03 June, 2010

Gaza issue and the gang satlkers

It seems the perps do not like Gaza helping activists while they support Code Pink and certain activists interested in Gaza problem.

Some countries support Gaza Palestinians while pro-Israel countries like the US may not aid them. I guess this politics helps to clear out which side the gang stalkers are.

Not all activists interested in Gaza because they have other interests as the primary concern.
In my case, I don't care about Gaza. I have no friend in Gaza Strip nor in Israel. It's the matter of UN's responsibility. If Israel does not attack where I live, then I don't care. If it does, then I would flee from here.


Anonymous said...

General Andres Casinello, chief of the Spanish secret services during many years, is called The Grand Blond by the spanish newspapers. This name is typically masonic. He has been a puppet of the masonic US military since 1968 to betray the Spanish population with terrorism and crime using the Echelon satellites mind control system.
1968 is a very special year: first ETA terrorism bombings, Paris may68, Spring of Praga, the spanish secret services were created in 1968 under the supervision of masonic US military and CIA. 1968 is the year when Echelon satellite network started to be operative using mind control microwave technology to perform terrorist acts and crime and to manipulate all European socio political internal agendas.
Andres Casinello has betray Spain for many years, otherwise he would not have been promoted to general chief of spanish secret services SECED. The US secret society network controls the military and the inteligence agencies. Probably Casinello was initiated as a mason by US military before promoting him to general.
Andres Casinello, you could tell the spanish population the shameful truth about ETA terrorism and many more unsolved crimes in Spain since 1968