10 July, 2010

Hypnosis at the restaurants

I have been dining out since the food costs cheep here. However, there are some incidents happened in restaurants as they are the frequent place I visit.

When I went to KFC at night, I had sudden problem of calculating the change. When I saw the change, I felt the change was less, but I could not calculate them. It was like the part of my brain that functions for calculation is totally shut out. I was able to "see" the change and I was able to check the colors and the words written on it. But I could not calculate the sum. I know how to say the number but I could not add or substitute. It was like the feeling that the numbers were just like the regular words. I solve the problem by seeing the big picture at that time. I don't want to tell the local currency, so I use the example with dollars. For example, the total is around 45$, and I paid 100$. The clerk gave me 3 paper moneys in return. I can see the difference of their colors and the number on it, but I cannot add or sum the numbers. Then I see the numbers like 20$, 10$, 5$. I could not calculate the sum. But I was able to find out something wrong. Because I could not calculate to sum up as 100$ nor substitute 45$ from 100$ to get the right change at that time, I tried to see the big picture by the comparison. I know half of 100$ is 50$. Then I tried to calculate 20$, 5$, and 5$. I was able to do this some how. I felt it was less than 50$, I mentioned about the change to the clerk. The clerk working there had an ID that is different from the name on the receipt anyway. Also, the receipt was written as the payment of 50$ bill. I still keep the picture of the receipt for the evidence. If the company wants to check the transaction, I can show it though. First, the clerk could not see the problem, but I had the bill that did not make sense from what I bought. The customer to my left mentioned the problem as well, then the clerk figured out the problem and returned the right change. That was about a month ago. I think the hypnosis of this kind was my first time experienced. But I think that was like how one part of the brain is shut out, isn't it?

Today, I went to a local restaurant and ordered a full meal. First, I felt like heading to there was like forced. I could feel some necessary to get the food there instead in other place. I think this type of persuasion hypnosis is written by vijay karthic. Then I went there and ordered two items. There was no customer waiting at the counter, and I was the only one to order there. I thought to buy two items and the total of them would be around 18$. So, I picked up 20$ that would be enough. But somehow, when I saw my money in my wallet, I picked up the paper money which is similar color as the one with less value. At this point, I felt like "I will use this twenty" like feeling. That was much like the deep hypnosis. When I checked the wallet, I had a paper money with less value. At that point, my awareness of checking the value of the money in my hand was gone. It was like I was kept receiving the persuasion like "It's twenty for sure." When I ordered, the clerk asked me the meal A or meal B with similar name. I ordered meal A. Then I added another item. I gave the money to the clerk before he asked meal A or meal B, then after my confirmation, he returned my paper money by stating that was the one will less value but the same color. I was not sure if I gave 20 or that value because of the above reason, so I felt I made the mistake with the color and paid 50 instead. At that time, there are few people showed up and started ordering things. And the males to the right side both had 50 in their hands just like what I paid to the clerk. I received the receipt and the change. This time, I had no problem of calculating the change. It's not like just glancing the sum, but I was able to calculate as usual without hypnosis like "That's collect."

The funny thing is that the clerk only gave me the receipt for the meal A. I ordered 2 items, but he only made the transaction for one. That meal was what I felt to buy while I was heading to the restaurant. There were 3 Muslim women with head cover stood left from me at the counter. When I went to the counter to get my meal in exchange of the receipt, the males stood near me and the three Muslim women came to the same counter. I saw the women ordered the item that I was thinking to order. Somehow, they ordered just one even they came in three. The clerk start preparing my meal, but I saw he got bunch of the orders of meal B which is similar to meal A. While I was waiting, some employees entered and started to check in at the time stamping machine.

What I learned? I think the TIs should resist the strong intention of some type. Also, the perps might be fainted if the TI try to follow the intention or one's plan for the day. I might see some death thread from the people visiting the local restaurants if I change my mind and do not enter. Such incident already happened at the famous pizza restaurant at Split, Croatia. It would be fun to see someone picking a tourist for strange reason like the logo on the T-shirt. By the way, I was able to recognized the same faces in the restaurant today. The perp numbers here might be limited, like the bar-cord-hair middle age man with bushy eyebrow who was working with a doorman-looking old guy in another restaurants. The gabage collectors engage in gang stalking.

I guess the local perps were getting pissed off because I just ignore their same anchoring techniques. If you know the perp strategies, they just repeat them all the time with their wicked proud and mean behaviors. What if I say our world is already controlled by the so-called Aliens who have been implanting chips in humans for decades, and they are now brain washing human beings? And the perps are working for them through their undercover works in half-mind controlled state? Just like the UFO victims who got RFID chips few decades ago, I probably got something that is high-tech like what DOD and DARPA have been studying.


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