20 August, 2010

The reason why the TIs are surrounded by the people trying to have sexual relationship

I think prostitute claim is one of the common accusation in gang stalking. It's not only popular for the gang stalking but also the agents who tried to claim the sexual harassment by their bosses. The use of the method is written in the book, Piercing the Veil of Secrecy: Litigation Against U.S. Intelligence.

Basically, why the victim suddenly surrounded by the people looking for close relationship is that these people are trying to make the evidence of the victim to be the one with such "dirty record." These people engaged in "one-way investigation" is to prove the victim's suspicious behavior rather than their claims on another person who they want to protect.

Because what they are doing is the proving something afterwards, so the victim won't have any suspicious records before them. Probably, the beginning of their such claim has been started from the time the victim complained about the sexual harassment or became the target of gang stalking.


Unknown said...

I would even say : " to get closer of their victim and proceed to nasty things during their sleep..."

Dear Mrs Bauer, u have a guestbook message...please...