This is the second time something strange happened with this Mediafire account. There is no way deleting all files in the folder accidentally and that makes it much impossible with the check boxes for deleting. By the way, next time I uploaded the same files, I saw "calculating" notice for awhile between the uploading. You can see the files are not big to take even a minute for uploading. Is Mediafire.com getting not reliable as it used to be? I already experienced all files gone from this account, so I am not expecting the safety. I wonder who is working there - any NSA connection with Mediafire like what happened with AT&T in San Francisco?

Ok, here is the actual files. You can try the above one, but I don't know what happened to the file. The files were there when I copied the above link.
Well, this time I clicked the TI Whitebook.xls but no matter I clicked that one, MindWars-romemo-book.pdf showed up to the screen. That's a free book downloaded from one of the Mind Control related site, and I uploaded it to my storage for my own use. It seems the cyber terrorist group behind this attack seems to be working with Mediafire to make me claim sharing copyright violated materials... That's something favorite tactics for FBI, isn't it? Taking stuffs for "investigation" and never return. Then I tried to bring my digital camera, and I found 3 files gone, again. Seriously, Mediafire is unreliable at all.
TI Whitepage
TI Yellowpage
Ok, then I got the video showing how all Mediafire stuff was real!!! You must see it in your own eyes! This is what we call cyber terrorism isn't it? I don't understand why Mediafire still believed as award winning file storage at all. Be aware of your file disappering from your MediaFire storage... TIs cannot even get equal opportunity for using a file sharing site on the Web... And these perps claiming what happens to TIs as delusion by closing their own eyes and their own crimes.
Oh, I forgot about the uploading the files. Here is the links from my Ning network.
TI Whitepage
TI Yellowpage