11 March, 2010

Breads contaminated with LSD

I found a very interesting news about another CIA experiments on innocent people.

In 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least five people died, dozens were interned in asylums and hundreds afflicted.

For decades it was assumed that the local bread had been unwittingly poisoned with a psychedelic mould. Now, however, an American investigative journalist has uncovered evidence suggesting the CIA peppered local food with the hallucinogenic drug LSD as part of a mind control experiment at the height of the Cold War.

I hope the victims and their families ask for the compensation to the US government. If they were capable of doing such in France, why can't be happen in Silicon Valley or other place in the US making certain population to act strange?

I think the covert use of LSD and other psychotic drugs are perfect tool for claiming innocent people crazy. Although they do not know about drugs, they are poisoned by others.

The same article says about more aggressive research of human psychology on the minorities.
After the Korean War the Americans launched a vast research programme into the mental manipulation of prisoners and enemy troops.

Psychiatrists are working only for the experiments to gain knowledge from the guinea pigs. Think about the people teaching psychology or psychiatrists? Are they helping the patients? Or they just declare patients to be mentally ill and send them to mental institution as the research subjects? I can say Dr. Wiggsy Sivertsen at SJSU, Dr. Peter Newsom, Dr. Robert Burr and other psychiatrists are capable of treating their patients as so. Be aware of psychiatrists working for the government agencies.


Anonymous said...

El arma del crimen en los atentados terroristas del 11-M, Madrid 11 de Marzo del 2004.

Se ha debatido mucho sobre cual fue el explosivo que se utilizo en en este atentado. Considero que la principal arma que se utilizo en el 11-M fue el control mental por radiacion electromagnetica elf. Con esta tecnologia se consiguio manipular antes durante y despues del atentado a numerosas personas. Estrategicamente es mas importante que el tipo de explosivo. Conociendo la utilizacion de armas de control mental remoto en el atentado terrorista del 11-M, los autores materiales y colaboradores intermedios tienen relativamente menos importancia, debido a que con estas armas radiotronicas consigues que las personas hagan cosas incluso contra su propia voluntad, sin ser conscientes de que estan siendo manipuladas con mensajes subliminales inducidos en el cerebro mediante radiacion elf.
Como victima de gang stalking hace muchos anos, en varias ocasiones se ha intentado sembrar desinformacion haciendome llegar comentarios de que esta tecnologia y mis acosadores estan relacionados con Rusia. El hecho de que intenten hacerme un anchoring para que piense que mi acoso viene de Rusia me confirma lo que ya sabia, que viene de los americanos, con la colaboracion de los ingleses, los autores del 11-M, utilizando mind control weapons

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...

Terrorist attack by NATO secret services, department of clandestine war. Yet another false flag terrorist attack against Spain in May 2003 the plane that was bringing 62 Spanish military home had an accident in Turquey, as a result of which all of these Spanish military died. This criminal terrorist act was covered up as if it was a casual plane accident, accussing the plane pilots of grave errors. Again, as it has later happened with the 11-M terrorist attacks, this is a psychological war attack against the Spanish State by NATO secret services using high tech weapons that can corrupt the plane's flight managment system. Pentagon Satellite laser beams corrupted the Yak-42 flight managment system disorienting the pilots.
The Pentagon and US intelligence agencies do not control their own military power. This military and intelligence power is out of control in the hands of a System of Obedience and Corruption that drives the USA military-financial-industrial complex of interests.
No man can stop the logics of power and profit of this complex of interests. The overwhelming military and intelligence power of the USA is out of control.
Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda