09 March, 2011

Japanese Intelligence surveillance on Muslims

I guess the incident of the data leak on the Internet from the Japanese Intelligence agent tells how they help FBI for the COINTELPRO. It tells the reason why the perps love to claim me for Muslim. I encountered a bath tub with earth and short straight hairs left. It looked like gaslighting to me. I do shave the hairs around the neck or the front area of the ears. That one I was able to guess who was the cause as there was a suspicious person stayed close to me.

I hope I don't get harassed even when I attend the Mass in churches. I know PSYOP needs to be done to harass the target, but the concept of the harassment is nothing but the discrimination of another person. I'm not Muslim and never wanted to become one as I feel their religion is sexist and not appearing for me at all. I never thought to be aware that some people making suspicion for the conspiracy of me as Muslim until I found out perps doing something strange for the gaslighting. From my experience, I can say that these setting up of sexual harassment rumors on Catholics are done by the perpetrators - like the typical COINTELPRO operation. They just love to make up anything to ruin the target's image. They set up the situation and make up false claims on the innocent people. I don't know if they want to claim as Christian while engaged in false witness which is a gravely sin, but it's nice to be on the side to be oppressed than the side to engage in the harassment. I take the view of St. Maximilian than Caeser; to do no harm than to do something great with many sacrifices. When there are more victims, it's natural to help these of oppressed. Thus, I share the information of the gang stalking evidences to help other victims.

It sounds like Japan is a dangerous place to me by setting up false Muslim claims. The Japanese intelligence are targeting Muslims as if terrorists. I'm a Catholic but they probably don't mind making up a file as potential Muslim because I speak Arabic and lived in Arabic country. It's like the situation of Paolo Miki, he was claimed as Philippines and martyred. I don't really care about Muslims nor what they do at all. And I believe Al-Caeda thing is the CIA operation and the WTC fell because of the controlled demolition with the help of the FBI. There is no reason why engage in any suspicious group at all - because I would think they would be just a set-up for waiting an innocent person to be trapped. If I encounter any suspicious activity, I would just film it and share it in the Internet.

Here is the information about the speech about the Japanese intelligence targeting Muslims. I don't care about Muslims in Japan, but it's very interesting to see how Japanese intelligence are oppressive like Chinese. I'm sure Soka Gakkai and other cult informants would love the discrimination because of their religious belief to convert others into their religion. The Muslim victims are claimed as mentally ill, and that part seems to be similar to my case. They might be kidnapped with the claim of themselves committing suicide by the worring of the third person and later changed to be dangerous to others or gravely disabled to keep them locked in the mental hospital for the MKULTRA/Edgewood Experiment like human experiment to be used for the benefit of the Japanese scientists.




昨年10月、インターネット上 に流出した公安捜査資料114点。
家族状況やモスクへの出入り、金融機関やホテ ルへの宿泊の情報など、
イス ラム教徒であるというだけでテロリスト扱いされ、失職、経営不振、
公安警察の違 法捜査の実態をあぶりだし、
今 回の事件で明らかになった幾つもの問題の深層を、

青木  理(元共同通信公安担当記者)
田原 牧(東京新聞記者)
吉岡 忍(ノンフィクション作家)
梓 澤和幸(弁護士)司会


◆開場:文京区民 センター(2-A会議室)



 大江戸 線・三田線「春日駅」

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