30 July, 2010

What happens if the US president' name is John Doe?

The truth might be worse than the president with a name, John Doe. There have been a rumor about Barak Obama. Some articles say he was used to call himself as "Barry Soetoro." You can check the name and see what is up on the Web.

Barak Obama has the problem with the US birth certificate. Fine, if Barry Soetoro got birth certificate to prove himself as a US citizen. But what if it was from Indonesia? That will be a big problem.

Now, DNA check can help to figure out the connection between Barak Obama and Barry Soetoro.


Anonymous said...


After the Duisburgo Love Parade massacre, concocted by the masonic angloamerican military apparatus, with military mind control microwave crowd management technology, we are expecting soon another slaughter( we cant understand why BND, Deuthchland secret services have not reported this crime) This military system recurrently carries this ritual massacres obeying the requirements of the satanic anglosaxon freemasonry for continuous bloodsheds. We are set ready to immediately report any new ritual slaughter.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
Association to report mind control ritual slaughters