25 February, 2014
KFC clerk cheating the change and it was 10LEI loss for me at Promenada shopping mall

Posted by JB at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking
24 February, 2014
Citibank card can be unlocked by the phone call. I tried it and found out it was not difficult. Some people might have problem listening the answering machine talk till the end. I got caught on that trick. After choosing the number for the language and then push 0 to talk with the operator. It works only during the business hour 9-5pm in Japanese time.
Posted by JB at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
Organized Stalkers Around Me - February 23rd, 2014
Posted by JB at 1:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, OSAM
23 February, 2014
Tampering happend during the evening mass
While I was at the communion, I left my bag at my seat. There was a woman sat right side of me but a bit far away, an old woman to the back and a young couple sat left side of her, a couple sat in front of me. Those people did not move during the communion. Then I went back and saw my bag on the same spot. There were some kids walking around to the left side of the church and it was near my seat. Mine was near the speech tower to the left and I was facing two saints figure on the tower. How could this damage happened? The V2K perps told me that they gonna cut my bag with a knife. Just look at the rip. Is this normal to happen for a short walk? Well, if the perps were around, they should know who did that. Did a mother with a kid showed up to the spot pretending to sit down and made a hole or what? Now I have a serious reason to film the people who do not move during the communion. I was lucky this time as nothing seemed to be stolen. If you see my OSAM for today, you will enjoy the beggar kids showed up and asking money when I was on my way to the church. Romania got so many gypsies, beggars, and gang stalkers.
And here is the Asian guy who sat near me at Spring Time, the fast food restaurant. I was waiting a pizza and he showed up waiting one for himself. There are very few Asians, so I can guess he might be a perp on surveillance. He was alone and it looked much unlikely to have traveler like this way. How many Asiasn in Bucharest? There are 2 Asian men still in my hostel though.
On my way to the church, I saw some German cars. There was a woman in pink bathrobe walking across the street.
Posted by JB at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christianity, Gang Stalking, German car
Citibank is still under maintenance
・シティバンク オンライン
・シティバンク モバイル
・シティバンク オンライン
・シティバンク モバイル
・シティバンク オンライン
・シティバンク モバイル
本件に関するお問合せは、シティバンク オンライン ヘルプデスク(日本国内から0120-41-0956 海外から81-45-330-2888)までご連絡ください。

01/28/14 | 2月22日~23日のシステムメンテナンスによる一部サービスご利用制限と2月23日の銀座支店臨時休業について | |
12/10/13 | 預入期間1週間もの「プレミアム・デポジット」の年末のお取引について |
Posted by JB at 9:14 AM 0 comments
21 February, 2014
20 February, 2014
Swiss car showed up in front of hostel and a Spanish car parked there at night
Later, I saw 2 German cars on the street and some more Swiss cars and Italian cars.
Here is one US car.
Italian, Bulgarian, and so on.
At night, there were one Geneva car parked near my hostel and one Spanish car in front of the hostel. What are they doing?
Posted by JB at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car
The pictures from the cyst remobal surgery
I'm still in trouble with the Citibank PIN lock. The oversea phone number (+81-45-330-2880) for the CitiBank is undermentenance till Sunday 10pm. It supposes to be 24H available. So, I'm saving money and just using minimum from my credit card. I wanted to make an appointment for the CT or X-ray on some parts if they can keep the digital scans. But I must wait till how I unlock the PIN or get the new PIN code. It's always safe to use the bank card to keep my credit card for the emergency. Not a big fasting now. Just small meals per a day and no museum or work in the cafe.
Posted by JB at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diary
19 February, 2014
Mega shopping store clerk cheating on the chage at Bucharest
I ended up in the hostel in Bucharest and now I'm safe. The price is normal and I could get one more night for tonight as I was planning to be in Craiova today and move to Bucharest from tomorrow. I slept till evening as I was so tired from the night trip. Then I went to Mega supermarket nearby. At the entrance, I saw 2 beggar girls asking money. I went in without getting spits or something from them. When I bought foods, the sum was 50.94RON. Then I paid 51RON and the cashier gave me only 10RON back. I started filming and the security guard came and the cashier talked with him in Romanian and gave me 10RON more back to make it 20RON change. Beggars everywhere and I was lucky not to be robbed inside of a supermarket. Now, what kind of rumors the gang stalkers in the store made for today? Any theft? Any money missing? I think the certain clerk or the employees are causing the thefts in the store. If you read Cause Stalking, you will learn about the gang stalkers who are stealing things for their side job.
Here is the receipt.
Posted by JB at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diary, Gang Stalking
17 February, 2014
A Muslim woman in Iulius Mall and 2 Swiss cars
Mickey clothes woman waiting the bus.
The butt showing man eating at the mall.
2 Swiss cars.
One Ontario car.
Unique license.
Bulgarian boarder patrol.
Spanish car near my pansion.
Some German cars as usual.
Posted by JB at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diary, Gang Stalking, German car
16 February, 2014
Organized Stalkers Around Me - February 15th, 2014
The C&A beeping scene is also included. I would add pic links later.
Now I'm heading the city and hanging around before the evening mass at the church.
Posted by JB at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM
Burn? on the gum near my left upper teeth.
Posted by JB at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Diary, Electronic Harassment
A perp woman got caught by passing the security gate at C&A in Iulius Mall in Timisoara yesterday
Posted by JB at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Electronic Harassment, Gang Stalking
11 February, 2014
The Saudi Stadium has no seat for woman
Posted by JB at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: anti-Islam, Humor
Organized Stalkers Around Me - February 10th, 2014
There was an English speaking couple stayed in another room and we shared the bathroom. I saw their bath items in the bathroom left for few days and they got German writing on it. Do they came from Germany or traveled from German area?
When I went out, there was a big pick up with Munich license plate on the street.
Or even a white big van in the Jewish district. More Munich cars in the video for fum. Did they bring Muslims or Chinese from Munich?
I saw Muslims at night. One woman with hijab walking out from the Metro station.
Then there were a black man with two women in hijab. All of these hijab women looked like from Asian countries. I'm sure they are here to do the covert operation and adding Christian like me counted for them in order to claim them to be Muslims to get money from the security job on anti-Terrorism. I suggest people to take out hijab like what France does and no more mosques around for the safety of Christians in the area.
The V2K perps say that they want to replace me with a Chinese Muslim woman. Well, they could bring some perps around from anywhere. Also, they said that they want to do the heading and if they want to check my anal for the normal procedure against Muslims, they need to be naked already and that pert they are talking. As far as I know, I stay safe and I can scream from the window anyone invade my room. Should I need to buy a Srobosjak? I'd get one for my safety but the perps around me would claim I used it with their mental problem claim. I would just share their information as these perps do the same everywhere and certain individuals.
Posted by JB at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gang Stalking, German car, OSAM