30 March, 2011

The best jokes about the nuke plant in Fukushima

The facts are funnier than the fictions. It's on Japanese only, but they are really funny. If you don't understand Japanese, try to use a translator software. I don't know if what the author says is true, but it's just funny to see how everything went by cutting the costs and outsourcing the dangerous jobs. I hope it's just a joke posted on a forum.

I wonder why the company does not use homeless people for the cleaning up jobs this time. It's quite popular way to reduce the homeless population in Japan and cleaning the nuke plants at the same time.

159 :名無しさん@3周年:2011/03/27(日) 16:00:02.30 ID:F3RTAG/b



160 :159のつづき:2011/03/27(日) 16:01:37.34 ID:F3RTAG/b


161 :160のつづき:2011/03/27(日) 16:02:14.63 ID:F3RTAG/b

・1号機水溜りの測定生データ出したら、再臨界してるだろってばれちゃいました ←追加


28 March, 2011

Japanese earthquake victims dying by the cold weather in evacuation centers

Can anyone help the Japanese earthquake victims in Iwate and other Northeastern prefectures? They are frozen to death in the evacuation centers due to the lack of heat resources. It's quite bad to see people survived dying in the evacuation centers and their homes or inside their cars.
 3月下旬だというのに被災地の東北の寒さはハンパじゃない。岩手は24日も雪だった。深夜から朝にかけて氷点下の毎日。そんな中で寒くて眠れず、凍死す る避難民が増えているからムゴイ話だ。
「新聞社などの集計だと、避難所で死んだ人が30人を超えたという。死因は公表されていないが、大半は凍死です。灯油が届かない避難所は最悪で、朝方は冷 蔵庫の中の寒さと同じです。毛布にくるまっても、小学校の体育館の木の床が冷たくて段ボールを敷いたくらいじゃ、眠れない。それで死んでしまう老人が多い のです。せっかく大地震と津波から生き延びて避難所に逃げたのに、かわいそうなものです」
 避難所の世話にならず、電気、ガス、水道が通らない半壊の自宅や、ガソリンのない自家用車の中で暮らす被災者の凍死もあるという。実数は、とても30人 じゃ済まない。
「一瞬にして、家も仕事もなくなり、さらに家族全員を亡くした人が気持ちが切れてしまうのです。当初は、安否が分からない家族を捜し、気持ちも張り詰めて いたが、次第に目の前が真っ暗になり、悔恨や絶望で、生きていても仕方ないと落ち込んでしまう。阪神大震災のときもそうだったが、これから急増するはずで す」
 テレビで連日流される避難所の映像が全てではない。そのウラには、もっとひどい厳しい現実がある。「道路がない」「配送車がない」と、食料や灯油が山積 みされている役所の奥の方で、報道されない悲劇が進行中なのだ。手渡しだろうが、米軍のヘリに手助けしてもらおうが、どんな手を使ってでも、菅政権は、生 き残った被災民への物資輸送と人命救助を最優先しなければいけないのだ。事件は、福島原発だけで起きているのではない。
I feel the situation quite dumb but it seems a true story. The government did not let the plants buried yet to avoid the radiation leak. The government's suggested voluntarily evacuation areas near the nuke plants are around 30-40km range. This is almost half size of what the US government suggested for the American citizens; 80km from the nuke plants.

The area again got earthquake yesterday. I think the real victims did not get the help from the donations. You know what happened to the money - as I mentioned before in this blog. That's called Japan's infamous sectionalism and high management costs for everything. Of course, the Japanese government won't let people know the survivers died from cold weather and suicides. Everyone would be counted as "suicide" to make their death counts separated from the relation with the disasters.

26 March, 2011

Radioactive leakage - bury it already!

Bury it already. I feel like watching the real version of radioactive nightmare in Springfield from The Simpsons. I have seen some donation plans going on for helping Japan. Well, I don't really know how they are collecting and how much they take for the management purpose and what kind of people they are helping. Maybe, someone should create a donation program for the funds to bury the nuke plants and give some aid for the workers sent to the hospitals. Again, I'm saying that we never know how much people take the donation to management purpose. Radioactive leak can help getting attention from people to worry about Japan and that can eventually cause more donation though. I know there is Japan Tsunami relief going on, but the next one would be for Japan radioactive relief..

25 March, 2011

Yellow Rain in Tokyo

They should thank about the rain's color. It was not black for the worst.

18 March, 2011

The draft of my new short book - the gaslighting at a church convent

Here is the file. Open Office format. I do not want to share the direct link to the total strangers, but I want to make the file ready for the people interested. It does not have much details, so I decided to share the information as the good preview.

Here is the riddle: last 3 parts, you must consider the Northwestern wind. You must solve the riddle to get the right address.


If you don't get the riddle and still want the file, please contact me at FB.

17 March, 2011

Draft on the gang stalking experience inside of the church boundery

It seems the perpetrators spending so much effort to keep me away from the subject of writing the draft about the gang stalking experience inside of churches. When I decide to write the draft, I suddenly found myself to feel the need of doing something else. Like my priority is switched to another thing. It could be one of the EH that makes the person to stay away from the particular things which is not favorable for them. Also, I experience the sudden coughing from the stiffness in my throat and other symptoms on my body.

However, I was capable to finish the Introduction and some index part of the book. I don't know how I leave it as the result. My first interest was to share my experience of how the living in a sanctuary still get problem from the gang stalking - because the perps will live with the TI in the guest house. For example, a man stayed next to my room engaged in the conversation with gaslighting; he left his room door open at whole night; and he never visited the chapel for the mass even on Sunday. Another elderly guest was asking him like "how is your room mate?" I don't know what was going on but he did not have a room mate, and it seemed obviously for the set up of gaslighting or making the false witness of creating gossips. There were more to go for the sensitization with books and some things that were coincidentally there. I'm talking from the true experience. However, if I write down as not-declared-as-non-fiction, then it should be a very interesting story to tell.

For the experience of gang stalking, I can add my experience happened at the Gemaindehaus in Aarau Catholic church. The perps there were non-Catholics but protestant volunteers. Also, some of the refugees from different countries.

In either case, I have the evidences like pictures to back up my story. So, I don't have problem on my side as a victim of gaslighting. These people caliming me as having delusion cannot share any information as fact except for false witnesses.

I know these perps want to kick me out from the church. That is very reasonably for the prime gang stalking goal - Nullify. If I'm not the real victim, then I don't have so many experience on the psychological harassment anywhere I visit. And my story shares the real harassments still going on inside of the church in these days. It's not like the time of segregation in the South to separate people to be black or white brothers and sisters pretending to believe that they have different heavens. What I write is the information on how the people are harassed inside of the church. What we need is to avoid such things, if we want a real peace for everyone.

16 March, 2011

The significant difference between Japanese government and others

I always thought the Japanese government thinks the citizens' rights and lives very right like during the feudalism period. Japan got generations of politicians and other form of dictatorships, you know.

Here is a good comparison why it is very sad to born in Japan. From Alex Jones' article. Japanese government tells people living within 30km from the meltdown point to stay inside. Meanwhile, the foreign governments are asking their citizens to evacuate from Tokyo and other area far from the meltdown point. Japan's human right's is now worse than Chinese one..

#1 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is urging all people living within 30 kilometers of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility to stay indoors.

#14 The French embassy in Tokyo is advising French citizens to leave the city.

#15 The German embassy in Tokyo is advising all German citizens to leave the country entirely.

#16 German technology company SAP is evacuating their offices in Tokyo.

#17 Austria has announced that it is moving its embassy from Tokyo to Osaka due to fears about the radiation.

#18 Finland is urging all of their citizens to leave Tokyo.

#19 The Czech military is sending planes to Japan specifically to evacuate the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.

#20 Air China is canceling many flights to Tokyo.

#21 The Chinese Embassy has announced that it will be evacuating all Chinese citizens from the Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki and Iwate prefectures.

#22 Russia is making preparations to evacuate civilians and military unitsfrom the Kuril Islands.


15 March, 2011

Mr. Fukushima says the radioactive is worse than Chernovyl

One article says that the writer, Mr Fukushima, says that Japan's situation is worse than the time of Chernovyl in Ukraine. He mentions about the report on Days Japan. Here is the quote from the article showing the report of Mr. Morisue who is a photographer and visited Futaba Town. It says that radiation is higher than the maximum measurable point on the counter. The town became deserted.

いま福島第一原発の町 双葉町(ふたばちょう)の取材から帰ってきました。
双葉町役場や双葉厚生病院 はすさまじい放射線が出ていました。
チェ ルノブイリ事故の現場から二〇〇メートルのところより酷(ひど)い。測定器は振り
切れてしまった。 町はゴーストタウンになっている。
Oh, well. Mr. Fukushima says that people in Japan are waiting to die in their homes. Because of the radiation, they cannot go out nor travel for the evacuation. I wonder what will happens, but the truth will be revealed in next few weeks. If more people died in the nuke plants or among the SDF solders, the government cannot keep the news hidden. The satellites have the capacity of checking the roads at the range of 10cm or less for the highest resolution. If some people moving dead bodies, they can count them or where they moved. Some bodies would be counted as the people drowned from the tsunami. But such bodies cannot be buried as the normal ones because of the active radioactive danger.

Frankly, I really don't know what will happen next. But it's good that oil price reduced and Japanese Yen is strong. That should be some way to help the situation - like the transportation of the aids and the government to buy some aids from foreign countries.

If Japan really ends because of the Earthquake, I don't really know what I would do. Probably, I can ask any country for the humanitarian asylum to become a immigrant. If it really happens, maybe I will ask it first at Vatican Embassy :)

14 March, 2011

Tsunami and the aftermath

It was an eye-opener for me to find out the earthquake. I had a regular day, and someone else told me about the news. I thought it was just a regular one - like M4 to M5 level causing some old buildings to cause corruption. The movies are quite amazing to see how the small coastal villages swallowed into water.

Then I thought; why people are so ignorant on natural disaster prevention than terrorism?

Say, natural disasters often happen without real reason or stakeholders. Well, if it's done by Supermoon or HAARP, then it would be a different story. But why the government does not spend more money for the possible natural disasters?

The reason I can find is that the government is so ignorant on the rural areas. Also, the power supplying companies are more concerned on the profits to cut the costs on extra things. It's silly that so many people did not really care about the possibility of what would happen if they do not prepare well for the natural disasters and losing everything including their lives.

09 March, 2011

Japanese Intelligence surveillance on Muslims

I guess the incident of the data leak on the Internet from the Japanese Intelligence agent tells how they help FBI for the COINTELPRO. It tells the reason why the perps love to claim me for Muslim. I encountered a bath tub with earth and short straight hairs left. It looked like gaslighting to me. I do shave the hairs around the neck or the front area of the ears. That one I was able to guess who was the cause as there was a suspicious person stayed close to me.

I hope I don't get harassed even when I attend the Mass in churches. I know PSYOP needs to be done to harass the target, but the concept of the harassment is nothing but the discrimination of another person. I'm not Muslim and never wanted to become one as I feel their religion is sexist and not appearing for me at all. I never thought to be aware that some people making suspicion for the conspiracy of me as Muslim until I found out perps doing something strange for the gaslighting. From my experience, I can say that these setting up of sexual harassment rumors on Catholics are done by the perpetrators - like the typical COINTELPRO operation. They just love to make up anything to ruin the target's image. They set up the situation and make up false claims on the innocent people. I don't know if they want to claim as Christian while engaged in false witness which is a gravely sin, but it's nice to be on the side to be oppressed than the side to engage in the harassment. I take the view of St. Maximilian than Caeser; to do no harm than to do something great with many sacrifices. When there are more victims, it's natural to help these of oppressed. Thus, I share the information of the gang stalking evidences to help other victims.

It sounds like Japan is a dangerous place to me by setting up false Muslim claims. The Japanese intelligence are targeting Muslims as if terrorists. I'm a Catholic but they probably don't mind making up a file as potential Muslim because I speak Arabic and lived in Arabic country. It's like the situation of Paolo Miki, he was claimed as Philippines and martyred. I don't really care about Muslims nor what they do at all. And I believe Al-Caeda thing is the CIA operation and the WTC fell because of the controlled demolition with the help of the FBI. There is no reason why engage in any suspicious group at all - because I would think they would be just a set-up for waiting an innocent person to be trapped. If I encounter any suspicious activity, I would just film it and share it in the Internet.

Here is the information about the speech about the Japanese intelligence targeting Muslims. I don't care about Muslims in Japan, but it's very interesting to see how Japanese intelligence are oppressive like Chinese. I'm sure Soka Gakkai and other cult informants would love the discrimination because of their religious belief to convert others into their religion. The Muslim victims are claimed as mentally ill, and that part seems to be similar to my case. They might be kidnapped with the claim of themselves committing suicide by the worring of the third person and later changed to be dangerous to others or gravely disabled to keep them locked in the mental hospital for the MKULTRA/Edgewood Experiment like human experiment to be used for the benefit of the Japanese scientists.




昨年10月、インターネット上 に流出した公安捜査資料114点。
家族状況やモスクへの出入り、金融機関やホテ ルへの宿泊の情報など、
イス ラム教徒であるというだけでテロリスト扱いされ、失職、経営不振、
公安警察の違 法捜査の実態をあぶりだし、
今 回の事件で明らかになった幾つもの問題の深層を、

青木  理(元共同通信公安担当記者)
田原 牧(東京新聞記者)
吉岡 忍(ノンフィクション作家)
梓 澤和幸(弁護士)司会


◆開場:文京区民 センター(2-A会議室)



 大江戸 線・三田線「春日駅」

問 い合わせ:

Strange events in England

UK has been installed many surveillance cameras and speakers for the surveillance. I learned that their religious communities also have speeches for the religious people to help how they can negotiate with their faith and the beliefs. Mercy and justice are often contradicted for the law and crime matters. Too much restriction such as naked scanner installation to church entrances would cause conflicts from the people who have tendency to believe people are bone to be good natured.

I found out that there is a event aiming for the religious to balance out their moral and security. "Faith Matters" gives lectures to the religious communities. I don't know what they suggests, but it would be interesting to learn how such issues going on in England. Perhaps, TIs can learn how to stay away from the organized stalkings that set up things to make the victim to be under the pressure from the 24/7 surveillance and harassment by Communist-like psychological operations. And I wonder how the UK cops would work on the organized stalking that causes similar patterns of incidents to sensitize the victim like someone with veil sit in front of the target inside of the church for the conspiracy of the one as Muslim. If there are so many surveillance cameras, they should be able to figure out the sensitization technique going on.

There is also an interesting event going on. In "A Day with Mary" website I found out about "300 club." It's a lottery for winning £100 for the first praise by paying £12 for the entry. It does not say how many first praises nor 2nd or 3rd ones. I found out the combination quite funny - marian devotion and lottery. I hope the website will be there in the next year or later as it says that they have 25th anniversary for the event this year.

07 March, 2011

People asking me same questions

I found out the people asking the same questions these days. They live in the same place or just visiting the area. These questions are:

  • Do you practice Karate/Aikido?
  • Do you like drink/sake?
  • When are you going back to Japan?
The first question can be to make the report that I would be potentially dangerous as I know the martial arts. Because of Dr. English-Lueck's lie, I was ending up to be the victim of the new MKULTRA-like program. I never hurt someone in my life, yet because of her I was worried as potentially hurting myself and then twisted it to be potentially hurting someone else.
The second question is to make the report of me as alcoholic or not. These people often offer me some drinks. Well, I do drink only few occasions like the meal time to avoid the claim of Muslim. The perps seemed to love claiming TI as Muslims because that is easy to warn others.
The third one is probably to know about my intention of going back. I would rather buy the economic citizenship in a South American country. Or I would love receive the one from Vatican.. It would be sweet to stay away from the Christian persecution in Japan by the perps and the cult people in a sanctuary. Too bad that the churches are often under the pressure from the community's demands.

Ah, by the way, I had a strange incident today. I was on the line to a museum. When I stood on the line, two Japanese girls about early 20s came behind me. They started talking about how Japan became difficult to go out when someone has a passport with lots of traveling histories. First they were talking about such and then one of them started to explain that is because of the conspiracy of spy or something. The funny thing is that I turned on my camera to film the street video. It caught their suspicious conversation going behind me. Then they started talking about the difficulty of entrance and another one asked which country and the one talking said that it's the country I stay. How often such conversation happens while waiting on the line to a museum and how often someone get the people from own country stand behind of him or her in another country? They seemed to be in school, but I don't really see the point why they are traveling in this period of time and how such conversation has been going on behind me. It's quite strange to say as a coincidence to me. It was rather I would say as Gaslighting. Last few weeks, I encountered French people. Now German and Japanese.
How do I identify them as perps? Check out the above specific questions... It's not usual conversation topics with a Japanese person, arn't they?