06 December, 2008

Participant Observation Skill + System Analysis = ?

This is about a new strategy to study a certain population or culture using the system analysts' approaches. For the regular social scientists including anthropologists, I think they have no knowledge in system analysis which is IT field.

I found how traditional approach and object-oriented approach can be used to reconstruct the functions of a certain culture. I am not sure how many people are working on this way to find theories in social science field, but I notice this issue here as I wanna claim as the founder if nobody use these two approaches for studying society.

When we think about the function of the society or culture, we can divide the system into small parts for studying. It is like we have a whole culture/society as the entire system, and we divide the functions or features of the system by mentioning them. I think this system analysis based approach could be used to study the relationship of certain aspect of the society or culture.

Well, I found this when I got bored from reading too much computer system diagrams and use cases. The weakness of social scientists would be they lack enough education in "science" including math, physics, and logic.