27 September, 2011

Gunma prefecture C-134 contamination up to 600,000 Bq/m2

The linked map shows the Cesium 134 contamination in Gunma prefecture just north of Tokyo. The color from the top to moss green shows the area got higher contamination level than so called contaminated area in Chernobyl which was 37,000 Bq/m2. Thus the dark and light brown color areas are OK. It seems if the government decide to use the same standard of the Chernobyl, the Gunma prefecture must give up more than half the land for residential area.

I'm sure you don't want to know about Tokyo or Chiba.

23 September, 2011

Cavity Search Logo

Few days ago, I mentioned about visiting a dentist for checking the strange swollen gum under right lower M1 area. On the next day, I saw a man walking on the street wearing "Cavity Search" logo. It comes with the American Dad CIA agent character. I thought this is a typical logo sensitization for gang stalking. It was near my house.

Currently, I see people taking photos around me. They show up around the church building. I saw someone standing near the corner in front of the church and just hanging around and suddenly take a photo of the church, and then they just stand there. There was nothing strange or particular person walking. Funny, huh? Or the Asians taking pictures. I saw a middle age couple taking picture today. When I go to a church, a tourist like couple took picture at the beginning of the mass. They sat near me though. They seemed to put me in the frame some times, so I take pictures of them, also. I think I got quite a collection by now to share based on their nationality.

21 September, 2011

Half of Japanese population might die within 10 years!

I found a really nice news on a Japanese BBS and the information seemed to be real. Kouhei Matsuda is a professor at Touhoku Bunkyou university. He post on FB about Japanese 500Bq/Kg standard is the maximum food intake in case of nuclear war and to avoid the death from hunger. He says that if someone eats 500Bq/Kg of Cesium 137 for 3 years, that person would die. His prediction is that the current standard has more than 95% possibility that more than half of Japanese citizens have the fatal level inner radiation contamination in 10 years. It means that Japanese population would be reduced to half 10 years later.

国の暫定基準値の500Bq/Kgは全面核戦争に陥った場合に餓死 を避けるためにやむを得ず口にする食物の汚染上限です。もしも放 射性セシウム137が500Bq/Kgも含まれた食品を3年食べ たら致死量に達します。全てが基準値ぎりぎりではないとしても重 複内部被曝を考えれば政府の暫定基準値では10年後に半数以上の 国民が致死量以上に内部被曝する可能性が95%を超えます。つま り暫定基準500Bq/Kg未満で安全宣言すすると言うことは、 その食品を食べた人が10年後に半数は死亡してもかまわないと言っ ているのと同じだと言うことを忘れないでください。
Kouhei Matsuda 被曝線量計を買う。食品の生産地を確認する(ただし日本の食品の3割は産地偽装とも言われる)。一番良い方法は日本から脱出することです。ドイツ政府は被曝を逃れて入国する日本人を政治亡命者として受け入れる準備を密かに始めています。
(Sonntag um 07.29 - from his FB page comment)
If German government is really helping the Japanese avoiding the nuclear radiations, I will go to Germany, too. I have been warning about the serious health problem and criticizing the Japanese government's ill handling of the aftermath. I'm pro Angie and CDU. No problem with German politics.

Does any government allow me to stay and gives me a new citizenship? I'll wait few more till how things turns out.

14 September, 2011

Italian group with "Ra.... Italia" ID

In one occasion, I was surrounded with Italians in a bus. At the custom, these people around me had a strange card folded in two. The border patrol officer only checked this ID instead of the Italian passport. It's not the border with Italy but in Europe. Usually people require to have their passport when they travel to a foreign country or cross a border, but these Italians did not need a passport. I'm just curious of the connection of this ID thing and the gang stalking.

Meanwhile, the woman and a young woman sat behind me were talking about how people need to change the bus in the next bus station to split the destination. She mentioned about the bus heading to my destination in her conversation in the local language. At that bus station, there was a very old bus as if it was brought out from the garage just to keep the buses to be sold for the antique shops or the exhibition. I had the ticket to the next bus stop and there I was thinking to buy the ticket to that destination where this antique bus was going. I changed the bus to that antique bus and took it through my destination.









12 September, 2011

An implant? The material came out under my right bottom M1 molar.

If you check my posting before around July, I think you can find a posting of a material came out from the gum under M1 molar on the right bottom. The same part started swollen, so I was pushing and squeezing around for awhile. Suddenly, the swollen middle area broke and something came out. Here is the picture. If you can check the thing I took picture, please compare this one for the size and the shape. They are very identical and almost same. I don't know what it is but they seemed to have very tiny string attached to the fresh like a match stick.

I'm assuming these might be the power generator or something. Since the swelling does not stop from taking out one or two of these, I'm assuming I might have several more like a dozen of these under my gum tissue. If you know an implant device using something like this that can cause swelling under the skin, please tell me.

By the way, when I was kidnapped in El Camino Hospital, I found M1 molar crown changed the way it was kept. Because of the wisdom tooth growth on the back, M1 molar crown was broken and I had a ditch. One morning when I was in the large bedroom, I found the ditch was gone. So, it may be that happened on the day at El Camino Hospital. In such case, I might be capable to sue the hospital for the human experiment as well as the rape. It was the same day I found I had the bleeding with stomach pain.

09 September, 2011



01. 2011年8月18日 22:36:40: OlLe4OHFNA
吉見君は内部被ばくについてわからないでしょうね。わかってたらとっくに脱出してるはず。副 島ってウケ狙いで○○につけられているとか気軽に言わないでほしい。これをウケ狙いでなく本気100で言っているなら、本当の精神分裂病だと思います。医 学実習にいくと副島のように私は天皇の子孫とか電波を受けて命令を受けたなどと真顔で話すのが患者さんなんですから。
副島は、あれだけ飯の種にし て官僚、政治家を名指しで本やhpで罵倒したんですから検察がまともに相手にしないのは当たり前です。(脱税裁判で既に副島は国を敵に回した)。本当の頭 の利く人ならば周囲を敵に上手に回さないで立ち回れるはず。しかも副島は完全な脱税なのに副島のミスで払わなくてはいけないとわかってから、言論旦圧 だ~~と副島が起こした裁判で証言している。しかも立川税務署長の家にまで弟子と押しかけて警察を呼ぶぞ!怒鳴られても平気な副島。しかもそのビデオを全 会員に翌年も更新お願いしますとただで郵送するしまつ。どこまで他人の同情を利用するつもりだ、副島一派は。本当の会社経営者であるなら、こんなチョンボ は絶対にしないといえる。
吉見君の福島本部での幼児用プールの写真情けなくて気の毒になった。吉見君も副島の洗脳にやられなかったら、今頃幼児一 人を養っていてもおかしくない年齢なのに哀れですね。
アルルの意図的に2階で放射能を少しでも避けてカップラーメン三昧で福島の食物を避け、怪我 をその行動を理由に東京に帰るという演技をしているように感じました。副島が本当に検察や法務省に行ったとしたら、キチガイ扱いされて追い払われたとみる べきでしょう。弁護士も副島の話をまともに聞いてはいませんよ。きっと副島を追い払うための口実なんでしょう。広瀬大先生のようにネットワークもきちんと あり素晴らしい人脈を抱えている人ならばみなさんが喜んで協力するのでしょうが。副島の福島原発被害者へのムチを与えて根拠なき罵倒をして東電をかばって いるのをみるとこの副島という男は鬼だと感じますね。利用できることは副島はなんでも利用するつもりのようです。だから副島に近づくと危険なんですよ ねぇ。

02. 2011年8月18日 22:58:19: OlLe4OHFNA
過去に原発事 故の何年も前にも広瀬氏に共同研究を呼びかけて断られ、原発で有名になった広瀬先生にもまた最近再度拒否されたらしいですね。広瀬先生によるとそんなもの は相手にしている時間はないということでしょう。副島はバカすぎる。あまりにも日和見主義で一貫していないしすぐに何でも他人のせいにするから宮崎先生も 副島に遭遇した時にギョッとした目でみて無視したようですから。その宮崎先生からのありがたい返信も10年も前のことですが、勝手にhpで公開。わざわざ 宮崎先生が公開はしてはいけないと書いているのに、副島は頭に血が上ったら60を迎える年齢になっても関係ないようですね、ですから他の読者からの手紙も かってに公開しちゃうんですよ、実名で、本人の許可なくね。一般人ならば実名メリットはないのに、副島は誰でも勝手に利用して自分のビジネスにするのです から。今の時代ネットに実名があれば就職に障るといわれているのに副島は自分勝手すぎます。副島一派の放射能の影響は後5年くらいして徐々に重篤化します からね。8月になってやっと3月の1000万分の一の一時間当たり2億ベクレルの放射能放出になったと東電様はご発表してらっしゃるのですから。先月の福 島原発からの放射能放出量でさえ、今の5倍であった。副島たちが吸った放射能総量は計り知れません。きっと副島自身、放射能化して肺胞に侵入したプルトニ ウムから放射線が漏れ出していますよ。副島に近づくだけで軽く被曝しそうな気がします。なんせプルトニウムは半減期2万5千ねんですからねぇ。飯館村土壌 でプルトニウムが数千ベクレル発見されたと今頃マスコミは騒いでいるんです。飯館にいた子供の半分の甲状腺から放射能が検出されたってことは副島たちも同 じでしょう。それが気にならないというのが狂っている。しかも現地で警備にあたる警察にお前たちは棒だと失礼な罵倒をしても平気な副島たち。これを恥と思 わずに偉そうに自慢するんですから。どうしようもない。副島たちのように意味もなく福島原発避難地区に家をかりて人体実験するのではなく、警察の方たちが 放射能を恐れずに避難地区の境界線でインフル対応マスクのみで警備してくださることに頭が下がります。本当ならそんなことは東電と民主党政治家が行うべき なのにね。
  • 精神病だと決め付ける -「xxにつけられている」と気軽に言ってほしくないし、そう思っているのなら精神病だと決め付けてます。公安当局は、外国人だというだけでアルカイダのメンバーの疑いを掛けたりする人々が働いていますよ。検察も、反原発などで不当逮捕は何度もありますね。
  • 相手が幼児愛好癖だと想像させるコメントを書く -幼児用プールの写真とか。
  • 生き方や生活の批判-子供がいてもおかしくない年頃・婚期を逃した・大人気ないなど、年齢や生き方を批判してあたかも信用のない人物のように仕立て上げる。
  • 相手が危険人物であるかのように宣伝する-近づくとロクなことにならないと周囲に触れ回って孤立と支持を妨害する。
  • 誰もまともに相手をしないなど、相手が孤立しているように仕立てる-風評被害から囲い込みと無力化が狙えます
  • 相手の著作などについての根拠のない風評被害-相手の信憑性を下げる行為です
  • 肉体的な状況などを激しく差別-放射線で狂ったとか、周囲に放射能をばら撒いているとか。小学生が身障者を見て「汚い・気持ち悪い」とか言って中傷するのと同じ行為です。
  • 弁護士がなぜか弁護人の側に立っていない-集団ストーキングだと、弁護士・警察官・探偵など、被害者側をサポートするべき人間はなぜか加害者を擁護するように働きかけます。

04 September, 2011

Anti-terror arrests world wide

I'm probably listed as the potential Muslim terrorist due to my experiences traveling and living in Arabic countries. It's funny as I have been saying I got no interest in Islam and I'm a Christian.

The AP used freedom of information queries, law enforcement data and hundreds of interviews to identify 119,044 anti-terror arrests and 35,117 convictions in 66 countries, accounting for 70 percent of the world's population. The actual numbers undoubtedly run higher because some countries refused to provide information.
So, what is the anti-terror? It's just a bullying by the government authorities to twist anything people say into suspicion and make them targets of COINTELPRO - isolation, bullying and other form of harassment to make them pissed off to turn against them, then catch them as the terrorists. I wish I can stay away from such vicious career focused undercover officers who are paranoia and sadistic in the any way to do the mobbing. These people track down with their delusion to be true and force others to corporate to make the testimony based on their theories. The counter? I think we can share the information of the suspicious people tracking us down and their harassment techniques - if their suspects are terrorists, they can not go public, right? And if they are tracking the wrong person, the information exposed can reveal their operations and eventually it might help to cut the government budget which supposed to be from the citizens' taxes for better way of downsizing.

Oh, well. Happy Burn the Koran Day in advance. I think it'd be fun if some Korans got hollow inside and implant some Chinese crackers for the surprise. I don't really do anything particular, but I like hearing people burning Koran as some perps claim me as if I'm a Muslim. It's just like the same psychological reason like how hating of Jew went through during the Nazi period. If you got suspicion to be a Jew, you hate them, right? It's just happened to me with Muslims, and I'm staying away from them while perps trying to make up conspiracies of me as a Muslim. We live in a sick world. I don't care if anybody else is claimed as a Muslim, but not me.

02 September, 2011

Children in Fukushima might become mental disease 2 times higher than the avarage

According to the article addressing the research done by Dr. Tetsuji Imanaka about the Chernobyl accident, the evacuees in Belarus had 2.06 higher rate of getting mental disease. Also, the children getting mental disease in the area with radioactive contamination get 2 times higher than the area without radioactive contamination.


What about Tokyo? And the rest of the areas with high radioactive contamination in Japan?

My prediction would be the children in Tokyo will get about 2 times higher rate of getting mental disease. It would be fun if some evacuees pretending to get crazy from the radioactive contamination and do the terrorism against TEPCO. They have no problem proving themselves as mentally ill as the research says the possibility. I'm not suggesting the terrorism, but making fun of how far Japanese act like sheeple and eating cesium and other radioactive for their daily meal.

01 September, 2011

Bloggers can have the 1st amendament protection.

Thanks for the logical understanding of the citizen's concern and their rights against the tyranny. I think the filming of police officers on public duty and free speech can help to protect the opinions and experiences of the minorities. Otherwise, the police can make up a story to detain a minority who might not have a chance to oppose against the majority. It's the power matter of police + government vs citizens + journalists. I hope both sides got equal level power to monitor the balance of each side.

The court ruling also made it clear that bloggers who report news based on their recordings of police have equal protection under the law as journalists.