16 March, 2010

Subvocalspeech and V2K microwave hearing

I found an article talking about subvocalspeech control helps to stay away from hypnosis and hearing voices. Since I have no access to the actual article, I share the summary I found in the web page with the link to the actual article. I don't know what kind of hypnosis the normal subjects received in the article, but it seems "a maneuver that precluded subvocalization" helps to get away from voice hearing and normal hypnosis.

My question is that will this same method avoids V2K (microwave hearing) as well? How about the ultrasonic wave bone-conducting voice hearing?

Auditory hallucinations and subvocal speech in schizophrenic patients

PA Bick and M Kinsbourne

Fourteen of 18 hallucinating schizophrenic patients reported that the voices they heard went away when they undertook a maneuver that precluded subvocalization. The same applied to 18 of 21 normal subjects who hallucinated under the influence of hypnotic suggestion. Control maneuvers had no such effect. The authors suggest that auditory hallucinations may be projections of schizophrenic patients' verbal thoughts, subvocalized due to deficient cerebral cortical inhibition.


Anonymous said...

To all gang stalking and electronical harassment target individuals:

The main disinformation spread in internet about gang stalking is:

1) This harassment is conducted by private groups, wheter extremists, mafias, corporations, etc... using hand portable microwave devices placed nearby the Target's home. This is a disinformation. The mind control technology is satellite driven by US military industrial complex, a system of obedience and corruption that pervades the US socio-political influence spheres. The american democratic and constitutional/institucional structure has not been able to control this System ( Eisenhower already warned in 1961)

2) The reason why this harassment is conducted is human experimentation. This is another disinformation. The reason why this mind control technology is being used widespread is because this techonology gives absoulte world power to their handlers (US military industrial complex). The logics of international struggle for power and dominance has prevented this terrible technology from being kept properly under lock. Power can only exist if you constantly abuse this power, to mantain the status quo preventing others from accessing to positions of power. This is the basis and reason behind continuous psychological warfare to population in all democratic nations. This is why all type of terrorism, including gang stalking terrorism, is used as a main tool for military driven psychological warfare. Terrorism is no more than a long term political strategy driven by the military to maintain a country under control.
3) Target individuals, selected ramdomly among innocent people, are the "necessary" scapegoats to carry out this preventive psychological warfare, carried out for the sake of power perpetuation.
4)Targets are deceived through disinformation and manipulation in order to make them believe that they have been selected by some powerful group who hates them, or because they have been protesting about something, or any other reason...This deceivement is a very important part of gang stalking. Its important that the target realises that the underlying reason behind ramdom target selection is that Power needs always scapegoats to transmit intimidation and keep the status quo.

As I have said several times, this phenomen is out of control. No body has the power to stop it.
Tavistock and the like socio-technical research institutions investigated "group dynamics". This is how to create self controlled group behaviour, introducing manipulation and fear among the group members. The problem is when this military socio-tecnical experiments have been carried out with country populations (social engineer)and the fact that mind control tecnology, togheter with advanced human tracking technology, has provided an enormous support for this military social engineering dynamics. Up to the point that it is now out of control and no one, not even the military-industrial cientists and sociologist can spot it.
6) Another widespread disinformation is that microchips are being used. This is to cover up that the actual human tracking technology is far beyond microchips, and that gang stalkingis being carried out combining mass human mind control and infrared radiation military tracking technology.
7) Another disinformation is that street perps are concious that they are harassing the victim. This is not true. MOst of the street perps are unconciously manipulated with remote mind control to perform skits to draw the target's attention and make him believe these perps are aware of the harassment. ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF STREET PERPS ARE MANIPULATED CONCIOUSLY TO HARASS THE TARGETS.

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...

MOst of the information about gang stalking in internet is provided by individuals which is task is to disinform. For example, extensive reports about the Iluminati formula for creating a mind control slave, etc....are disinformation reports being publish to keep the targets deceived that extensive mind control technology is the underlying method used to manipulate all this people. The main effort is placed in hiding the terrific fact that mind control technology is terribly sophisticated nowdays and that is being used massively for socio-political control purposes by the US military-industrial-financial complex of interests.

Leopoldo Ridruej Miranda

Anonymous said...

Terrorismo 11-M. Accidente prefabricado con armas electromagneticas de la OTAN del helicoptero donde viajaban Esperanza Aguirre y Rajoy. Tipica operacion de servicios secretos de la OTAN, controlada por el Pentagono. Operacion similar al accidente provocado al Yak-42 utilizando armas secretas militares para inutilizar los sistemas de vuelo de un helicoptero o avion. La guerra psicologica militar utilizando terrorismo en sus diversas formas para mantener amenazado y controlado el Estado Espanol

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda
Observatorio para la denuncia de los crimenes de los servicios secretos de la OTAN

Anonymous said...

Terrorismo 11-M. Programa de suicidios organizados con control mental bajo el control del Complejo de intereses y corrupcion que controla la CIA y el Pentagono. El Poder necesita psicopatas para extender el terror y el sufrimiento, como parte de su estrategia a largo plazo de guerra psicologica para mantener el Status Quo. Mediante armas de control mental se hace que personas inocentes entren en depresion y se suiciden

Anonymous said...

Gang stalking is social control psychological warfare. Its just another type of terrorism used by military strategists to intimidate and deceive civil population. Gang stalking is done worldwide using mind control technology developed during the 60s and 70s by the US military-industrial complex of interests. Mind control technology is done via satellites so it can reach any citizen in any country with no regard whatsoever to national sovereignity. All European countries have been subdued to this psychological warfare social engineering. Mind control technology has given unchallenged power to the US system of corruption and obidience that controls political, military, intelligence and corporate areas of american society. This unchallenged system of corruption and obedience is not controlled by any specific persons (all the powerful individuals acting on its behave, weather military, intelligence or political individuals, are at the same time subdued to full obedience of this system. So all of them are instrumental of the system). This is how this system that has brought about the terrorific mind control technology is not under the control of anybody and autoperpetuates itself by introducing in a regular basis new corrupted obedient individuals. Its like a freight train running out of control since many many years ago. It is this out of control system, this social mechanism, that has historically brought so much pain and suffering to humanity and that endangers to finish one day with live in our planet.
Of course, some of these puppet and instrumental individuals, insiders of the system, will pose themselves as if they were leaders with real capacity to manage the system. They might even believe this. The deceivement mechanism behind this system is the following:
1) it needs to present "apparent" leaders in order to gain credibility.
2)At the same time it needs scapegoats to indirectly intimidate the population.
This is how the system autoperpetuates itself
Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...

Miyoko :

The world needs some sociology expert to right a good report about anatomy of power, depicting thoroughly how power in human society is structured around a system of corruption and obedience that autoperpetuates itself. Its an autonomous system, not managed by anybody, like a phantom train running full speed out of control. It is by definition anonimous and amoral. It goes along blind, it is guided by interests not by critical thinking
Why don't you write a thorough sociological report about this system of obedience and corruption that is taking humanity to extintion and, as a sociologist expert, what type of social engineering measures could be taken to neutralise it ( this is practically impossible because by definition, one of the characteristics of this system is to work preventing with terrorism and intimidation its substitution by some other system, another less self-destroying system

Anonymous said...

Los intentos del ser humano a lo largo de la historia para neutralizar este Poder arbitrario y descontrolado, construyendo un edificio institucional con leyes y reglas, han fracasado. Son intentos que solo han conseguido mitigar solo de una manera aparente la accion de este Poder descontrolado.

Anonymous said...

Atentado terrorista del 11-M realizado con tecnologia de control mental y radiacion electromagnetica desde satelite.

Estados Unidos publico en 1973 que el Dr Sharp habia conseguido en sus experimentos escuchar voces enviadas por radiacion electromagnetica. Esto sin duda es una desinformacion que nos indica que para esa fecha la tecnologia de control mental estaba mucho mas adelantada. Es imposible que semejante descubrimiento se haga publico en plena guerra fria, debido a que posee evidente utilizacion militar. Suena mas bien a una broma enviada a los rusos por los americanos. Tambien sabemos que en 1963 ya se habia dado mas importancia a la via electromagnetica para el control mental, frente al uso de drogas y torturas. Desde mi punto de vista, la tecnologia de control mental de los militares americanos por induccion subliminal de mensajes, estaba plenamente desarrollada y operativa entre 1965 y 1970. Si estoy en lo cierto, acontecimientos como las revueltas del 68 podrian haberse producido con ayuda de esta tecnologia manipulativa y no con las drogas psicoactivas LSD y de mas, como afirman algunos autores como Daniel Estulin.
Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda.

Anonymous said...

Terrorismo atentado terrorista 11-M, Madrid bombing 11-Marzo-2004.
Como victima de gang stalking conozco como se activan todo tipo de aparatos electronicos a distancia desde satelite. Las victimas de gang stalking ven como les encienden el televisor mientras duermen, como al encender las luces de su casa estallan las bombillas, como cualquier aparto de musica lo pueden encender en cualquier momento. Esto se hace desde satelite con las armas electromagneticas desarrolladas por los militares americanos y sus contratistas militares hace ya muchos años. Luego la activacion de las bombas de los trenes el 11-M se pudo perfectamente realizar desde un satelite militar de la OTAN controlado por el Pentagono.

Anonymous said...

The microwave mind control technology was developed much earlier than we have been made to believe. As back as 1965 or 1966 possibly, for sure no later than 1968, man behaiviour could be totally controled with these microwave weapon. This means the Paris 1968 riots were orchestrated by the USA military and CIA intelligence using this weapons. So we can say may/68 was the first color revolution or riots conducted by the american intelligence. And we can possibly conclude that all the European terrorism conducted by NATO since 1968, including Brigate Rossi, ETA, German terrorism, etc, were conducted using mind control technology. As soon as 1966 possibly, the US intelligence aparatus could fabricate agentes provocatori with mind control technology. We know there two attempts to disinform about the availability of this technology. One in 1973 when Dr Sharp claimed to have been able to listen to synthetic words sent to his brain via electromagnetic waves. But as early as 1966, Dr Jose Delgado published that he had been able to induce feelings and acts in animals and persons. This 1966 publication is another disinformation that tells us that already by that year this technology was full scale developed. So all the European NATO terrorism since 1968, up to Madrid bombings 11-M and London bombings7-July-2005, ofcourse also 11-september, were conducted using mind control technology.
Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...

Mind control technology managed by the US military aparatus has been used for 11-M Madrid terrorist bombings. This mind control microwave technology is operative since the end of the 60s. Terrorism, in all its variations, including gang stalking, has been used since then as the main tool for targeting European population with psychological warfare, and as a long term policy to manipulate and subdue any country in the world, including all the European countries. With mind control technology the corrupted US industrial/financial/military complex of interest controls all European police, secret services, newspapers, media and politics. The reason why this blind, uncontrolled complex of interests conducts all these sorts of terrorism, including against its own country, is to maintain status quo, control of power and continue benefiting their insider bussinesses. This is how the existing Power System has mind control technology as one of its key pillars to maintain subdued world population, police and secret services (all world secret services are abducted into cooperating with this System of Power, and one of their main task is to continually disinform the population). One of the main pillars of continuous psychological warfare is to disinform and deceive the population through the media.
Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda

Anonymous said...

Nos dicen que las sociedades tienden naturalmente a aumentar su degradacion, entropia, o grado de desorden, y que se requiere constantemente imputs de energia y trabajo para contrarestar esta tendencia de las sociedades humanas a degenerarse. Este trabajo de reduccion de entropia social en el sistema se hace mediante instituciones, leyes, policia, etc. (el grado maximo de entropia social seria la anarquia). Sin embargo podemos haber llegado a una situacion, en que la entropia es producida por el propio Sistema intencionadamente.Crear continuadamente caos mediante acciones terroristas y otras formas de guerra psicologica, para asi dinamizar el proceso de regeneracion de la sociedad. El problema viene cuando esta politica de generacion de caos deja de estar controlada. Como dijo Serravalle, el jefe de los servicios secretos italianos, sobre la red clandestina Gladio: " "yo me encargue de crearla pero ya nadie la controla ni la puede parar". Este es el principal temor sobre la aplicacion de politicas de contrainsurgencia por parte de los servicios secretos militares a partir de 1968, que ya nadie las controla ni las puede parar.
El desarrollo de tecnologia de control mental por parte de los americanos ha podido crear un frankenstein fuera de control. Hablo de un sistema inteligente que funcione autonomamente cuya tarea sea fabricar entropia social, incertidumbre, caos,.... terrorismo, guerra, un sistema que estaria funcionando al limite de la inteligencia artificial, manipulando a milles de seres humanos mediante control mental remoto con radiacion electromagnetica. Estoy intentando describir con palabras lo que algunos autores dicen en referencia a que la poblacion mundial puede acabar esclavizada, dependiendo de un sistema de control social fabricado por los mismos hombres.
La tecnologia de control mental se esta utilizando diariamente con un grado de extension enorme combinandola con los manuales de contrainsurgencia militar. Es el nuevo Cointelpro, pero mucho mas sofisticado y extendido mundialmente. Se habla de uno de cada cien americanos sometidos ya a guerra psicologica mediante este Sistema inteligente y autonomo

Leopoldo Ridruejo Miranda